Umpire Inquires
If you are interested in umpiring, please contact us at [email protected].
Certification and Training
The requirement is that all umpires affiliated with BJLBA must complete umpiring education and become certified to umpire post-season games and tournaments. In addition, those that are certified are paid a premium for league sponsored games and tournaments which would include regular season BJLBA games.
Training Material
ASHAA 2-Man Rotation Official Baseball Umpire Mechanics
ASHAA 3-Man Rotation Official Baseball Umpire Mechanics
Umpires Code of Ethics Pledge
1. Be on the field ready to go at game time.
2. Study the rules of the game diligently, observe the work of other umpires and attempt to improve at all times.
3. Conduct yourself in such a way that spectator attention is directed to the athletes playing the game and not at you.
4. Dress and maintain your appearance in a manner befitting the dignity and importance of the game of baseball.
5. Conduct yourself in a professional manner. Be a positive example to the players, coaches and fans.
6. Be fair and unbiased in your decisions, rendering them without regard to the score. Show respect for the players and coaches desire to win. The umpire’s job is to make calls and render decisions.
7. Give your complete cooperation to the teams that you serve and to league that you represent.
8. Cooperate and be professional with fellow umpires and do nothing to cause them public embarrassment. Umpires must work as a team, no matter who is their partner(s).
9. Be firm but not overbearing; courteous but not ingratiating; positive, but never rude; confident, but never “cocky;” friendly, but not companionable; calm, but alert.
10. Be prepared both physically and mentally to umpire.
11. Do not smoke or use smokeless tobacco on or in the vicinity of the playing field, nor drink alcoholic beverages on the day of the game.
12. Keep in mind that the game is more important than the wishes of any individual player or coach or the ambitions of any individual umpire.
Umpires Code of Conduct Pledge
1. Fairly call the game based on you’re best judgment of the rules (local and nation) as established by the league.
2. Communicate the rules of the game effectively to the managers, coaches and players.
3. Respond professionally when asked for clarification of rules and judgment calls.
4. Treat both teams and all players equally and fairly and ensure the rights of players.
5. Treat managers, coaches, other volunteers, players and parents with dignity. Attempt to pursue positive approaches to dealing with all parties.
6. Show good sportsmanship, a positive attitude and remember the real reason for the game: To have fun!
7. Report to the Board any issues or problems beyond your authority or are unable to resolve.