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ANLL Bylaws




Effective 10/01/2019










A.     DIVISIONS: ANLL shall consist of the following divisions

a.       Majors Division

b.      Minors Divisions

                                                               i.      AAA – Player Pitch

                                                             ii.      AA – Player/Coach Pitch

                                                           iii.      A – Machine Pitch

c.       T-Ball


B.      ELIGIBILITY: ANLL will follow Little League Baseball’s age recommendations.

a.       Majors Division – league ages 9 – 12

b.      Minors Divisions – league ages 5 – 12

                                                               i.      AAA – league ages 8 – 12

1.       12-year old players require majority approval of the President, Vice President, Safety Officer, Player Agent and Minors Director. Once approved, a Regulation V(a) Waiver Request Form must be signed by the President, one or both Parents and the District Administrator.

                                                             ii.      AA – league ages 7 – 10

1.       It is only in exceptional circumstances that a 10-year old player may play in Minors AA.  It will require a majority vote amongst the President, Vice President, Safety Officer, Player Agent and Minors Director.

                                                           iii.      A – league ages 5 – 9

1.       It is only in exceptional circumstances that a 9-year old player may play in Minors A.  It will require a majority vote amongst the President, Vice President, Safety Officer, Player Agent and Minors Director.

2.       A 5-year old player is only eligible for A ball if he/she has previously played Tee Ball.

c.       Tee Ball Division – league ages 4 – 7, per Green Book, however, 7-year old players should play in a Minors division if they have previously played Tee Ball.


C.     PAYMENT: No player shall be turned away for inability to pay registration fees.  However, no player will be allowed to play in games if one of the following is not met by Opening Day:

a.       Payment in full

b.      Payment plan

c.       Approved Financial Hardship



a.       Majors – No more than 12 players per team.  A roster containing more than 12 players requires the approval of The President, Player Agent and Majors Director.

b.      Minors (All Sub-Divisions) - No more than 12 players per team.  A roster containing more than 12 players requires the approval of The President, Player Agent and Minors Director.

c.       Tee Ball – No less than 5 players per team and no more than 8 players per team.  A roster containing more than 8 players must be approved by the President, Player Agent and Tee Ball Director.


E.    NUMBER OF TEAMS: The number of teams in each division each year will be determined by the ANLL Board of Directors based on the number of registrations per division.


F.     PLAYER EVALUATIONS: All players that desire to play in Majors, Minors AAA or Minors AA must participate in player evaluations to be held on a date or dates determined by the President and Player Agent.

a.       Players who have not made payment in full OR have not agreed to a payment plan OR has not qualified for a hardship will not be allowed to participate in player evaluations.

b.      9-10-11 year old players who have not participated previously with ANLL and who do not attend one of the player evaluations, will not be eligible for Majors.


G.    TEAM FORMATION: Teams will be formed in the following manner.

a.       Majors / Minors AAA / Minors AA: teams shall be formed through a draft.  Draft procedure is outlined in Section II below.  There will be no carryover of players from previous years.

b.       Minors A / Tee Ball: Minors Director or Tee Ball Director will randomly assign players to teams.


The draft is moderated and presided over by the Player Agent (or a Board of Directors officer in their place, as directed by the President). The decisions of the Player Agent are final.


A.     DRAFT ATTENDANCE: Each Division Manager, Player Agent, President, Vice President and Secretary may attend the draft.  Players and assistant coaches may not attend the draft process at any time.


B.     PLAYER NOTIFICATION: When the draft is complete, trading period ends, and the Player Agent has finalized the rosters, all managers will be notified that they may contact the players on their respective rosters.  DO NOT CONTACT ANY DRAFTED PLAYER UNTIL YOU ARE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE PLAYER AGENT. Violation of this rule is cause for Suspension of the Manager.


C.     CONFIDENTIALITY:  The Draft is to be kept completely confidential, including Player Evaluation Results, player draft order and trades.  Each individual attending the draft is responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the draft and draft materials.  Violation of this rule by a Manager is cause for Suspension of the Manager by the remaining Board members.

