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Medford Recreational Hockey Constitution and Bylaws

 Medford Recreational Hockey Association

The Medford Recreational Hockey Association, Inc. (Medford, Massachusetts) was formed on May 15, 1975 as a result of the consolidation of the Medford Youth Hockey Association, the North Medford Hockey Club and the West Medford and Hillside Hockey League. The original constitution and bylaws were approved and presented to the membership at the first Annual Meeting after the consolidation and prior to the first season that would begin in September of 1975.

Medford Recreational Hockey Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 231
Medford, Massachusetts 02155



The organization shall be known as Medford Recreational Hockey Association, Inc., (further referred to in this document as MRHA) with the right of the corporation to use the abbreviated name, Medford Rec Hockey or Medford Recreational Hockey, Inc. The nickname of the association shall be the "MUSTANGS".

SECTION 2. Official Colors
The colors of MRHA shall be white and navy blue or navy blue and white or silver.

ARTICLE II - Objectives

The objectives shall be to teach the children in the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority, so they will be well adjusted, stronger, and happier, and will grow to be good, decent, healthy, and trustworthy adults.

To achieve this MRHA will provide a supervised program of competitive hockey games.

ARTICLE III – Membership

SECTION 1. Active Members
An active member is one whose name has been presented to the Board of Directors and who is accepted into active membership by a 2/3 vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting.

A.     Active members are limited to:

Board of Directors
Tryout Committee
Newsletter Committee
Assistant Directors
Equipment Manager
Ad Book Committee
Clinic Instructors
Fundraising Committee

Active members, upon admission to MRHA shall interest themselves in the athletic. civic, educational and welfare work of MRHA, and shall endeavor to promote these objectives to the best of their ability. Each active member is required to participate in various organizational activities and when called upon, to help in the administration of organizational affairs.

B.     All active members must attend the Annual Meeting to be eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting.

C.      Honorary Members - Any person may be elected as an Honorary Member by a 2/3 vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Board of Directors, but shall have no rights, duties, or obligations. Past presidents will automatically become honorary members.

D.     All voters at the annual meeting must be certified by MRHA Financial Coordinator as having no outstanding financial obligation from any previous or current seasons.

SECTION 2. Other Affiliations
Officers, Coaches and Active Members shall not engage in the promotion and/or operation of any other hockey group without a 2/3 vote of the full Board of Directors. Note: USA Hockey, Massachusetts Hockey, Mass. Hockey Selects, Mass. Girl's/Women's Hockey, Mass. Hockey District #10 are not considered other hockey groups.

SECTION 3. Suspension or Termination
Resignation or action of the Board of Directors may terminate membership.
A.     The Board of Directors, by majority vote at any constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or terminate the membership of any Officer, Board Member, Coach, Active Members, or players in any class, when the conduct of such a person is considered to be detrimental to the best interest of MRHA and league membership.
B.     Any member of the Board of Directors who misses three (3) consecutive regular meetings without notifying the Secretary/Clerk or the President or misses a total of six (6) meetings with or without reason shall be terminated from the Board of Directors unless he/she was attending to some other MRHA business.
C.      The person involved shall be notified of a meeting within seven (7) days, informed of the nature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges. Said person shall have the right to have an advisor who is a member of MRHA appear with them on their behalf.
D.     All coaches, Active Members, Directors, or Officer suspensions will run concurrent with the fiscal year of MRHA and end on the last day of June. Subject to review of the Board of Directors.
E.      If a parent or player has a problem or an issue that needs to be addressed, it must be reported to the MRHA Board of Directors for discussion first, before seeking outside help or information. The following procedure shall take place. (Divisional Director, President, any Board of Directors member, hearing, District #10 appeal, State) If this chain of command is not followed, the parent and the player will be automatically suspended until a hearing with the MRHA Board of Directors The suspension will start immediately upon notification from the President or appropriate Board of Directors heard. The MRHA Board of Directors should meet within 48-hours to discuss the matter and any disciplinary actions that may occur for all parties involved. This action is in conjunction with the parent's and player's code of conduct.
F.      Suspensions, expulsions, or other disciplinary action may occur to any member (Director, Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, Parent etc.) who purchases un-authorized goods and services in the name of Medford Recreational Hockey or Medford Youth Hockey and fails to make complete monetary payment for those goods and services.

