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Winter Haven Youth Soccer Association

Recreational Coaches


Every team must have at least one approved coach. Teams may not play without one.

Knowledge of soccer is not a requirement. Training and support are provided through coaching clinics and the assistance of other coaches and WHYSA.
Please visit the Coaching Resources page of this website for helpful information to help you coach and manage your team.

Coaches on occasion will need the cooperation and assistance of the team’s parents. Please understand that our coaches are volunteers and may at times request assistance from parents.

WHYSA is bound by FYSA rules regarding coaches and assistants on the bench side of the field during our games by making it mandatory that background screening is performed and passed by all who coach our children. Upon completion of the background check, Coaches and Assistants will be provided identification that must be worn at all times when on the playing fields.



WHYSA would like to thank all of the Coach Volunteers for helping our Recreational Program. We cannot do it without you.