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Frequently Asked Questions

Each player is assigned to the appropriate bracket based on their age as of July 31st of the current season. The "U" stands for "under", so U6 means "players under 6" which would be 4 and 5 year old players. Following that pattern, U8 means "under 8" which would be the 6 and 7 year old players.
For example, if your child is 9 years old and has a birthday of September 8th, they would be in U10 age bracket.

When is the last date to cancel and get my money back?

Unfortunately, we will be unable to refund your money after March 1st, 2025. If you need to cancel prior to March 1, you will be able to get a refund on the player registration fee. Unfortunately the $3 per transaction service fee collected by our registration service provider is non-refundable. Any cancellation requests should be sent to [email protected].

Can I request to be on the same team as my neighbor's kids so we can carpool?
Unfortunately, the answer is "No" due to the rules of the SAY Organization we are a member of, as well as the logistics of organizing nearly 1700 children on over 130 teams. If you would like your children to be on the same team as another child, consider teaming up with their parent to coach a team as children will be placed on the team their parent is coaching.

Our club is a member of the SAY Organization and we MUST abide by their rules which state that all players are to be placed randomly on teams to help ensure fairness of play.  For complete details, please refer to the SAY Organizational Rules, Rules 8.3 and 8.4 which address the assignment of players to teams.
Rule 8.3.K allows for some exceptions
The following players, who would otherwise be subject to the draw, may be exempt from the draw.
(1) The child or children of the head coach of the team.
(2) The child or children of one assistant coach of the team – provided such assistant coach was assigned to the team prior to the draw.
Exception: If a child of an assistant coach or a former assistant coach from the prior season(s) is already on the team prior to the draw, then no child of an additional assistant coach is exempt from the draw.  
(3) Any otherwise eligible younger brother or sister of any player who is:
    (a) already playing on the team or
    (b) assigned by random draw to play on the team.

How will I get notified if the game is cancelled?

DPRYS games are RARELY cancelled, as weather can change quickly and games are spread across a wide area, including De Pere, Ledgeview and Wrightstown. Age 12 and older (Minor & Senior divisions) games are across the Brown County area.  It is advised that you plan to show up to each game unless you feel that it is unsafe to go. Games typically are played if raining, but will be cancelled or delayed by the ref at the field if lightning is seen. There are several methods you can use to check on game cancellations.  However, we normally only post or a send an e-mail cancellation due to poor field conditions.  Here are the options for notification of cancelled games:

-Check the Game Status tab of this website.
-Check the DPRYS Facebook page -

For more information on our weather policy, please click here.
  • U6 Co-Ed - Monday & Wednesday -or- Tuesday & Thursday (you can sign up for the nights you prefer as part of registration) - Game times: 5:30, 6:15, 7:00
  • U8 Boys - Tuesday & Thursday   - Game times: 5:30, 6:20, 7:10 
  • U8 Girls - Monday & Wednesday  - Game times: 5:30, 6:20, 7:10 
  • U10 Boys - Monday & Wednesday - Game times: 5:30 & 7:00
  • U10 Girls - Monday & Wednesday  - Game times 5:30 & 7:00
  • U12 Boys - Tuesday & Thursday  - Game times 5:30 & 7:00
  • U12 Girls - Tuesday & Thursday  - Game times 5:30 & 7:00
  • Minor (U15) & Senior (U19) Teams – two (2) games per week will be held on Monday through Thursday nights.

  • U6 Co-Ed - Monday & Wednesday - Game times: 5:30, 6:15, 7:00 
  • U8 Co-Ed - Tuesday & Thursday - Game times: 5:30, 6:20, 7:10 
  • U10 Boys - Monday & Wednesday - Game times: 5:30 & 7:00
  • U10 Girls - Monday & Wednesday - Game times: 5:30 & 7:00
  • U12 Boys - Tuesday & Thursday - Game times: 5:30 & 7:00
  • U12 Girls - Tuesday & Thursday - Game times: 5:30 & 7:00
  • Minor (U15) & Senior (U19) Teams – two (2) games per week will be held on Monday through Thursday nights.

    *If there are not sufficient player registrations to form a team at a division level in Wrightstown, the registered players will be combined with a De Pere team. You will be notified if this scenario would occur. Teams are formed based on player registration numbers at the registration deadline (February 15), so registering by the deadline is encouraged.