The family of each participant in the hockey, figure skating or clinic program shall be assessed dues, as needed, payable in accordance with the schedule of payment determined by the Officers. No player will be placed on a travel, in-house, clinic team or allowed to participate in the figure skating program, if their family owes any money (to include team game money) for any player or figure skater in their family from the previous years.

ARTICLE IV - Board of Directors

SECTION 1. Powers and Duties
The Board of Directors, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be vested with, and shall exercise powers and authority of MRHA, including the power to pledge, encumber and mortgage assets of MRHA. The Directors shall select or approve all Coaches and Assistants. No member of the Board of Directors shall be a head coach of a travel team or in-house team.

The Board of Directors and Active Members shall receive at the annual meeting a report from the Equipment Manager, verified by the President and Treasurer or by a majority of the Directors, showing the amount of the equipment owned, where located, the amount and nature of the equipment acquired during the year immediately preceding, the date of the report and the manner of the acquisition; the amount applied, appropriated or expended during the year immediately preceding such date, and the purpose or persons to or for which such applications, appropriations or expenditures have been made.
A.     The Board of Directors and Active Members shall receive at the Annual Meeting a printed financial report from the Treasurer, distributed to each Board member, which shows all income and expenses of MRHA for the previous season included the current balance in all checking and/or investment accounts.

SECTION 3. Required members and numbers
There shall be a minimum of thirteen (13) members of the Board of Directors who shall elect from amongst themselves a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Financial Coordinator and Secretary.
A.     A Director shall, upon election, immediately enter upon performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successor shall have been duly elected and qualified.

At the annual meeting, the Active Members must elect a Board of Directors of a minimum of thirteen (13) members. The new Board of Directors shall be elected by Plurality vote of all eligible active members present, subject to a minimum of 20% of the votes cast.

A.     A minimum vote is required on each ballot in order for the ballot to be valid. The minimum vote required for a full Board of Directors (13) shall be (8) votes. If there are less than thirteen (13) candidates on the ballot, the following minimum vote format will be used:

        13                                 8
        12                                 7
        11                                 7
        10                                 6
          9                                 5
          8                                 5
          7 to 4                          4
          4 or less                      2

SECTION 5. Vacancies
If vacancies occur on the Board for any reasons, the remaining Board of Directors may fill the vacancy(ies) from the current active membership list. No new members can be added to the MRHA Board of Directors after January 1st.

SECTION 6. Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings
It shall be mandatory for all members of the Board of Directors to attend each meeting of the Board of Directors unless duly excused in advance by the President, Secretary or Officer of the Association. Failure to attend will subject a member to action under Article III, SECTION 3B.

SECTION 6A. Attendance
Members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend all business meetings of the MRHA and carry out faithfully any obligations that they undertake in connection with any particular association activity.

SECTION 6B. Attendance
Any board member who misses three (3) consecutive regular meetings without notifying the Secretary/Clerk or the President or misses a total of six (6) meetings with or without reason shall be terminated from the Board of Directors unless he/she was attending to some other MRHA business.

SECTION 7. Quorum of Board of Directors
The presence in person of a majority of the Executive Board shall be necessary to constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors in order to conduct the business of the Board.


SECTION 1. Annual Meetings
The Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of April and no later than the 15th of May provided proper notification (SECTION 2) has been given to each active member (Youth Hockey Program and Figure Skating Program). The agenda at the Annual Meeting will consist of election of Directors, receiving reports, Bylaws (Changes or Additions) and the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting.

SECTION 1A. Open Board of Directors Meetings
The winter meeting schedule (September - April) for MRHA Board of Directors shall be set each August by the current BOD. The meetings will start at 7:30 PM. These meetings are open to the public and shall be held at the LoConte Rink or another public venue after proper notification is sent to the entire membership and publicly posted at LoConte Rink. Additional meetings will be scheduled as needed and proper notification will be sent to the membership.

SECTION 2. Notice of Meetings
Notice of Open Meetings and the Annual Meeting shall be delivered to each Active Member by whatever practical means necessary, IE Newspaper, Association Newsletter, US Mail, Meeting Notice Board at the LoConte Rink, or other means determined by the Board of Directors. Notice of the Annual Meeting must be available to each active member at least 10-days prior to the meeting date.

SECTION 3. Special Meetings
Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by an officer at their discretion, upon the written request of ten (10) Active Members. The President shall call a Special Meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at a Special Meeting of members.

SECTION 4. League Voting
Only Board Members and Active Members shall be entitled to vote at any open meeting of the Association.

