Practice will be held in the Seneca Wrestling Room. Please use the entrance in the back of the school. The wrestling room is located right inside the doors.
Wrestlers should come ready to practice in shorts and a t-shirt. No jewelry, zippers, or buttons are permitted on the mat. Practice shirts will be distributed the first night. The shirt will have the wrestlers name on the back. Please try to wear the practice shirt as often as possible as this is extremely helpful to the coaches. All wrestlers must have wrestling shoes and headgear by the second week of practice. If you do not have wrestling shoes the first few nights, wrestlers can wear just socks. Veteran wrestlers – please bring any gently used shoes or headgear that you’ve outgrown to practice the first night. If you are in need of shoes or headgear, feel free to go through these items on the first night of practice and take what you can use. Otherwise, you may purchase wrestling shoes and headgear from any sporting goods store or online. One online site is
Very important note: Wrestling shoes should NEVER be worn outside. Extreme care is used to keep the mats sanitary by mopping them before every practice with an anti-bacterial cleaning product. Wearing wrestling shoes outside just invites germs into the room. If a wrestlers walks into the building wearing his wrestling shoes, he will not be permitted to wear them on the mat. We must take hygiene very seriously for the health of our children as well as the high school team. We are guests of the high school wrestling program and there is no exception to this rule. In addition, please make sure your child’s fingernails are neat and trim. Long nails cause scratches and can break and hurt your child.
Lastly, parents are not permitted in the wrestling room. This is not negotiable. All of our coaches passed a background check including finger printing. If you would like to assist with coaching, please let one of the coaches know and you will be provided with the necessary documentation to go through the process and be cleared as a coach.
Do not park in the bus lanes in front of the school. It is designated a Fire Lane and your car will be towed.
There are six League Matches during the season beginning in January. All wrestlers will be provided a team singlet to be worn to all meets. Singlets will be distributed at practice in December. Because the singlet is team property, a deposit in the amount of $100.00 is required. When you return the singlet at the end of the season, your check will be given back to you. It will only be cashed if the singlet is not returned.
During matches, your wrestler will be matched up with an opponent of the same age, weight and experience. The goal is for every bout to be competitive, win or lose. Coaches keep close attention to wrestler’s individual abilities and do their best to match wrestlers up accordingly.
We will have three home meets. Home matches require a lot of help and everyone is expected to assist in one way or another. We will need volunteers to move mats, score keep, and work the concession stand. If everyone lends a hand, the time required by each volunteer is minimal. As our first home match approaches, more information will be sent out regarding volunteering and food/ beverage donations to our concession stand. The expenses are high for our 3 home matches including $400-500 for referees and $500-600 for the use of the school.
Dual Team
More experienced wrestlers will have the opportunity to participate in a Dual Team format - if interested. More will be explained about this team at the parent meeting.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected].