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Joelton Community Club/Park


2025 Football Season

The registration fee for 2025 Joelton Viking Football is $150.00 and online registration is currently available. We require all our sign ups to be online. Anyone who signs up at the park will also need a credit / debit card to register. If you don't have one you can purchase a temporary similar card at the local Dollar General, Family Dollar or Walmart.

Joelton Viking Football is a part of Middle Tennessee Junior Football League. MTJFL modified the age brackets a couple of years ago. We will provide football for ages 5 through 12. There are FOUR age classifications: 5/6, 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12.  A player's age on July 31st determines his age classification. 

The first practice will be July 15th at 6 pm (no pads or helmet required). Our park will provide game jerseys and pants, socks, shoulder pads and a mouth piece. Helmets can be purchased through the park and we encourage you to do so. If you can't purchase one we can rent you a used one.  Our supply of previously used helmets is limited and will be available based upon a first come, first serve basis. All rented helmets, game pants, and shoulder pads will be immediately returned upon completion of your child's season.  You will need to purchase a practice jersey and pants, cleats and a cup (if required) on your own. Dick's Sporting Goods at Nashville West (6812 Charlotte Pike) will be holding a special shopping day.  There will be a 20% discount on all items purchased at the store on that day.   We will let you know the precise day as soon as Dick's lets us know. 

Teams will practice 4 nights a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for the first 3 or 4 weeks of practice and then will scale back to 2 nights a week (Mon & Thurs) after the jamboree.   There will be 8 weeks of regular season games (4 away and 4 home) plus jamboree, play-offs, and super-bowl. All Coaches are USA Heads-up certified with the program also providing a Player Safety Coach to ensure the well-being of our athletes.

Game times will generally be as follows:

5/6  @ 10:30 am
7/8   @ 12:00 pm
9/10 @ 1:30 pm
11/12 @ TBD

Check out for any other football league information.

Please see football commissioner or park president for any questions or concerns. Contact information is listed under the "Contact" tab.

For directions to any of the football fields go to our home page at click on the MTJFL link above or on the home page. You can navigate through it to get a full list of directions to all the football fields, along with the league's standings.


New uniforms will be purchased for the 2024 season. 

See Football section above for game/practice details. You can also visit the football league page at for directions to any field location. Cheerleading usually tries to schedule practices at the same time as football.
Whatever age a cheerleader is on August 1st is the age group that she'll cheer with, unless she is designated by the commissioner as a mascot.

Registration is now available online for $150. This year we are requiring everyone to sign up through our website, so if you plan to come to the park on the fitting dates (listed below) to register please bring a credit/debit card. Visa or similar cards are available at the local Dollar General, Family Dollar or Walmart if you do not have a debit/credit card. The cost for uniforms are approximately $200 for a full uniform (see below what the full uniform consists of). Each year we host a fundraiser to offset the cost of uniforms. Your child must participate to obtain credit from the fundraiser.  Registration is available online, but uniform cost will be paid separately in person. 

Fittings will be held some time in late July.  You will be notified when that will be. The uniform consists of the following: shell (top), skirt, briefs (bloomers), Bows and socks will be determined by squad.
Cheering at the Jamboree is usually optional for cheer squads and determined by the coach/commissioner.

Pomfest Competition takes place in November. This is a very big event with all the surrounding cities attending. All cheerleaders are required to attend. This is an all-day event. The winners of each age will perform at the SuperBowl. Every cheerleader will receive a participation trophy and a t-shirt, and winners will receive medals at the competition.

Visit the cheer league's page to find out more information about the organization:

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the cheer commissioner Brittany Allen, her contact information is listed under the "Contacts" tab.
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