D.    DATE OF THE DRAFT: In order to place players on each team in Majors, Minors AAA and Minors AA divisions, a draft shall take place within seven (7) days of the last player evaluation.  The Majors division will go first, followed by Minors AAA and then Minors AA.



E.    DRAFT ORDER: The draft order shall be determined by pulling numbers from a hat.  This establishes a serpentine order throughout the draft.  For example, if there are three teams, the team picking first will have the following draft picks 1st (Round 1), 6th (Round 2), 7th (Round 3), 12th (Round 4), 13th (Round 5), etc.


F.      DRAFT POOL - The Draft Pools are established by the Player Agent.  Pursuant to Little League Rules, all players League Age 12 will be included in the Majors draft pool and must be selected for a Majors roster (unless a Regulation V(a) exception has already been made allowing a 12-year old to play in Minors AAA). Any player(s) from a draft pool that are not selected will then be moved down to the next lowest division’s draft pool.


G.    PLAYER OPTIONS:  Little League Baseball’s rules allow for Player Option arrangements to be made with the Player Agent for specific circumstances including:

a.       Siblings:  Once one sibling is drafted, the Manager must select the other sibling in the next round, unless the players’ parents have indicated their children may play for other teams.  The Player Agent will notify all Managers of the parents’ preference prior to the draft.

b.      Manager’s Child(ren):  In the Majors Draft, a manager’s child(ren) must be drafted onto their team by the draft round determined by the Player’s Age, as specified by the Little League Operating Manual (see below).  These provisions also apply for Managers having eligible siblings in the draft.  While Little League rules allow the Manager the option to not draft their own child, the ANLL strongly discourages this.  A Manager must indicate they will not exercise the option in writing to the Player Agent no later than 24 hours before the draft so that information can be shared with the other Managers.

                                                               i.      League Age 12 = Round 3

                                                             ii.      League Age 11 = Round 4

                                                           iii.      League Age 9/10 = Round 5

                                                           iv.      For Minors AAA and Minors AA, the Player Agent will determine the draft position of the Manager’s child(ren).


H.    COACHES - In accordance with Little League rules, there is no pre-selection or assignment of a Coach’s child to a Manager. Managers must draft that player during normal draft process.

I.        TRADES:  Trades must be completed in the draft room (i.e. this is the only time trades are permitted). Exceptions to this timing rule requires the Player Agent and President’s approval. All teams in the trade must have the required number of players outlined by the Player Agent prior to commencement of the trade on their respective rosters and no trade is final until the Player Agent approves the trade.


A.     BEGINNING/END  OF REGULAR SEASON: The Board of Directors shall determine the beginning and end of the regular season each year.

B.     INTERLEAGUE: The Board of Directors will approve interleague partners each year.

C.     LEAGUE CHAMPION: ANLL League Champions shall be determined as follows:

a.      Majors & Minors AAA

                                                              i.      The season shall be divided into a 1st half and 2nd half

                                                            ii.      Winner of each half will be the team with the best record

                                                         iii.      Winner of 1st half will play winner of the 2nd half in a one game playoff.

                                                          iv.      The winner of the one game playoff will be the League Champion

1.       The League Champion will go to District 17 TOC.

2.      The second place team will go to District 17 City Tournament.

                                                            v.      If the same team wins both halves they will be the League Champion

1.       The League Champion will go to District 17 TOC.

2.      The 2nd place teams from each half will play in a one game playoff.

3.      Winner of 2nd place playoff game will go to District 17 City.

b.      Minors AA

                                                              i.      League Champion will be the team with the best record


D.    MVP AWARD: An MVP award will be given to one 12-year old player.  This player will be selected by the managers and coaches of the Majors division and ratified by the Board of Directors.


E.    SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD: A Sportsmanship Award shall be given to one 12-year old. 


A.     DIVISIONS OF PLAY: ANLL will participate in the following all-star divisions:

a.       10-11-12 (Little League Division)

b.      9-10-11

c.       8-9-10

d.      7-8-9 (Futures)


B.      ALL-STAR COMMITTEE: The All-Star Committee shall be comprised of the President, Player Agent and Coaching Coordinator.


