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Aug, 2020

HSA Return to Training

Huron Soccer Association Families,


With the Governor’s most recent executive order we are permitted to return to training, with some modifications and regulations and only with players that have signed with the club. It is understood and acceptable that some families may not yet be comfortable in returning to train at this point.


As a board we have pulled resources from Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA) as well as Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) to develop a club policy for returning to train. This policy is required by MSYSA before any club can resume training.


Please review the highlights below, as well as the linked MSYSA guidelines. We recognize that we are asking coaches, parents and players to do additional things that we have never done in the past. We thank you for your help in keeping

us compliant with MSYSA’s regulations.


Club Responsibilities:

· HSA will notify coaches and families if we become aware that a player or coach has contracted COVID-19 and may have been infectious to others while at a club activity.

· HSA is prepared to shut down training due to health concerns up to 14 days if it is believed a group has come into contact with the virus.

Coach Responsibilities:

· Coaches will check themselves for symptoms and confirm their temperature before training.

· Coaches will complete a MHSAA created health checklist that will note what players are present at training, the presence of a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or close contact with someone with COVID-19. Save these for 30 days in the event we need to trace who has been in contact.

· If you are notified that a player has become ill or were in close contact with someone who became ill, notify a member of the HSA COVID communications contact listed at the bottom of this document.

· Conduct all training outdoors.

· Wear a mask as much as possible, especially during player check in.

· Ensure no equipment is shared. However, soccer balls can be shared for foot drills with avoidance of the use of hands. Soccer balls should be disinfected (while wearing PPE) before and after each training session. For any keeper training, one specific ball shall be used per keeper.

· Ensure all drills are to be performed while maintaining a minimum of 6 feet between players at all times.

Recommendation is to station players at least 12 feet apart as a buffer.

· Only the coach will handle equipment (cones, etc.)

· Recommended coach/player ratio depending on age group:

Size (Per Coach)

U7&U8 Roster 6 (Suggested per practice 6)

U9,&U10 Roster 12(Suggested per practice 6)

U11&U12 Roster 16 (Suggested per practice 8)

U12+ Roster 22 (Suggested per practice 11)


Parent Responsibilities

· Complete MSYSA waiver linked at the bottom of the email and send to your coach before your child attends initial training.

· For any player U12 or younger, check your player in with the coach and be prepared to answer the questions for the coach’s checklist prior to each training session. If the answer to any of the questions is “yes”, please keep your child home.

· For any player U13 or older, be sure they are prepared to provide the coach with answers to the questions on the coach’s checklist.

· If your child becomes ill, please notify your coach immediately

· Send your child with sanitizing products to every training.

· Clean all player equipment after training (clothes, cleats, ball, shin guards, etc.)

· Do not assist coaches with equipment.

· Consider not carpooling.

· Stay in your vehicle whenever possible. If you must leave your vehicle, wear a mask (including during check-in) and adhere to social distance requirements based on current state and local health requirements.

Player Responsibilities:

· Check temperature before every training session.

· Wash hands before and after training session.

· Bring and use hand sanitizer at every training session.

· Do not touch or share other players’ belongings and keep equipment separated by 6 feet.

o No sharing of water, snacks, shin guards, etc.

· Before, during and after training maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet from other players and coaches.

· Wear mask before and after all training sessions and during check-in

MSYSA Waiver:

MSYSA Return to training guidelines:



Brad Thomas

[email protected]
