Recreational soccer is primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players without the emphasis on travel or high level competition. It's purpose is to provide an opportunity for the participants to have fun, learn the sport and develop life skills including a life-long love of the game...
WJCSC offers all age groups recreational soccer from as young as 4 years old up to 19 years old. We will be having our next registration in the fall of 2015. Please register an account on this website if you are interested in signing your child up and you will be notified when registration is open. You will be able to online register on this site with the option to pay by credit/debit or mail in your fees. The cost per child is $70 for U12 and below and $80 for U14 and above with a $5 discount for additional children.
U14 and above teams will be made in January of 2016 and we encourage you to go ahead and register.