SECTION 4A. League Voting - Conflict of Interest
To minimize any chance of a conflict of interest, a member of the MRHA Board of Directors shall not be present during any discussion prior to taking a vote and shall not vote on any matter directly affecting an immediate family member, including but not limited to spouse, children, stepchildren, siblings, and parents.

SECTION 4B. League Voting - Electronic Voting - Email or Texting
The MRHA Board of Directors shall not vote electronically (Email or Texting) on any motions pertaining to MRHA Player and Coaching Rules and Regulations, Travel Team Tryout Guidelines or Constitution and Bylaws.

SECTION 5. Proxies
Each member shall be entitled to one vote in person. There shall be no voting by proxy.

SECTION 6. Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings. Guideline order of business undertaken at all meetings shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3.  Read minutes of the last meeting and approval. President will ask if there are any corrections to the minutes read. If none, the minutes stand approved.
  4.  Reports of Committees:
    a.      Financial
    b.      Treasurer
    c.      Concession
    d.      Fundraising
    e.      Divisions
    f.       Leagues
    g.      Other Committees (i.e., Discipline, Tryouts, etc.)
  5. Appropriations, Expenditures
  6. Old Business
  7.  New Business
  8.  Adjournment

SECTION 7. Bylaw Publication.
MRHA Bylaws must be published on the MRHA website for "read only" by the first practice of the season annually.

ARTICLE VI - Officer's Duties and Powers

SECTION 1. Election
At or immediately following the Annual Meeting, provided there is a quorum, the Board of Directors shall elect Officers for the ensuing year and schedule the first meeting of the new MRHA  Board. All other decisions will not be made until the first official meeting of the new MRHA BOD. The departing Board will transition their roles and open items to the new MRHA BOD by the first official  meeting. 

SECTION 2. Officers
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Coordinator, all of whom shall hold office for the ensuing year or until their successors are duly elected. Officers cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive years in the same position unless approved by a majority of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. President
The President shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Association and for executing the policies of the Association at the Annual Meeting and at other such times as they or the Board of Directors shall deem appropriate. They shall communicate to the Board of Directors such matters and make suggestions as may, in the opinion, tend to promote the welfare of the players and the Association. They shall be responsible for the conduct of the Association. They shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

The President or such other officer as they may designate in writing, shall have the power to make and execute for and in the name of the Association, contracts, which have received the prior approval of the Board of Directors. They shall investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to the Association and report thereon to the Board or Executive Committee as circumstances warrant.

They shall, with the assistance of the Coaches, or other designated person, examine birth certificates of every player and certify to their residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted.

A discretionary fund shall be established to be used by the President with proper discretion, for the benefit of the association, without approval of the Executive Board. This fund shall consist of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and may not be used in increments of more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) without approval from the Executive Board. The Treasurer may replenish this fund, when exhausted, but only if so, directed by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4. Vice President
In case of the absence of the President, and provided they are authorized by the President or Board to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, assume all the powers of that office.

SECTION 5. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the activities of the association and maintaining appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records. They shall perform such duties as are customarily incidental to the office of Secretary or the Board of Directors may assign as to them. They shall maintain a list of all active members, Directors, committee members, and registrants.

They shall give notice of all meetings of the Association, Board of Directors, and Committees.

They shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meetings and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.

They shall notify Directors, Officers, and Committee Members of their election or appointment.

They shall take attendance and record voting at all meetings.

SECTION 6. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall perform such duties as are customarily incident to the office of Treasurer or as may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer shall receive any and all securities and deposit it in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer shall keep records for receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the Association, including the Auxiliary, recognize all payments from allotted funds and draw checks, therefore.

The terms of the treasure shall extend to the month of July in order to facilitate the smooth transition of the Financial Management of the Association and to assure the completion of the required tax forms required of the Association.

SECTION 7. Financial Coordinator
Financial Coordinator must receive all monies, keep records of monies received, invoice all monies due to the Association and deposit all monies received in the bank. They must be bonded.

ARTICLE VII - Executive Committee

SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall elect an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Financial Coordinator.

SECTION 2. Powers and Duties.
The Executive Committee shall exercise general supervision and direction over the operation of player personnel, league play, scheduling of games and competition, appointment of equipment manager and scheduling committee at the In-House level, subject to the direction of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall determine the cost of both the Travel and In-House Programs, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. Quorum.
A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President and in his/her absence, the Vice President.

