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Keizer Youth Basketball Association


This year, on the weekend of our annual Tournament, Mother Nature took over and delivered a major snow storm and unfortunately we were forced to cancel the tournament.

Next year on 2/7/15 and 2/8/15...


The Keizer Youth Basketball Classic is scheduled for February 7th and 8th, 2015.

Our Tournament will host 5th - 8th grade open levels for both boys and girls.

Medals will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place teams, and a Sportsmanship trophy in each bracket.

All teams are guaranteed a minimum of 4 games. 


$195 per team if registered by December 31, 2014.
$215 per team  from January 1st through the February 1st registration deadline.​

$5 entry fee for adults 18 and over.  $4 entry fee for Seniors.  Free admission for kids 17 & under.

Tournament Rules

OSAA high school rules are to be followed with the following exceptions:

  • 5th grade games will be played with 20 minute running halves. If the game is within 15 points, the last 2 minutes of the game will be stop time.

  • 6th - 8th grade games will consist of two 16 minute halves. The game will be stop time as in high school games.   In the final four minutes of the game, any time the lead is greater than 20 points, the clock will continue to run.

  • We give every team at least five minutes of warm-up time (more if time allows.). 

  • Half-time will be five minutes, unless we are behind schedule. In this case, we may limit half-time to two or three minutes.

  • If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, we will play one-two minute stop-time overtime. If the game is still tied after the overtime, we will then begin with a jump ball and the first team to score is the winner (“sudden victory"). 

  • Each team will receive three full timeouts per game. These do not carry over into the overtime. Each team will receive one timeout in the overtime. If we go into “sudden victory” time, each team will again receive one final timeout.

  • For 5th and 6th grade boys and 5th - 8th grade girls, we will use the intermediate-size ball, also known as a 28.5 or women’s ball. 7th and 8th grade boys will use the regulation sized ball.

  • KYBA will provide a timekeeper and scorekeeper for each game.


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