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CSRF Girls Lacrosse FAQ


For any questions, please contact the Girls Lacrosse Coordinator:
 Email: [email protected]

Practice will begin in March.  Once we have determined the exact days and times of practice a message will be sent out to you.  You can count on 3 days a week, typically 2 days during the week and Saturday through March.  They will begin at Clear Brook Elementary until we can move to our home field at the middle school track.

Games will begin after Spring Break and the season will run through mid- May.

Once games begin we will practice at least once and play in two games during the week.  With two of those Saturdays most likely a Play Day which is a few games that day at the same facility.

Schedule is normally created by first of January, however there are always changes in Lacrosse! So the earlier you know that the better.  Please be flexible and understand due to weather and/or other programs we do not have much of a choice in schedule changing.

Uniform (skirt and shirt) and Goalie gear will be provided

Gear Needed -- mouth piece (without strap), Goggles (approved list - cleats (soccer cleats ok), long socks, black compression shorts to be worn under skirt (like Nike pro or similar), and a girls Lacrosse stick.   If you have any gear/sticks hanging around you no longer need please consider donating them!

USA Lacrosse – In order for your daughter to participate in lacrosse she must be registered with USA Lacrosse at each year. 

Teams –You will register your daughter in age groups of 14U, 11U, 9U, and 7U.  If we do not receive enough players to field three teams we will play a similar setup as in the past with one middle school team and one elementary team.  

So tell your friends and find us some good parents that would like to be involved in this popular growing sport!

Any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Related Links:

USA Lacrosse Girls Rules

 Lacrosse Age Groups
 Age Bracket Birthdate 
 U7  09/01/2007 to 08/31/2008 
  U9    09/01/2005 to 08/31/2007  
   U11 09/01/2003 to 08/31/2005
   U13  09/01/2001 to 08/31/2003 
    U15   09/01/1999 to 08/31/2001 


  • Girls who are in 8th and above may be eligible for the local high school - age club team. For more information, please contact: Deena Musselman, [email protected] or Jon Hartness (CSHS Athletic Director), (540) 772-7550.
  • Boys who are 15 or older as of September 1, 2013 may be eligible for the local high school - club team. For more information, please contact: Jon Hartness (CSHS Athletic Director), (540) 772-7550.

Registration Information

  • Late Registrations:
    * Registrations received after February 9, 2015 will be considered late. A late fee of $25.00 will be charged. 
  • WAITING LIST: A child registered after February 9, 2015, will be placed on a Waiting List and may not get to play. The player fee will be refunded if the child is not placed on a team. Every effort will be made to place Waiting List Registrants on a team, if roster sizes permit. 
  • For insurance purposes, all players must also join the U.S. Lacrosse Association. Online registration for U.S. Lacrosse is here:  Players must provide proof of U.S. Lacrosse membership when they pick up helmets or you can email it to the girls or boys lacrosse coordinator listed below. 
  • To verify age/eligibility, all player registrants must have a copy of their birth certificate on file with CSRF to be placed on a roster or to begin practicing. If you are a first-time player with CSRF or have not previously submitted a copy of your birth certificate, please mail a copy of your birth certificate to:

P.O. Box 20854
Roanoke, VA 24018. 

  • All registrations must be submitted online.  Unpaid registrants will not be placed on a team, be allowed to begin practice, or receive any equipment/uniforms.
  • No refunds will be given after registrants are assigned to a team/teams are drafted.  A $25.00 service charge will apply to any refunds that are approved.  Late fees may not be refundable.


All players provide their own sticks. CSRF also provides goalie equipment for girls and boys. Additional equipment required is as follows: 

  • Boys Equipment: All players will receive a pair of game shorts that they may keep. Jerseys and helmets will be provided by the club and must be returned by May 25th. Players must provide their own stick, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, and colored mouthpiece for every practice and game. Thanks to donations from Southwest Virginia Lacrosse Officials Association, Blue Ridge Chiropractic, Dicks Sporting Goods, and other anonymous lax fans, CSRF has purchased 24 sets of lacrosse pads (gloves, shoulder pads and arm pads). If you would like to borrow a set, please contact Billy Rinn at [email protected]. The number of sets of loaner pads is limited – they are available on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • Girls Equipment: All players will be provided a uniform and eyewear by the club to use during the season. These must be returned by May 25th to the Girls' coordinator. Players must provide a stick and colored mouthpiece for every practice and game. Also girls much purchase black compression shorts to wear under kilt (not to exceed length of kilt). 
  • PLEASE NOTE: Boys age group match all other area program in our lacrosse chapter. It is possible that you MAY NOT be playing with others in your same grade at school! 
  • Practice & game times and locations are to be announced in February. All teams will practice 2-3 times a week and have 1-2 games per week. Games will begin late March with the season ending around mid-May. Depending on interest, some age groups may be given the opportunity to travel and play in a tournament in mid-June. There will be an additional player expense for this and the cost will be determined later. 
 Lacrosse Age Groups
 Age Bracket Birthdate 
 U7  09/01/2007 to 08/31/2008 
  U9    09/01/2005 to 08/31/2007  
   U11 09/01/2003 to 08/31/2005
   U13  09/01/2001 to 08/31/2003 
    U15   09/01/1999 to 08/31/2001 