ARTICLE VIII - Other Committees

SECTION 1. Divisional Director.
The Board of Directors shall elect a "Divisional Director" for each division of competition from its membership.

SECTION 2. Nominating Committee.
The Board of Directors may appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of a minimum of (3) Directors and a maximum of (5) Directors. The Committee shall investigate and consider eligible candidates and submit at the annual meeting a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors, to be considered from the active membership. The Committee shall receive names of the prospective Honorary and Active members, investigate for eligibility, and recommend those qualified for election, at the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting of Directors.

SECTION 2A. Bylaw Committee.
The Board of Directors may appoint a Bylaw Committee consisting of a minimum of (3) Directors and a maximum of (5) Directors. The committee shall receive and review any charges, additions, or deletions to the most current bylaws. The committee will present to the active members at the Annual Meeting the proposed changes, additions, or deletions to be voted on.

SECTION 3. Finance Committee.
The Board of Directors may appoint a Finance Committee consisting of a minimum of (3) and a maximum of (5) Active Members of the Association that shall meet on a regular basis.The Treasurer shall be a member of the Committee but not the Chairperson. The Committee shall investigate ways and means of financing the Association, including team sponsorship, fund raising, investments, and analyze purchasing methods and overall expenses and make recommendations to the Board.

SECTION 4 Auditing Committee 
The Board of Directors shall appoint an Auditing Committee consisting of (3) Active Members. The President, Treasurer, and Financial Coordinator are not eligible. The committee will review the Association's books and records semi-annually and report to the Board of Directors. Prior to the Annual Meeting, they attach a statement of their findings to the Annual Financial Statement of the President and Treasurer or may, if directed by the Board of Directors, secure the services of a Certified Public Accountant to accomplish the annual review.

SECTION 5 Discipline Committee
The Board of Directors shall appoint a Discipline Committee consisting of a minimum of (3) and a maximum of (5) Active Members. The Chairperson shall be the President or Vice President of the Association. The Committee shall hear all cases involving players, coaches, directors, or parents who are in violation of the USA Hockey, Mass. Hockey, or MRHA Bylaws or rules. The Committee shall report the action to be taken to the Board of Directors. The Committee's recommendation shall take effect immediately following the Committee's decision unless overruled by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 6. Tryout Committee 
The Board of Directors shall appoint a Tryout Committee in October of each Season to review the tryout procedures and policies for the following season (March Tryout). The Tryout Committee shall consist of a minimum of (5) Active Members and a maximum of (7) Active Members. The Committee shall include at least one member from each of the following: MRHA Board of Directors, Coaches and Parents. The Committee shall review all aspects of the methods of tryouts. The Committee will then report their recommendations to the Board of Directors in January and the Board of Directors will report to the Active Members at the March Open Meeting.

SECTION 6A. Selection of Outside Graders.
In the event that the Board of Directors elects to contract with an outside Grading Company to form travel teams, the same outside Grading Company cannot be used for more than two consecutive years.

ARTICLE IX - Financial and Accounting

The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finance of the Association and it shall place all income in a common treasury directing the expenditures of the same.

The Board of Directors shall not permit the contribution of funds or property to individual teams but shall solicit it for the common treasury of the Association, thereby discouraging favoritism among teams and to endeavor to equalize the benefits of the Association. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall not permit the solicitation of funds in the name of Medford Recreational Hockey Association, Inc., unless all of the funds raised are placed in the common treasury. Special event funds may be raised for Friendship exchange or State or National Championship teams with approval of a majority of the Board of Directors Funds raised will be recorded and disbursed through the Treasurer of the Association, with the balance after expenses being placed in the common treasury.

The MRHA is not liable for any unauthorized purchases of goods and services (ice, equipment, jackets, event tickets, transportation, etc.) in the name of Medford Recreational Hockey or Medford Youth Hockey.

The Board of Directors shall not permit the disbursement of funds for other than the conduct of the Association.

No Director or Officer of the Association shall receive directly or indirectly any salary, compensation, or emolument (payment for work) from the Association for services rendered as a Director or an Officer.

All monies shall be deposited to the credit of the Association in a local bank convenient to the Treasurer, and all disbursements shall be made by check. Both the President and Treasurer shall sign all checks, and both shall be bonded.

The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June.

ARTICLE X - Tryouts and Team Placement

Tryouts shall be held at the end of the regular season. At least 10 days before tryouts,  registration will open and notice of the schedule, process, and scoring method will be posted on the  website and emailed to all families. The MRHA BOD will ensure the integrity of the tryout process. 