C.     MANAGER SELECTION: Managers for the All-Star teams will be selected by the All-Star Committee.  Managers appointed by the committee will need to be approved by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.

a.      Criteria for All-Star manager(s) to be considered for selection includes, but is not limited to, team performance, conduct with players and parents during practices and games, who best represents the league, children and city, experience and knowledge of the game and Little League All-Star play.  Managers are not determined by who wins each division, although this factor is accorded some weight in the selection process.


D.    PLAYER SELECTION: Participation in All-Stars is a privilege, not a right.  Players who display poor sportsmanship or otherwise act in a manner that reflects poorly on themselves or ANLL may not be eligible to participate in All-Stars as determined by the All-Star committee.  All-Stars participants will be chosen in the following manner.

a.       10-11-12:

                                                               i.      Player Vote: Each player in the Majors division will be given the opportunity to vote by written ballot for up to eight (8) players to make the All-Star team. Each player’s vote is worth one (1) point.

                                                             ii.       Manager Vote: Each Manager of the Majors division will be given the opportunity to vote for up to 14 players to make the All-Star Team. Each manager’s vote is worth three (3) points.

                                                           iii.      Vote Tally: The 12 players receiving the most points will make up the All-Star team.

                                                           iv.      If the All-Star Manager wants to carry 13 players, the manager may draft an additional player.  This player must be a Majors player

                                                             v.      If there is only one Majors team, that team shall become the 10-11-12 All-Star team.  If additional players are needed, the All-Star manager shall be given priority to pick players from the Minors AAA division.

b.      All Other All-Star Teams:

                                                               i.      Players shall be selected by the All-Star manager and the All-Star committee with input of regular season managers.


A.     ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY: ANLL has a zero tolerance policy toward the following.

a.      Harassment of Participants: If Managers, Coaches, Parents or Fans harass the participants (umpires, managers, coaches and players), the game umpire or any present Board Member may eject that person from the game and premises. 

b.      Unsportsmanlike Conduct: All Managers, Coaches and/or Players will be ejected from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct.  All decisions of the Umpire/League Official shall be finalized on the spot before play resumes.  The ANLL Board of Directors may consider additional sanctions against Managers, Coaches and Players. 

c.      Abusive Language/Abuse of Equipment: No obscene or abusive language, no bat, helmet, baseball hat or glove throwing by Managers, Coaches and/or Players will be allowed before, during or after a game.  This will be an automatic ejection from the game. 

d.      Undermining: Undermining any Manager’s/Coach’s instruction to any player.  This includes coaching from any spectator areas. 

e.      Unexcused  Absences: If a player misses three (3) unexcused practices, the player shall be in danger of being dropped from the team, if the Manager so desires.  The Player Agent and Division Director shall first be notified to investigate the cause and report the findings to the Board with the suggested action to be taken.



a.      Manager/Coaches: Anytime a manager or coach is ejected from a game, they must immediately leave the premises, failure to do so could result in the umpire delaying the game or terminating a game and can declare a forfeit of the offending team.  An ejected manager or coach will serve a mandatory one (1) game suspension.  They may not attend any games (even as a spectator) while they are serving their suspension.  The Manager or Coach must present themselves to the President, Vice President, Division Director and Coaching Coordinator to be reinstated. This committee has the power to reinstate or recommend further disciplinary action to the Board of Directors.

b.      Players: Anytime a player is ejected from a game, they must immediately leave the premises. If the player does not have a parent/guardian present, they may sit in the dugout.  An ejected player will serve a mandatory one (1) game suspension.  They may not attend any games (even as a spectator) while they are serving their suspension.  The player  must present themselves to the President, Vice President, Division Director and Player Agent to be reinstated. This committee has the power to reinstate or recommend further disciplinary action to the Board of Directors.

c.      Parents/Fans: If a parent or fan is ejected from the game, they must immediately leave the premises, failure to do so could result in the umpire delaying the game or terminating the game and can declare a forfeit of the offending team.  A parent/fan runs the risk of being unable to attend games in person if ever ejected from a game.



a.      If it is recommended to the Board of Directors that further action should be taken:  

                                                              i.      The offending party gets to present its appeal to the Board

                                                            ii.      A two-thirds (2/3) majority is necessary to approve further disciplinary action.


