Due to the COVID pandemic, LYA Baskeball will not have a 20/21 Basketball/Cheer Season. We hope to start back in the 2021 season.LYA Basketball Cheerleading opens September 1st through September 30th. LYA Basketball Cheerleading participates at Rhodes Jordan Community Center located at 100 E Crogan Street Lawrenceville, GA 30046.
The age groups for cheerleading range from 7 - 13 years of age as of September 1st. The basketball cheer season is 9 weeks beginning in November.
Registration cost - Will be provided for the 21/22 season
Uniform, bow, poms, insurance, and registration fees
No refunds
Practice is two nights a week for one(1) hour, and games are held on some weeknights as well on Saturday mornings and afternoon. Practice and game schedules will be posted at a later time. Cheerleaders will only cheer at home games (Rhodes Jordan Gym).
Cheerleaders will be required to have cheer shoes. Cheer shoes are sold at any sporting goods store, or you may purchase them online from any cheerleading company.
Uniform fitting will be announced at a later time.