Sunday 7v7 League
League7Lax is a competitive game league where teams will compete for a championship!
Games are played on a 60x55 yard field with a regulation 6x6 goal. 6 field players + goalie.
Date: September 13th –November 1st
Location: Robbins Park
Times: TBD -Games scheduled between 12-4pm (game schedule will be posted September 7th)
Divisions: Grades 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
*Game league only, no practices
*Rosters capped at 8 field players to maximize playing time
**Goalie's play for FREE
Register as a team or a free agent
If registering as a team: Chose the "Team" registration option. One person will register, which will then give you a team code and link to invite the rest of your players.
You will need to purchase a League7Lax reversible jersey in order to play. The jersey can be used for this, and all future season's until your son grows out of it.
Coaches are choosing small-sided lacrosse competition, because it gets every player involved in a big way!
What is Small-Sided Lacrosse?
A regulation lacrosse game has 10 players on each side, but with only one ball many players may watch the action for long periods of time.
Small ball games re-create the physical and tactical demands of a full-game situation but with fewer players and smaller fields.
Small-ball is an excellent way for young players to transition into playing full-field games.
Why Choose Small-Side Competition
While it may seem obvious to simulate a lacrosse game to a T, reducing the number of players on the field provides many of the following benefits.
Increased Participation
One of the big appeals of small-ball is that it gets every player involved. Think of a typical youth lacrosse game where attackmen stand around bored while the other team is on offense.
With fewer players and smaller field dimensions, every player is a part of the action. At every level, this translates into a higher level of player engagement.
Improved Skill Development
Just like any sport, youth lacrosse players need to touch the ball to improve their game. The more they catch, throw, scoop and shoot, the better they become at these skills.
By simulating game situations with fewer players, more of team is ready to compete on game day.
More Fun for Everyone
Small ball competition is much more than just an educational tool. Players enjoy the opportunity to shoot and dodge much more frequently than a traditional 10-on-10. It can be a welcome change from a typical lacrosse practice.