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Posted Schedules

DateAway TeamHome TeamTimeLocation/Field
04/30/2024McQuesten NationalsBARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
04/30/2024Olson DodgersBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
04/30/2024Davies MarlinsParisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
04/30/2024PISCAPO PADRES Durazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
04/30/2024Flint DiamondbacksReece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
04/30/2024Stein GiantsHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
04/30/2024LaHonta MarinersSTENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/02/2024Parisi White SocksMcQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/02/2024Burke TigersPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/02/2024Reece PiratesDavies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/02/2024Durazo BravesStein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/02/2024STENLUND RANGERS Flint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/02/2024Haffey PhilliesLaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/02/2024BARTH CUBSOlson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/07/2024PISCAPO PADRES Olson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/07/2024McQuesten NationalsReece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/07/2024Stein GiantsBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/07/2024Davies MarlinsSTENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/07/2024LaHonta MarinersDurazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/07/2024Flint DiamondbacksHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/07/2024Parisi White SocksBARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/09/2024Reece PiratesParisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/09/2024Olson DodgersStein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/09/2024STENLUND RANGERS McQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/09/2024Burke TigersLaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/09/2024Haffey PhilliesDavies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/09/2024Durazo BravesFlint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/09/2024BARTH CUBSPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/14/2024Stein GiantsPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/14/2024Parisi White SocksSTENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/14/2024LaHonta MarinersOlson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/14/2024McQuesten NationalsHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/14/2024Flint DiamondbacksBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/14/2024Davies MarlinsDurazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/14/2024Reece PiratesBARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/16/2024STENLUND RANGERS Reece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/16/2024PISCAPO PADRES LaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/16/2024Haffey PhilliesParisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/16/2024Olson DodgersFlint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/16/2024Durazo BravesMcQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/16/2024Burke TigersDavies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/16/2024BARTH CUBSStein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/21/2024LaHonta MarinersStein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/21/2024Reece PiratesHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/21/2024Flint DiamondbacksPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/21/2024Parisi White SocksDurazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/21/2024Davies MarlinsOlson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/21/2024McQuesten NationalsBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/21/2024STENLUND RANGERS BARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/23/2024Haffey PhilliesSTENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/23/2024Stein GiantsFlint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/23/2024Durazo BravesReece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/23/2024PISCAPO PADRES Davies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/23/2024Burke TigersParisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/23/2024Olson DodgersMcQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/23/2024BARTH CUBSLaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/28/2024Flint DiamondbacksLaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/28/2024STENLUND RANGERS Durazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/28/2024Davies MarlinsStein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/28/2024Reece PiratesBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/28/2024McQuesten NationalsPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/28/2024Parisi White SocksOlson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/28/2024Haffey PhilliesBARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
05/30/2024Durazo BravesHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
05/30/2024LaHonta MarinersDavies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
05/30/2024Burke TigersSTENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
05/30/2024Stein GiantsMcQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
05/30/2024Olson DodgersReece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
05/30/2024PISCAPO PADRES Parisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
05/30/2024BARTH CUBSFlint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
06/04/2024Davies MarlinsFlint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
06/04/2024Haffey PhilliesBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
06/04/2024McQuesten NationalsLaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
06/04/2024STENLUND RANGERS Olson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
06/04/2024Parisi White SocksStein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
06/04/2024Reece PiratesPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
06/04/2024Durazo BravesBARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
06/06/2024Burke TigersDurazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
06/06/2024Flint DiamondbacksMcQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
06/06/2024Olson DodgersHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
06/06/2024LaHonta MarinersParisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
06/06/2024PISCAPO PADRES STENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
06/06/2024Stein GiantsReece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
06/06/2024BARTH CUBSDavies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
06/11/2024McQuesten NationalsDavies Marlins 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
06/11/2024Durazo BravesOlson Dodgers 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
06/11/2024Parisi White SocksFlint Diamondbacks 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
06/11/2024Haffey PhilliesPISCAPO PADRES 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
06/11/2024Reece PiratesLaHonta Mariners 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
06/11/2024STENLUND RANGERS Stein Giants 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
06/11/2024Burke TigersBARTH CUBS 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field
06/13/2024Olson DodgersBurke Tigers 6:00PM - 7:15PMHamblen Elementary School / Field A (South East) Diamond
06/13/2024Davies MarlinsParisi White Socks 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field B Southwest Field
06/13/2024PISCAPO PADRES Durazo Braves 6:00PM - 7:15PMRoosevelt Elementary School / Field A Northeast Field
06/13/2024Flint DiamondbacksReece Pirates 6:00PM - 7:15PMGrant Park / Field B - Northwest Field
06/13/2024Stein GiantsHaffey Phillies 6:00PM - 7:15PMAdams Elementary / Field 1
06/13/2024LaHonta MarinersSTENLUND RANGERS 6:00PM - 7:15PMMullan Road / Northeast Field
06/13/2024BARTH CUBSMcQuesten Nationals 6:00PM - 7:15PMUnderhill Park SW Field / Southwest Field

Note: Highlighted Team(s) belong to Divisions expired before specified Match Date.


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