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As the new season of Little League approaches, we are excited to welcome both returning and new families to our community. Little League is more than just a sports program; it is an opportunity for our children to learn important life skills, develop friendships, and create lasting memories. However, the success of our league depends on the dedication and support of our volunteers. We invite you to join us in making this season a memorable and enriching experience for all by volunteering as a coach, assistant coach, or board member.

Our league is entirely run by volunteers—people just like you who generously give their time and energy to ensure our children have a safe and fun environment to play baseball and softball. Without volunteers, we simply cannot provide the quality program that our children deserve. From teaching the fundamentals of the game to organizing events and managing league operations, every role is vital to the smooth functioning of the league.

Volunteering as a coach or assistant coach is an incredibly rewarding experience. You do not need to be a baseball expert; what matters most is your enthusiasm and willingness to support and guide our young athletes. As a coach, you will have the unique opportunity to mentor players, foster teamwork, and build confidence in a supportive and positive environment.

Each year, we struggle to find enough coaches to accommodate all the eager young athletes who want to play. Without sufficient coaches, we face the unfortunate possibility of having to limit the number of players our league can accept. This means some children might miss out on the opportunity to participate, learn, and grow through this wonderful experience. By stepping up to volunteer as a coach or assistant coach, you can help ensure that every child who wants to play gets the chance to be on a team.

Joining the board as a member also offers a fantastic way to contribute. Our board members are the backbone of our league, handling everything from scheduling and communications to fundraising and field maintenance. Your skills, ideas, and efforts can make a significant impact on the overall success of the league. By working together, we can create a well-organized, enjoyable experience for our children and their families.

We understand that time is a precious commodity, and committing to volunteer roles can seem daunting. However, even a few hours a week can make a significant difference. Volunteering is also a wonderful way to get involved in the community, meet other parents, and set a positive example for our children about the importance of giving back.

We encourage you to consider volunteering this season. Your involvement is crucial, and together, we can ensure that our Little League remains a vibrant, thriving part of our community. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a fantastic season ahead!

Registering as a coach or assistant coach is easy and can be done when registration is open through the same account where the players are registered.  Please email us with any questions or to discuss how you can volunteer.  Email: [email protected]   

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