CODE OF CONDUCT: All members must sign a Code of Conduct agreement.  Failure to do so will result in child not being able participate. 



a.      Longden Yards: For games played at Longden Yard, the Home team shall occupy the 1st base dugout and the visiting team shall occupy the 3rd base dugout.

b.      Food & Drink: With the exception of sports drinks and water, no other food and beverages are permitted in the dugouts at any time.  Chewing gum is strictly prohibited.  Managers may have sunflower seeds so long as they are using a cup for spent shells.

c.      Appearance: During games ALL Arcadia National players’ uniforms must be tucked in at all times.  Players shall not wear watches, rings, pins, metallic objects or jewelry of any kind.  Medic Alert bracelets are allowed.

d.      Equipment/Safety: Green Book rules regarding equipment and safety shall be strictly enforced. 

e.      Managers/Coaches on the Field (excludes Tee-Ball & Minors A): Only players, one (1) manager and two (2) coaches are allowed in the dugouts or on the field during games.  Managers and Coaches shall be allowed to sit/stand outside the dugout.  Umpires have the right to ask Managers and/or Coaches to remain in the dugout if it is warranted.  Players must remain in the dugout AT ALL TIMES during games.  Restroom visits are allowed, permission of the Umpire is NOT required.

f.        President as a Manager/Coach: When the president is participating in a game as a Manager or Coach, The Vice President shall assume the administrative role of the President for the duration of the game and any consequences thereof in regards to the President.

g.      Field Prep: It is the responsibility of the home team to prep the field for the next game once their game is completed.  If the game is an ANLL intra-league game, it is recommended that both teams’ managers work together to prep the field for the next game.  Please refer to the field prep checklist in the equipment room.

h.      Trash: Managers and Coaches shall be responsible for ensuring that all litter is picked up and that the field is left clean and orderly.  Managers should encourage players to take pride in the care of our field.



a.      Majors/Minors AAA:

                                                              i.      Rules applicable to games shall follow current year Green Book with the following options/clarifications

1.       Continuous batting order shall be in effect for all regular season games and ANLL playoff games.

2.      Under the first instance of a batter throwing a bat, in the course of an at-bat, the umpire will warn the player.  On the second instance (in a game) the umpire may ask the manager to remove the player from the game, regardless of whether the bat was thrown intentionally or not.  If the manager removes the player from the game, the player will be allowed to return for the next scheduled game.  If the manager refuses to remove the player from the game, the umpire will eject the player from the game.  If ejected by the umpire, the player will leave the field for the game ejected and will not be allowed to play in the next scheduled game.

3.      Games ending at the umpires discretion shall be deemed official only after the 4th inning has been completed and in the event the inning during which the game was terminated is not completed, the score shall revert to the last completed inning and be official provided the inning completed is the 4th inning or later.

a.      A game ending at the umpire’s discretion after 4 innings have been completed is considered official and final.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Games called due to darkness prior to March 8th, 2020 may be completed at a later date provided both managers are in agreement.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Minors AAA games that have exceeded the 1:45 (no new inning) will revert back to the last completed inning even if they have not completed at least 4 innings.

b.      If a game is called prior to the 4th inning being completed, every effort should be made to complete the game at a later date.  If the game is not completed, it will not be counted towards the standings.

                                                                                                                                      i.      In order for the game result to be applied to the standings, it must be completed in the same half of the season in which it was started.

b.      Rules applicable only to games in Minors AAA

                                                              i.      Time-Limits: No new inning shall be started after 1:45 of play.  There shall be no drop-dead time limit.