1. If them MRHA BOD elects to contract with an outside grading Company, the following procedures  shall be followed:  

2. The MRHA BOD shall vote on which Outside Grading Company shall be hired. 

3. The MRHA BOD will agree upon the cost Outside Grading Company in writing prior to the start of  tryouts.  

4. The MRHA BOD shall be copied on all communications with the Outside Grading Company.  5. The MRHA BOD shall try to hire two separate companies for skills and tryouts. 

6. If the same Outside Grading Company is hired for both skills and tryouts, the MRHA BOD will make  every attempt to ensure that different personnel are used as graders during tryouts.  

7. All meetings with the Outside Grading Company shall be held with all available MRHA BOD.  

8. No parent, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, MRHA BOD, etc. shall be allowed on the ice during any  tryouts. Only staff of the outside Grading Company shall be allowed on the ice during tryouts.  Coaches, Assistant Coaches, MRHA BOD, or other volunteers approved by the MRHA BOD shall be  allowed to help on the benches during tryout sessions only if their child is not on the ice during that  session.  

9. MRHA BOD shall be check-in and checkout of players during tryouts.  

10. No parents, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, MRHA BOD, etc. shall have any access to the grading sheets  during tryouts. No parents, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, MRHA BOD, etc. shall discuss players,  scores, or other tryout-related matters with the Grading Company staff during tryouts.  

11. The Outside grading Company shall conduct tryouts in a manner that is agreed upon with the Tryout  Committee and approved by the MRHA BOD.  

12. Outside Grading Company staff shall sign, date, and timestamp their scoring sheets at the end of  each tryout. They shall also initial, date, and timestamp any cross out or correction to any score on  the scoring sheets. The Outside grading Company shall scan or take a picture of the scoring sheets  and email them to the full MRHA BOD.  

13. The MRHA BOD shall maintain electronic copies of the scoring sheets for a minimum of one year.  

14. The Tryout Committee will review and assess the tryout results for errors. No player names will be  included in their assessment, only pinnie numbers and identification numbers will be used.  

15. After all scores are tabulated, they shall be submitted for approval by the MRHA BOD.  

16. The MRHA BOD will use tryout scores to project team placement. Team placement is not  guaranteed, as teams will still need to be officially selected.  

17. Only after the scores are approved by the Board of Directors, shall families be notified of their  player’s projected team.  

18. Player identification numbers will be used when reporting projected team placement. For  example, ID# 242 – Squirt team 2.  

19. Player rankings will NOT be made public.  

20. Parents may request an additional review of the data if they question the accuracy of the  results. Request must be made via email to the entire Board of Directors. Once requested, the  Tryout Committee will review the score sheets and report their findings back to the parent who requested the review. All Board of Directors must be included in the email communication between  the parent and Tryout Committee.  

21. Individual player rankings will NOT be made available to parents, even upon request.  

At each level Mites thru Bantams and all Girls Teams, players will be selected by their tryout grades in numerical order. Players at these levels do not try out by position. Each Travel Team will consist of a minimum of (13) players, and (1) goalie, and a maximum of (17) players and (2) goalies. Exceptions to this rule are subject to approval by the Board of Directors. All Travel Teams, except Mites and Midgets, must have a minimum number of players by December 31st of each year. A loss of a rostered player after December 31st does not require movement of another player.


A.     Players shall play in their age group as defined by USA Hockey.
B.     Players who chose to try out in a higher age group but not their own age group and are selected at the higher age group must remain on the higher age group team for the whole season. If not  selected at the higher age group, the player must play in the In-House Program.
C.     Players who try out for a higher age group team and their own age group team, can play in their own age group team if not selected at the higher age group.
D.     In-House players shall play in their own age group as defined by Mass. Hockey unless approved by 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.
E.     Injuries that prevent a player from trying out would not place that player at a lower-level team. The injured player would stay on the same team unless they are moving to a new division level. If they are moving to a new division (i.e., Squirt to Peewee) they will be placed on the next lowest team (IE Squirt-A -Peewee-B). Injuries include broken bones or serious illness. Subject to Board of Directors approval.

Every player will be given equal ice time as possible.

A. The number of teams will be based on the number of players registered for tryouts and is subject to  change by the MRHA BOD at the completion of the commitment process.  

