CAA Manager Expectations
Managers are responsible for the administration and finances of the respective team. The manager can select parents, with the approval of the coach, to assist with team responsibilities. Additionally they will be responsible for the following areas:
Prepare for “Tryouts”
o Attend preseason mangers planning meeting to receive forms, instructions and information packets
o Complete team fact sheet for distribution on signing day
o Contact players at coach’s request
o Send out club invitations for tryouts, per coach’s instruction
o Arrange for parents to help sign-players, organize etc.
Organize signing day
o Ensure that no contract or club paperwork is signed prior to the official signing day
o Present players and parents with budgeting financial obligations, rules, schedule, contracts, medical releases and all other information pertaining to team operations
and coaches special instructions.
o Ensure that all paperwork is filled out properly and verify accuracy, including birth certificates
o Collect initial payment with paperwork and make sure necessary forms are notarized
o Size and order uniforms (all numbers are decided by coach)
Register team (make sure paperwork is submitted on time)
o Home association
o Register team for league tryout, if necessary
o Register team for playing league
Meet Financial Obligations
o Ensure, with the help of the coach, all team obligations to the club are met. In the case of financial hardship or difficulty in collecting fees, a manager should immediately inform the coach, so that he or she may resolve the problem
Refer all problems involving concerns of playing time and coaching issues to the team coach immediately.
o Meet with the coach to determine which tournaments the team will participate in. The coach selects tournaments for the team
o Obtain an application and find out what paperwork is needed for registration. Register on time for the tournaments
o Present tournament costs to parents and collect fees
o Apply for travel permit, if traveling outside of Arkansas. Travel permit need to be into ASSA 30 day in advance for thus tournaments and 90 days for foreign tournaments. You will need travel roster (signatures must match player cars and names must be the same as USYSA roster, player cards, USYSA roster and fees.