All BJLBA players, playing ages 7-12 and active in the Junior, Minor and Major Divisions are eligible for consideration for post-season tournament play as long as they are:
A player in good standing and in compliance with the Player Code of Conduct. Not an active player in another league outside of BJLBA during the BJLBA season, which generally runs from April 1 through August 1.
Post season play or “All-Stars” is an opportunity for competitive players to extend their playing season through selection to a post-season tournament team. The process of selection is outlined in the BJLBA Division By-Laws. Player selection results will be publicly posted no later than the end of the current year’s BJLBA City Tournament.
Post-season play required a significant commitment of time of the part of both players and parents. Practices may begin immediately following a player’s team’s elimination from the city tournament and the frequency of practice will be left to discretion of the particular team’s coach. Tournament play may extend over a period of five weekends beginning at or near the 28th of June and generally involving two or more weekends of travel and games Thursday through Sunday as well as practices Monday through Wednesday or Thursday. The emphasis of post season play is to further enhance the competitive aspect of play with continued skill development and exposure to teams from geographic areas outside of Bloomington. Although BJLBA does subsidize the cost of tournaments held in Bloomington and to some extent, the cost of player uniforms, parents need to be aware that they most likely will be asked to contribute to the cost of post-season play, an amount not to exceed an amount equal to the current year’s registration fee.
The officers of BJLBA strongly feel that any child who wishes to be considered for selection should have an opportunity to state their interest in participating. Therefore, any player in the three eligible divisions will have an approximate one week period to indicate their interest in selection to a post season tournament team.
There are a limited number of teams and player positions availability for post season play. It is imperative that players and parents understand that nomination by a coach or the submission of the INTEREST AND COMMITMENT form does not guarantee selection. Furthermore, completion of the form is not required for nomination, but form completion is required if a player is selected to a post-season tournament team. Specific questions regarding post-season play and the selection process may be directed to any BJLBA officer. A complete listing of officers can be found here and posted on the bulletin board at the Winslow Sports Complex.
The All-Star Interest form can be downloaded here or it can be picked up at the concession stand at the Winslow Sports Complex. All forms must be returned to the concession stand at the Winslow Sports Complex by the date specified on the form.