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Division Summary by Age


































* This table shows where kids of a certain age typically play.

Divisions of Play

Baseball Divisions-2025

Division & Ages
(as of Sept. 1st)
Days of Play

Ages 4-18
 Fridays 6-7pmThe Challenger Division enables boys and girls with physical and mental challenges to enjoy baseball. Teams are set up according to abilities, rather than age. Games can be Tball, coach pitch, player pitch, or a combination.  See below for more information.
Ages 4-6
(optional practice*) 6-7pm
TBall is the first introduction to baseball for new players. Players will learn the basics of baseball in a supportive, positive, and encouraging environment. All players will have an opportunity to bat and play defense every inning. Score will not be kept at this level. Teams will play up to 7 games pending weather conditions. 
*The optional practice will be at the discretion/availability of the coach.  If you want to play twice a week, we'd recommend you sign up as the coach.  This division is usually lacking enough coaches.  
A - Coach Pitch
Ages 7-8 (6*,9*)
 Mondays & Wednesdays 6-7pm (optional practice**)*1 year or more of TBall is encouraged prior to Coach Pitch.

At the Coach Pitch level, the Coach pitches, and a safety ball is used. If necessary, the coach can determine that a player should hit off a tee to finish the at bat. The primary objective at this level is to ensure each player has a positive experience with baseball and desires to play again the following year. All players will have an opportunity to bat and play defense every inning. Score will not be kept at this level. 

Skills expected to register for this division: the ability to swing at and sometimes make contact with a softly pitched ball; the ability to throw a ball generally to another player from about 30 feet away; and the ability to pay attention to and follow directions from a coach (particularly when playing in the infield where balls are hit harder than in tee ball).  Teams will play up to 14 games pending weather conditions (makeups are not guaranteed).

*6 and 9 year olds may join this division if they have the skills listed above and attend the skills day (see Training tab) to demonstrate they should play in this division.
**The optional practice will be at the discretion/availability of the coach.  If you want to play three times a week, we'd recommend you sign up as the coach.  This division is usually lacking enough coaches.  
AA – Developmental Kid Pitch
Ages 8-10 (7*,11*)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 
(optional practice**) 6-7:15pm
*1-2 years of Coach Pitch is encouraged prior to the AA level.

At this level, players are introduced to player-pitch and for the first time, three outs will be enforced. Teams will hit with a continuous batting order and only nine players will play on defense at the same time. This is an introductory level where players will be given an opportunity to try all positions and learn the flow of a baseball game. Teams will play up to 14 games pending weather conditions (makeups are not guaranteed).
The following rules will be followed:
  • Coaches will umpire their own games
    • No walks, if a pitcher throws 4 balls the coach will step in and throw 4 pitches.  If the batter does not get a hit, the batter will be out. 
    • Players cannot move up on wild pitches
    • No Stealing, No advancing on past balls
    • Innings will stop if three outs are made or if 5 runs have been scored
    • Score may be kept but there will be no recording of games, no tournament, or league standings
    • Skills expected to register for this division: the ability to throw a ball 40 ft and catch a thrown ball consistently; the ability to field and throw a ball to first base consistently; the ability to hit a pitched ball; and the ability to maintain attention on a hitter when in the field with minimal or no reminders from coaches.

    *7 and 11 year olds may join this division if they have the skills listed above and attend the skills day (see Training tab) to demonstrate they should play in this division.
    **The optional practice will be at the discretion/availability of the coach.  If you want to play three times a week, we'd recommend you sign up as the coach.    

AAA – Competitive
Ages 8-10, 11**
Tuesdays & Thursdays 
with one practice per week in addition to games*) 6-7:30pm
*1-2 years of AA Developmental Kid Pitch is encouraged and players should have experienced success at the AA level.

At this level, Little League rules will apply and a higher level of game understanding is taught. AAA introduces a much more competitive environment where kids pitch, umpires are present, score and standings are kept and a playoff system is implemented. Playing time will be relatively even but not all players will see an equal time at all positions. Teams will play up to 14 games pending weather conditions (makeups are not guaranteed). Teams will play 3x per week with 2 games and 1 practice. Cost includes two practices at the beginning of the season at the indoor Mariners facility on a Friday Evening or Saturday morning.  

The following rules will be followed: 

  • Continuous batting order
  • Pitch counts limitations 
  • Stealing is allowed when the ball crosses the plate
  • Players may move up on wild pitches 
    • If a thrown ball gets by a fielder, runners may continue to move as long as the ball is in play
    • Mercy rules apply when it comes to offensive runs scored 

    *Practices will be on non-game days, tbd based on coach and field availability, these may fall on a friday or saturday. 

    **11 year olds should play in the Majors Division.  Players that are 11 and attend a skills day (see Training tab) and demonstrate their skills more closely aligns with the AAA Division will be allowed to play in this Division. 

Ages 10-12
Mondays & Wednesdays with one practice per week in addition to games*) 6-7:30pm*2-3 years of AA/AAA is encouraged.

At this level, all AAA rules still apply as players gain more experience and skill. Little League rules will apply, and our oldest and best players should be at this level. If your child is 12 but has not played organized baseball, or has not achieved a minimum level of skill, your majors coach can recommend the player be designated for a AAA team. Teams will play up to 14 games pending weather conditions (makeups are not guaranteed). Teams will play 3x per week with 2 games and 1 practice. Cost includes two practices at the beginning of the season at the indoor Mariners facility on a Friday Evening or Saturday morning.  

*Practices will be on non-game days, tbd based on coach and field availability, these may fall on a friday or saturday.  

Challenger Division

The Challenger Division was established in 1989 as a separate division of Little League to enable boys and girls with physical and mental challenges, ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in high school, to enjoy the game of baseball along with the millions of other children who participate in this sport worldwide.  Today, more than 30,000 children participate in more than 900 Challenger Divisions worldwide. 

Teams are set up according to abilities, rather than age, and can include as many as 15-20 players. Challenger games can be played as tee ball games, coach pitch, player pitch, or a combination of the three.

In a Challenger game, each player gets a chance to bat. The side is retired when the offense has batted through the roster, or when a pre-determined number of runs have been scored, or when three outs are recorded. Little League recommends that no score be kept during Challenger games. The Challenger players wear the same uniforms, shoulder patches and safety equipment as other Little League players.

Spokane South Little League major division players participate each year with the Challenger division as "buddies".   The buddies assist the Challenger players on the field, but whenever possible, encourage the players to bat and make plays themselves. However, the buddy is always nearby to help when needed.

Parents and teenagers are strongly encouraged to become involved in this uniquely-rewarding division of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, teenagers may become buddies, while parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league. 

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