B. Teams will be formed based on Tryout scores provided by our contracted third-party grader. Within  each division, the top ranked 13 players, based on Tryout scores, will be offered a spot on the A  team for the division/age group. The next 13 players based on Tryout scores will be offered a spot  on the B team for the division/age group. The next 13 players based on Tryout scores will be offered  a spot on the C team for the division/age group. 
If there are not enough players to form a full team, the MRHA BOD may increase the number of  players on the teams in that division to ensure all players who tried out in March are placed on a  team.  

C. Players who missed Tryouts but did not notify the MRHA BOD prior to the tryout session will be  placed on the lower team for their division.  
Players who notified the MRHA BOD of an injury or illness prior to tryouts and are staying in the  same division will be placed on the same level team as the prior year. 
Players who notified the MRHA BOD of an injury or illness prior to tryouts but are moving up a  division will be placed lower team for the higher-age division.  

NOTE: Keep in mind that the MRHA BOD or Head Coaches may suggest moving players within the  first six (6) weeks of the season to ensure the players are on the appropriate team based on skill  level.  

D. Commitment letters will be sent by the MRHA BOD within 1 month of Tryouts with a request to  accept or reject the roster spot within 2 weeks of the offer. The MRHA BOD will make every effort to  contact the non-responders before finalizing the rosters for the coming season.  

E. Upon completion of the commitment process, the MRHA BOD will reconvene to review the current  rosters, move players as needed to fill rosters (players will be moved based on Tryout scores).  

F. Players may be added to a team at the start of the season with the approval of the Board of Directors without a regrade provided they are the next players on the grading list, or unless every player on the grading list between the next graded player and the designated coach selection has declined the offer to be regraded. If there are more than one player separating the next graded player and the designated coach selection, only one regrade will take place between the next graded player that agrees to a regrade and the designated coach selection. No on-ice regrading will be done prior to the start of the next season (1st on-ice practice). All on-ice regrading will be done during the highest-level games. All player selections from the most current grading list must be approved by the Board of Directors. All player movements requiring regrading after the start of the season must be done by contracted outside graders approved by the Board of Directors.

G. A
dding of Players to Rosters After Tryouts - Players Who Missed Tryouts MRHA will make every attempt to fill team rosters before December 31st. MRHA will provide an opportunity for players who missed tryouts to fill open roster positions. These players must complete a MRHA player application, register with USA Hockey and provide proof of registration, pay a $100 non-refundable application fee, and must have no current or previous outstanding financial obligations. To determine a player's ability level, MRHA may schedule an evaluation of a player during an authorized team practice with the same age level teams. All evaluations will be performed by contracted outside graders approved by the Board of Directors. Once evaluated and placed onto a team roster, the player will be considered the last player on that team roster. After the first 6-games, no existing rostered players who are in good standing financially and not under suspension, can be removed from their roster.

H. Alternate Players (Squirt, Peewee and Bantams) Alternate players will be registered with MRHA and rostered to a team by December 1st. Alternates will pay for all practices and skills. A coach may use the alternate only after asking players on the team directly lower to play. Example: A team needs a player they must ask the B team if the B team needs a player, they must ask the C team players. Coach must email the whole board when the alternate player is used for tracking purposes. No exceptions will be made to any team.

SECTION 6 Team Placement
Travel Teams formed through the grading process in the Spring prior to the season by MRHA BOD through the  first 6 weeks, and no later than the  second (2nd) game, a Head Coach may request movement of players through a written request to the  MRHA BOD and Divisional Director. After the first (6) games weeks of the season, higher-level players are frozen, and no player can be  dropped from a higher-level team to a lower-level team. Players will, however, be allowed to play up at  a higher-level team with the approval of the Divisional Director and the MRHA BOD based on league rules. 

A.     All coaches will abide by USA Hockey’s Coach’s Code of Conduct found on  the USA Hockey Website and in their Annual Guide throughout the season.
When a team knows that they will be going to a game with less than ten (10) players, they must call  up from the team below according to the tryout list through the Divisional Director.
A.     Travel Team practices assigned by the Ice Coordinator must consist of players and coaches registered in the MRHA, USA Hockey and assigned to the team (s) that the practice ice is assigned to. (NO EXCEPTIONS).
B.     Travel Team practices purchased through the MRHA as "extra team ice", must follow the same guidelines, however, any variations must be approved by the Board of Directors and monitored by the divisional director.
C.     Each Travel Team has the option to participate in the District 10 Playdowns. Decision would be made by a majority vote of the team. 
The MRHA BOD and Divisional Director will contact the Head  Coach and Team Manager for a decision to participate in the upcoming playdowns.  