  • Girls who are in 8th and above may be eligible for the local high school - age club team. For more information, please contact: Deena Musselman, [email protected] or Jon Hartness (CSHS Athletic Director), (540) 772-7550.
  • Boys who are 15 or older as of September 1, 2013 may be eligible for the local high school - club team. For more information, please contact: Jon Hartness (CSHS Athletic Director), (540) 772-7550.

Registration Information

  • Late Registrations:
    * Registrations received after February 9, 2015 will be considered late. A late fee of $25.00 will be charged. 
  • WAITING LIST: A child registered after February 9, 2015, will be placed on a Waiting List and may not get to play. The player fee will be refunded if the child is not placed on a team. Every effort will be made to place Waiting List Registrants on a team, if roster sizes permit. 
  • For insurance purposes, all players must also join the U.S. Lacrosse Association. Online registration for U.S. Lacrosse is here:  Players must provide proof of U.S. Lacrosse membership when they pick up helmets or you can email it to the girls or boys lacrosse coordinator listed below. 
  • To verify age/eligibility, all player registrants must have a copy of their birth certificate on file with CSRF to be placed on a roster or to begin practicing. If you are a first-time player with CSRF or have not previously submitted a copy of your birth certificate, please mail a copy of your birth certificate to:

P.O. Box 20854
Roanoke, VA 24018. 

  • All registrations must be submitted online.  Unpaid registrants will not be placed on a team, be allowed to begin practice, or receive any equipment/uniforms.
  • No refunds will be given after registrants are assigned to a team/teams are drafted.  A $25.00 service charge will apply to any refunds that are approved.  Late fees may not be refundable.


All players provide their own sticks. CSRF also provides goalie equipment for girls and boys. Additional equipment required is as follows: 

  • Boys Equipment: All players will receive a pair of game shorts that they may keep. Jerseys and helmets will be provided by the club and must be returned by May 25th. Players must provide their own stick, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, and colored mouthpiece for every practice and game. Thanks to donations from Southwest Virginia Lacrosse Officials Association, Blue Ridge Chiropractic, Dicks Sporting Goods, and other anonymous lax fans, CSRF has purchased 24 sets of lacrosse pads (gloves, shoulder pads and arm pads). If you would like to borrow a set, please contact Billy Rinn at [email protected]. The number of sets of loaner pads is limited – they are available on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • Girls Equipment: All players will be provided a uniform and eyewear by the club to use during the season. These must be returned by May 25th to the Girls' coordinator. Players must provide a stick and colored mouthpiece for every practice and game. Also girls much purchase black compression shorts to wear under kilt (not to exceed length of kilt). 
  • PLEASE NOTE: Boys age group match all other area program in our lacrosse chapter. It is possible that you MAY NOT be playing with others in your same grade at school! 
  • Practice & game times and locations are to be announced in February. All teams will practice 2-3 times a week and have 1-2 games per week. Games will begin late March with the season ending around mid-May. Depending on interest, some age groups may be given the opportunity to travel and play in a tournament in mid-June. There will be an additional player expense for this and the cost will be determined later. 

IMPORTANT:  For insurance purposes, all players must also join the U.S. Lacrosse Association. Online registration for U.S. Lacrosse can be found here:  Players must provide proof of U.S. Lacrosse membership when they pick up helmets.  It can also be emailed to the lacrosse coordinator prior to picking up equipment. 

To verify age/eligibility, all player registrants must provide copy of their birth certificate.  Registration provides a method to upload the certificate.  You only have to upload the birth certificate once (not every season).

Equipment Information:

All players provide their own sticks. CSRF also provides goalie equipment for girls and boys. Additional equipment is required as follows: 

  • All players will receive a pair of game shorts that they may keep. Jerseys and helmets will be provided by the club and must be returned by May 25th. Players must provide their own stick, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, and colored mouthpiece for every practice and game.
  • CSRF has sets of loaner pads (gloves, shoulder and arm pads).  If you would like to borrow a set, please contact Denny Barbour at [email protected]. The number of sets of loaner pads is limited – they are available on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: Boys age groups match all other area programs in our lacrosse chapter. It is possible that you may not be playing with others in your same grade at school! 
  • Practice & game times and locations are to be announced in February. All teams will practice 2-3 times a week and have 1-2 games per week. Games will begin late March with the season ending around mid-May. Depending on interest, some age groups may be given the opportunity to travel and play in a tournament in mid-June. There will be an additional player expense for this and the cost will be determined later. 
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