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Arcadia National Anti-Bullying Policy

Arcadia Nartional Little League (ANLL) Anti-Bullying Policy

Given the serious effects bullying has on youth and organizations, ANLL can’t simply dismiss it as a “normal” or inevitable part of childhood. There is nothing “normal” about ongoing incidents of harassment, violence and intimidation. Bullying not only leads to anxiety and low self esteem in youth who are targeted, but also causes other youth to feel unsafe. Youth of all ages deserve the right to feel safe and supported by all ANLL Board Members, Coaches, and parents. ANLL’s purpose and responsibility is to address all bullying issues that take place on ANLL grounds, activities and during ANLL functions.

Taking Bullying behavior seriously is an important step in working toward a safe and effective program. By raising awareness throughout our league, Board Members, Coaches and Parents can work together to ensure that ANLL is a place that youth and parents feel welcome and included.

By Raising awareness througout our league, ANLL participants can work together to ensure that our organization is a place that youth and parents feel welcomed and included.

No amount of bullying is acceptable

All ANLL Managers, Coaches are expected to discuss bullying and ANLL's anti-bullying poilicy with their players

Report Bullying

 If you are being bullied , or know someone being bullied, you must tell a team manager, coach, player agent, Vice President or President as soon as possible

Bullying is:

  • Intentional, repeated harmful acts, words or other behavior that makes the victim feel hurt, scared, and/or ashamed
  • An imbalance in real or perceived power must exist between the bully and the victim
  • Not intentionally provoked by the victim(s)

Types of Bullying:

  • Physical Bullying:     Hitting, stealing, shoving, strangling, hair-pulling, biting, excessive tickling, or any other deliberate and inappropriate touching.
  • Verbal Bullying:        Hurtful name-calling, taunting, threatening, gossip, and teasing
  • Emotional Bullying:  rejection, terrorizing, extorting, humiliating, black-mailing, rating/ranking of personal characteristics such as race, disability, ethnicity, or perceived sexual orientation, manipulating friendships, isolating, and peer pressure.
  • Harassment:                includes many of the actions listed above and sexual harassment involving actual physical contact or explicit written/verbal language. In many cases, same-gender and cross-gender sexual harassment may also qualify as bullying.

If any individual (youth or adult) involved in bullying, the following consequences can be given depending on the bullying situation at the discretion of the League President and/or the Executive Board.

  • Verbal Warning
  • Suspensions
  • Expulsion from ANLL
  • Local Law Enforcement Involvement
As a powerful reminder that bullying is unacceptable, this youtube video is a must watch.


With each of these consequences, Parents and/or legal guardian will be notified. Following due process procedures, appropriate consequences will be assigned.

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