                                                            ii.      A five (5) run limit shall be placed on each inning except:

1.       The final inning (6th) shall be open

2.      Any inning commencing after 1:25 shall be open

                                                         iii.      The mercy rule will take effect in the bottom half of the 4th inning or later if the home team is up by ten (10) or more runs. If the home team achieves a ten (10) lead in the bottom of the 4th or 5th inning the game is over, they do not get to continue to bat.

c.      Rules applicable only to games in Minors AA

                                                              i.      Time Limits: No new inning shall be started after 1:45.  Each game shall have a two (2) hour drop dead time.  If the inning is not completed, the score will revert back to the score of the last completed inning.  If it is determined that a team is “stalling”, the game will be forfeited by the guilty team.

                                                            ii.      A five (5) run limit shall be placed on each inning except:

1.       The final inning (6th) shall be open

2.      Any inning commencing after 1:25 shall be open

                                                         iii.      When a pitcher reaches four (4) balls in a count against a batter, a coach shall come in to pitch to the batter.  The batter shall maintain the number of strikes in the count.  The coach will throw four (4) pitches.  If the at-bat is not concluded by the 4th pitch, the at bat is over and the batter is out.  The only exception to this is if the batter swings and fouls off the 4th pitch.

1.       If the pitcher hits the batter, the batter can choose to:

a.      Hit.  If the batter decides to hit, the number of strikes against the batter will be reset to zero (0).  However, the four (4) pitch rule is still in effect.

b.      Take 1st base

                                                          iv.      Stealing – Base runners are allowed to steal 2nd and 3rd.  If a throw is attempted, baserunners are not allowed to advance to another base.  Home is always closed, even on a passed ball.

                                                            v.      Baserunners will be allowed to continue advancing until the ball is in possession in the infield

d.      Rules applicable to games in Minors A:

                                                              i.      Time Limits: No new inning shall be started after 1:45.  Each game shall have a two (2) hour drop dead time. 

                                                            ii.      A five (5) run limit shall be placed on each inning

                                                         iii.      A batter will be given five (5) pitches from the machine.  If there is a bad pitch, additional pitches may be given if both managers are in agreement.

                                                          iv.      No stealing bases.

                                                            v.      Baserunners may advance one base on an overthrow.

                                                          vi.      Baserunners may continue advancing until the ball is in the infield.  A runner more than halfway between two bases will be awarded the further base.

e.      Rules applicable to games in Tee-Ball

                                                              i.      Time Limits: Games shall have a one (1) hour drop dead time limit.

                                                            ii.      Batting line-ups should be reversed each half inning.

1.       It is required to have different 1st and last hitters each game until all players have had the opportunity to be the home-run hitter.

                                                         iii.      Each batter shall have one (1) at bat each half inning.

                                                          iv.      Baserunners shall advance one (1) base each time the ball is batted.

                                                            v.      Once the last batter (Home-Run Hitter) puts the ball in play, each base runner shall continue running until they score.

If a baserunner is deemed out, they shall continue onto the next base.


A.     The following rule shall apply only to teams in the Majors Divisions, Minors AAA and AA

a.      Each team shall have an official scorekeeper and pitch-counter (can be the same person) who shall keep the score and pitch count of each pitcher for each game.  Subject to protest, in the event of a dispute in such record keeping requirements during a game, the records of the score and pitch count as determined by the homes team’s official scorekeeper and/or pitch-counter shall prevail. 

                                                              i.      During Non-Tournament play, the official scorekeeper may be either a Parent, Manager, Coach or League Official.

                                                            ii.      Scorekeeping shall be conducted in the GameChanger app in an account owned by Arcadia National Little League.

                                                         iii.      The Manager shall be responsible for maintaining the official scorebook and records of pitch count for each game.

                                                          iv.      A parent scorekeeper shall never address the players or other parents with statistical game information or reveal recorded performance data exclusive of the game score.

                                                            v.      In any event, the accounts, statistics of the game and cumulative statistics derived from ANLL requested Scorekeeping activity are intended for the use of Managers, Coaches, Player Agent and President are sole property of ANLL.

b.      Within twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of a game (whether intra-league or inter-league), the manager shall submit to the Player Agent or his designate the following statistics:

                                                              i.      Date of the game.

                                                            ii.      Teams who played

                                                         iii.      Names of all pitchers used by the manager in the game and the pitch count for each of those pitchers

The final score of the game and number of innings completed. 
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