SECTION 8. Equipment.
JERSEYS - All new Travel Team jerseys will have the "Mustang Logo" and all In-House Program jerseys will have the current "Medford Seal Logo".
NECK GUARDS - Neck guards must be worn by all players involved in MRHA from Mites to Peewee level when they are on the ice in practice or in a game. This would apply to In-House, Yankee Conference and Travel Team players.
MOUTH GUARDS - Mouth guards must be worn by all players involved in MRHA from Mites to Midget level when they are on the ice in practice or in a game. This would apply to In-House, Yankee Conference and Travel Team players.

SECTION 9. In-House Program
A.     All children who are not under suspension by MRHA, may register, attend grading sessions, and be assigned to the Tier IV In-House Program.
B.     Composition of Teams. All children will be graded by their ability or past performance and assigned to an In-House team or beginners’ clinic by means of drafting to ensure equal selection, and equal ability as possible.
C.     In-House practices assigned by the Ice Coordinator must consist of players and coaches registered with MRHA and USA Hockey and are assigned to the team(s) the practice ice is assigned to. The Divisional Director and the Board of Directors must approve any variations. (NO EXCEPTIONS).

SECTION 9A. Girl's Hockey Program
A.     Through a partnership with Woburn and Burlington, Medford offers a competitive travel team  program, Mass Bay Warriors, for girls ages 10-18. Please contact Mass Bay Warriors or the MRHA  BOD for additional information about this partnership. 
B.  All girls who reside in the Medford area and are not under suspension by any USA/Mass. Hockey registered program, may register, attend grading sessions, and be assigned to the MRHA Girl's Only Program.
C.    MRHA shall manage the Girl's Hockey Program and will assign a Divisional Director to the program.
D.     All players will be registered and insured through USA/Massachusetts Hockey.
E.     Composition of teams. All girls will be graded by their ability or past performance and assigned to teams at three levels: Squirts 12 & under, Peewees 15 & under and Midgets 19 & under.
F.      Girl's Hockey practices assigned by the Ice Coordinator must consist of players and coaches registered with MRHA and USA Hockey. The Divisional Director and the Board of Directors must approve any variations.

SECTION 9B. Figure Skating Program
A. All girls and boys may register to participate in the MRHA Figure Skating Program.
B. MRHA shall manage the Figure skating Program and will assign a Divisional Director to the program.
C.    All skaters will be registered and insured through USA Figure Skating.
D.    Figure Skating sessions assigned by the Ice Coordinator must consist of skaters and instructors registered/contracted with MRHA. The Divisional Director and Board of Directors must approve any variations.

SECTION 9C. Coaches and Assistant Coaches
Coaches and Assistant Coaches. Coaches and Assistant Coaches will be selected by  majority vote of the MRHA BOD. This includes Travel Team, In-House, and Clinic. All Coaches and  Assistant Coaches must fill out a MRHA application to be considered for the position. If selected, all  coaches mus register with USA Hockey, complete the USA Hockey Background Check (CORI) and Mass  Hockey CORI forms, complete the safesport certification, and obtain the coaching certifications  (including age module) prior to the start of the season to ensure compliance with league rules and USA  Hockey Roster requirements. Only approved and correctly patched Coaches and Assistant Coaches are allowed  to be on the bench at games or on the ice at practices. 

SECTION 10. Travel Team Coaches and Assistant Coaches Certification
MRHA Travel Team Coaches and Assistant Coaches must be certified through the USA Hockey Coaching  Education Program. To be rostered, the qualifications and certifications must be complete. Only  rostered coaches will be allowed on the bench at games or on the ice at practices. Per USA Hockey,  Qualification levels must be attained by:  

NOVEMBER 1st - Bantams (14 & U) and Midgets (18 & U)  
DECEMBER 31st - Mites (8 & U), Squirts (10 & U) and PeeWees (12 & U)  

Note: While USA Hockey permits completion by those dates, coaches cannot be rostered with USA  Hockey until these requirements are met so MRHA requests that coaching volunteers complete the  process prior to the start of the season. 

ARTICLE XI - Player Eligibility  

SECTION 1. Player Guidelines
Any player who owes league or team money or is under suspension will be ruled ineligible by the Board of Directors. If any family has an outstanding balance for more than two (2) payments from the due date, then anyone of that family will not be allowed on the ice until payments are made or written arrangements approved by the President or Treasurer.

