(Q) I want to register my child, but I cannot pay at this time. Are there any options?
(A) Yes. You can register your child and then select "Mail In Check". We ask that all fees are paid no later than November 15th. We have a "No Pay - No Play" policy. With the registration fee includes a jersey. Jerseys will be distributed in December to those who have paid the fee in full. Jerseys will not be distributed to those players who have not yet paid and unfortunately they will not be allowed to play until payment has been received in full.
(Q) Do you offer any scholarships?
(A) Yes. We offer full and partial scholarships to those who qualify. We realize that financial hardships can happen to any family and we do not want a child that wants to play to miss out because they cannot afford it. In order to be considered for a scholarship we ask that you complete a scholarship application no later than October 15th. Your application will be reviewed promptly by a Board member and you will be notified if it has been approved.
(Q) If we sign up our child to tryout for a tournament team and he/she is not selected can they still play in the Rec Program?
(A) Yes, absolutely. We want every child that wants to participate and play basketball to have that opportunity. This is also a great way to continue playing and work on improving their skills so they can come back next year and have an opportunity to tryout for a tournament team again.
(Q) If I have to pay for uniforms and tournaments separately in the Tournament Program, then why am I being charged an additional fee by KYBA.
(A) Great question! The fee charged by KYBA goes to help cover the cost of insurance, equipment and other operational costs to help support the organization. Gym space for practices are also allocated to our tournament teams at a minimum of 2 times per week. In addition, the fee also provides each tournament team free entry into our annual tournament, the KYBA Classic.
(Q) We don't live in Keizer, can we still sign our child up with KYBA?
(A) There are no restrictions for those living outside of Keizer that wish to participate in our KYBA Rec Program. However, our Tournament Program is primarily made up of Keizer residents. We actively support both boys and girls basketball programs at McNary High School and the coaches provide support by helping with our clinics and tournament team tryouts. Open spots can be filled with residents from outlying areas depending on availability.
(Q) Why don't you use adult officials during league play in your Rec Program?
(A) This is a topic that the Board revisits each year. There are really 2 reasons for this:
1) Cost. Experienced adult officials are expensive. Our objective is to offer a great basketball experience, while keeping it as affordable as possible for everyone wanting to participate. As we strive to keep our registration fees as low as possible, adding adult officials means that we must pass the added cost onto you and increase our fees.
2) Supporting our local high school youth. During the season we employ roughly 10-15 of our local young men and women currently attending high school. This is beneficial to their development into young adults as it provides them the ability to build character as leaders, empowering them with decision making, working with their peers, and accountability.