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Required ITC form- how to: MICHIGAN STATE (

Required proof of age form Western Suburban Soccer League -

WSSL Calendar - Calendar - WSSL: Western Suburban Soccer League (


Parent/guardian acknowledges that he/she;

a) Is aware that soccer is the type of activity that can result in personal injury;

b) Releases and holds harmless the HSA and its agents, coaches and volunteers from any and all liability that may occur in the performance of their duties with the HSA;

c) Affirms that the above named player has had a medical physical in the past twelve months and is not restricted in participating in sport activities;

d) Will immediately notify the HSA of all medical alerts that may arise;

e) Gives the Huron Soccer Association permission to act on my behalf in case of an emergency situation

f) Will abide by the rules of the HSA and practice and encourage good sportsmanship during all HSA activities

g) Have read and agree to the above HSA Youth Soccer Policies

h) Have read and understand Concussion Awareness Information available on the CDC website.