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When are sign ups?

Sign-ups for Spring baseball are usually between October and December.

For Tee Ball and Machine Pitch we will accept players until all our teams are full, occasionally we may have additional room after sign ups close.  If we are full and you still want to sign up, volunteer to manage a team and we may be able to create more slots for your player.

How much does it cost?

See the "Register Here" tab under REGISTRATION.  Fees for each division are listed there.

I am late, can I still sign up?

 Sign up for the wait list, if there is a cancellation that creates an opening, we may be able to accept a new player late.   Email us and ask if registration is closed.  We will do our best to find an opening at ANLL or point to toward another local program that still has openings for new players.

*Santa Anita Little League
*Arcadia American Little League

What areas Does ANLL Cover?

East of Santa Anita Blvd and South of Huntington Drive; West of 605fwy

Do I live within ANLL League Boundaries? 

Refer to the League Boundary map link found on our landing page

We live outside of ANLL Boundaries, can we still play for ANLL?

Contact us to find out if your qualify for a waiver at [email protected]

We attend a school inside of ANLL Boundaries, can we play for ANLL?


What division should I sign up for?

See the Divisions Player Age FAQ's below.  Also see the baseball age chart below.   If you are uncertain feel free to contact our player agent to help understand where your player is best suited to play.  If you have a younger player and are still not sure we can arrange a short skills assessment to help give you guidance on the best spot for your player. At the time of registration use your child's age if you are uncertain.

When will I know what team my player is on?

You will be contacted by your team manager in mid-January 2022.  If you have not heard from your team manager or coach 2 weeks before last week of January please contact president at [email protected]

When do practices start?

Typically mid to end of January/ early Frebruary in some cases

When do games start?

Historically games start in February and end before Memorial day for divisions early divisions, with Prep, Minors, Majors and Intermediate competing in District tournaments.  All-Star selection is different and eligible for Minors, Majors and Intermediate players.

What equipment do I need to buy?  What does the league supply?

League supplies your player a team jersey and a hat.  You will provide everything else; this should include:

Baseball GloveBat (USA) approved
Cleats (not metal)
Athletic protection for boys (cup)
Baseball pants* 
Sliders (padded undershorts that make sliding a lot more fun, and less painful) *optional
*Color for pants, belt, and sox will be selected by team manager, typically in February.

How do I pay?

Payment Options are as follows:
1) Pay by credit card on the website
2) By Check mailed
3) by Check and hand delivered at any of our in-person registration events


Are Tryouts Mandatory?

Only for divisons in Prep, Minors, Majors & Intermediate

Upcoming Dates: See the Calendar tab on our website for the League Events Calendar.

When does the season start and end?

General dates for a typical baseball year.

December signups for spring complete 
January: Tryouts 
January: Draft for Majors, Minors, and Prep teams
February:  Teams formed practices start
End of Feb: Opening Ceremonies, Games Start
First week of June: Closing Ceremonies, final regular season games
2nd Week of June: TOC and City Tournaments
2nd Weekend of June:  All-Star teams announced
Last week of June:  All-Star games start
2nd week of July: All-Star final games
2nd week of Sept:  Fall Ball Starts
2nd week of November:  Fall Ball Ends

 How do I get news about sign ups and other League Events?

Notifications emails about league events are sent to all users registered on our website.  Create an account on our website and like our Facebook page so you are sure to get all the latest news.


Please visit our website for the latest news & events at and like us on Facebook at

Managers and Coaches:

ANLL will always try to make room for all interested parents to participate in their child's Little League experience via various volunteer opportunities.  Managers & Coaches are chosen by the League's President and approved by the Board of Directors based on certain criteria including, but not limited to, ability to be a good role model for all players, knowledge of the game, experience, good sportsmanship, dependability, accountability, and responsibility. 

Parents interested in managing or coaching a team should contact the League President: Manny Loayza

NOTE: Previous year's managers & coaches are not guaranteed positions for the upcoming season.  Tryouts are mandatory to everyone except for t-ball and address verification is required.

Do Board Members' kids get special treatment?

Absolutely Not!  See below how draft and all-star teams are formed.  All players are treated equally regardless of their parent's level of involvement.  Don't believe it?  Become a volunteer, join the board, and see how it all works.


The league is an all-volunteer organization and relies on parent volunteers for a successful season each year.  If you are not already a volunteer for ANLL, please consider volunteering. Complete the volunteer form located on the forms page of the website.  We always can use help with various fun activities, behind the scenes work to maintain an safe and healthy environment for our members.

Become a Sponsor!

The league is a non-profit organization that relies on our sponsors and donations from generous individuals to fund our league’s operation, pay for umpires, balls, fields, uniforms, trophies, equipment, and other operating expenses.  If you or your business is interested in becoming a sponsor, please let us know.


Please let us know if you had any problems with the registration process or any other suggestions for improvement.   It is still under construction, please email suggestions, problems, or other issues to [email protected]

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