Maywood Youth Athletic Association Rec Baseball Information
MYAA Rec Baseball registration occurs annually from early January to Mid February. The MYAA will provide each player with a full uniform (hat, shirt, pants, and socks). The Rookies, Minors, Majors, and Big Diamond division teams will also be given one set of catcher’s equipment (mask with helmet, shin guards, and chest protector) each.
Each player will need to provide their own glove, helmet, bat, heart guard, and athletic supporter (cup). The MYAA will not provide any of these equipment.
MYAA Rec Baseball is a Spring sport with practices beginning early to mid March (depending on weather). Games traditionally occur at the beginning of April to the end of May/beginning of June. Each team will play in 8 games total with no games scheduled on Memorial Day Weekend.
All MYAA Rec Baseball games are played on Saturdays. If a game is canceled it will be made up either the following Saturday or during the week. Practices occur once a week with Pre-K Tee Ball and Kindergarten Tee Ball usually playing/practicing on Saturdays only. All games are Maywood vs Maywood except at the 7th/8th grade level, which plays in a REC league.
MYAA Rec Baseball Division Ages/Grade Breakdown:
Pre-K Tee Ball: This division is for players who are currently in Pre-K 4 and will be attending Kindergarten in the Fall.
Pre-K Tee Ball is purely a clinic style division. players will be learning the skills needed to build a successful foundation in the sport of baseball. The primary focus is learning the skills needed to play the game of baseball. Ultimately, as the season progresses this division's goal is to play mini organized games.
Field Size: 40’ Mound x 60’ Bases
Time of clinic : 1 hour
Registration Fee : $50 per player
Kindergarten Tee Ball: This division is for players who are currently registered in Kindergarten. Similar to Pre-K Tee Ball, this division is purely a clinic with more emphasis on in-game situations. Players will be learning how to hit, throw, catch, and run as well as where to throw the ball in certain situations, where to run once you hit the ball, etc.
Field size: 40’ Mound x 60’ Bases
Time of clinic: 1 hour
Registration Fee: $50 per player
Rookies: This division is for players who are currently in 1st Grade and 2nd Grade. This is the first division where practices will occur in addition to real baseball games. It will be “coach pitch” style and if the player doesn’t put the ball in play after 5 pitches, the player will hit off a standing tee. This division's focus in having players learn how to play different positions in the field.
Field size: 40’ Mound x 60’ Bases
Time of practice: 1 hour
Time of games: 1.5 hours
Registration Fee: $50 per player
Minors: This division is for players who are currently in 3rd Grade and 4th Grade. Teams playing real "kid pitch" games and if the pitcher walks 3 batters in one inning the coach will substitute pitch to finish the inning. The same player can re-enter the game to pitch the next inning. Players are only allowed to pitch a maximum of two innings.
Field size: 46’ Mound x 60’ Bases
Time of practice: 1 hour
Time of games: 1.5 hours
Registration Fee: $80 per player
Majors: This division is for players who are currently in 5th Grade and 6th Grade. This is a kid pitch only division where players will be allowed to lead and steal bases as well. Games are like actual baseball games.
Field size: 50’ Mound x 70’ Bases
Time of practice: 1 hour
Time of games: 2 hours
Registration Fee: $100 per player
Big Diamond: This division is for players who are currently in 7th Grade and 8th Grade. As far as rules, this is as close to high school level baseball as possible. There will be leading, stealing, balks, passed balls, etc. Because there is usually only one team at this level that team will enter a REC league. Games can be on Saturdays as well as during the week.
Field size: 60’6” Mound x 90’ Bases
Time of practice: 1.5 hours
Time of games: 2.5 hours
Registration Fee: $100 per player