Note: Practices are in May and are set by the coach. They are often scheduled the same night as games, but is not always the case.

Where is the best place to park for a game?

We have ensured that each field has adequate parking facilities on our near the grounds.  When attending soccer games, please respect the property of people whose yards and driveways are near the fields:
-Don't block driveways
-Don't walk across residents property
What fields will I play on?
Practices and games will be played on various fields in area parks and schools throughout the greater De Pere and Wrightstown area. 2025 season fields are still being finalized, but should remain similar to fields used for 2024 that are listed on our Fields pages.

-U6 & U8 divisions will only play in De Pere or Wrightstown, in the division you signed up for. De Pere teams will play in both east and west sides of De Pere.
-U10 & U12 divisions will play in both De Pere and Wrightstown.
-Minor (U15) and Senior (U19) divisions will play throughout Brown County as a member of Bay-Lakes.

How much can I expect my child to play during the game?
DPRYS is a member of the Soccer Association for Youth (SAY).  The SAY philosophy is that every player plays at least one half of every game, with leagues forming balanced teams and divisions.

What is the cost to play?
U12 (age 11) and under:
$55 per child - online registration by February 15, 2025
$70 per child - late registration (If your child’s age group is full, they will be placed on a waiting list; you will be contacted if/when an opening becomes available.)

Minor and Senior (age 12 and up):
$65 per child - online registration by February 15, 2025
$80 per child - late registration (If your child’s age group is full, they will be placed on a waiting list; you will be contacted if/when an opening becomes available.)

Our registration software provider, Stack Sports, charges a $3 service fee on the final checkout screen that goes directly to Stack Sports, not DPRYS. This fee is per transaction, so if you will be registering more than one child in your family, it is recommended to add all of your player's registrations to your cart before checking out to only incur the service fee once. This fee is incurred for both online and mailed in registrations and is not refundable if you should need to cancel your registration in the future.

What equipment does my child need to play?
Shin guards are required in order to play. Soccer cleats are recommend, but regular gym shoes can be used. (Baseball cleats can not be used. Baseball cleats have a spike on the toe, where soccer cleats will not.) A uniform t-shirt or jersey shirt will be handed out by coaches at practice.

Can jewelry or a cast be worn?
Due to the potential of injury, no jewelry, even newly pierced ears, can be worn. Also, with the exception of an "air cast", no splint or cast can be used during play. For full details on what is allowed or not allowed during play, see the SAY Playing Laws, LAW 4 - Player's Equipment.

When will I find out my game and practice schedule?
2025 game schedules will be posted on the Schedules menu in late April or early May. Practice schedules should be communicated by the coach by the first week of May. If you have not heard from your coach and are unable to reach them at the phone number or email listed on the roster, you may follow up with the [email protected]. Rosters will be emailed to the email address on file in the player's account at the end of April and will not be posted publicly online.

What paperwork do I need to turn in before my child plays?
See full list under Players > Virtual Player Packet.

If this is the first year playing with DPRYS, you also will need to provide age verification. This can be done by uploading proof of age as part of registration, showing an official document with your child's age, such as a birth certificate, to a board member at in person age verification; mailing a copy (no originals please), to DPRYS, or emailing a photo/scanned copy to [email protected].

What if I'm not getting emails about my player?
Automated emails generated from our registration system and bulk messages may be sent from one of the following addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]  Make sure they are on a safe sender list or added as a contact in your email contact list so they are not sent to spam. If you still aren't receiving messages, email [email protected] to verify you didn't previously unsubscribe from club emails.

If your email address is not listed in the player's account, an additional address can be added by the primary account holder as an other email address or additional user to be included on messages from the registration system. Board members are not able to add additional users to an account without an existing account member's permission.

What if my child is injured in practice or a game?
Included in your registration fee is secondary medical insurance coverage for injuries your child may experience at DPRYS sponsored events. This insurance is provided by Soccer Association for Youth (SAY), our national affiliate. To file a claim a parent must report the incident to DPRYS within 90 days of the incident. Contact DPRYS at [email protected].

Can I bring my dog along when watching practices or games?
Dogs are not allowed at ANY of the soccer games. This applies for all De Pere Rapides games and all Bay-Lakes games. Please follow this rule as it is a safety matter for the dogs, players, and spectators; as well as dogs are not allowed by many of the park and school fields we utilize.

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