All children residing in Medford may register for participation into the Medford Recreational Hockey Association (MRHA) program under the age levels set forth by USA Hockey.

All applications are to be reviewed by the Board of Directors, and they can rule an applicant ineligible under the guidelines set forth by the Board of Directors.

Medford Recreational Hockey Association (MRHA) will not accept incoming players from other USA Hockey programs. Exception to this rule requires approval from the Board of Directors.

SECTION 5. Travel Team Program.
A.     Any child who registers, tries out, and is assigned to a Travel Team, may not apply for membership to the Tier IV In-House/Yankee Program, thus leaving the travel program, without a hearing before the Board of Directors and approval by the Board of Directors.
B.     Any child who registers, tries out and is assigned to a Travel Team, may participate in an independent program provided there is no interference with their Medford games and practices.

SECTION 6. In-House Program
A.     All children who reside in Medford, including players not selected for the travel program, may register, attend grading sessions, and participate in the Tier IV In-House Program.
B.     The Board of Directors can rule an applicant ineligible under the guidelines set for by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE XII - Player Suspension

Any player who registers, tries out, and is assigned to a travel team and declines participation for the team they are assigned, will automatically be suspended from participating in both the travel and In-House programs, until their parents appear before the Board of Directors, and the suspension is removed by a vote of the Board of Directors.

Any player who registers, tries out, is assigned to a travel team, attends practice or a game and leaves the team, will automatically be suspended from participating in both the travel and In-House program for the remainder of the season. They are also ineligible to participate in USA Hockey related activities. This is subject to review by the Board of Directors.

All players' suspensions in both the travel team and In-House programs will run concurrent with the fiscal year of the association and end the last day of June. This is subject to review by the Board of Directors.

The Board will review all players on suspension at the beginning of each season and can extend suspension of players by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE XIII - Code of Conduct

SECTION 1. Zero Tolerance Policy. 
In an effort to make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, the USA Hockey Youth, Junior and Senior Councils have instructed the Officiating Program to adhere to certain points of emphasis relating to sportsmanship. This campaign is designed to require all players, coaches, officials, team officials, and administrators to maintain a sportsmanship and educational atmosphere before, during, and after all USA Hockey sanctioned games.

Thus, the following point's emphasis must be implemented by all On-Ice Referees and Linesmen:

PLAYERS - A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player:

1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
2. Uses obscene or vulgar languages at any time, including swearing, even if it is not directed towards any particular person, visually demonstrates any sign of dissatisfaction with an official's decision.
3. Anytime that player persists in any of these actions, they shall be assessed a Misconduct Penalty.

A Game Misconduct shall result if the player continues such action.

COACHES - A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a coach:

1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
2. Uses obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.
3. Visually displays any sign of dissatisfaction with an official's decision including standing on the boards or standing in the bench doorway with the intent of inciting the officials, players, or spectators.

At any time that a coach persists in any of these actions, they shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty.

OFFICIALS - Officials are required to conduct themselves in a business-like, sportsmanlike, impartial, and constructive manner at all times. The actions such as baiting or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited.

SECTION 2. Physical Abuse Policy
It is the policy of USA Hockey that there shall be no physical abuse of any participant involved in any of its sanctioned programs, its training camps, hockey clinics, Regional or National Tournaments or other USA Hockey events by any employee, volunteer, or independent contractor. Physical Abuse means physical contact with a participant that intentionally causes the participant to sustain bodily harm or personal injury. Physical Abuse also includes physical contact with a participant that intentionally creates a threat of immediate bodily harm or personal injury. 

Physical Abuse does not include physical contact that is reasonably designed to coach, teach, or demonstrate a hockey skill. Permitted physical contact may include but is not necessarily limited to shooting pucks at a goaltender, demonstrating checking, and other hockey skills, and communicating with/or directing participants, during the course of the game or practice, by touching them in a non-threatening, non-sexual manner. 

NOTE: Article XIII was adopted from USA Hockey's Bylaws in its entirety by Medford Recreational Hockey Association for inclusion to its Bylaws. The Board of Directors will require those who violate this By Law to appear before the discipline board and will not tolerate any violations to this By Law. 

ARTICLE XIV - Robert J. Taddeo Memorial Scholarship Fund

Bob Taddeo was a lifelong supporter and contributor to the Medford Recreational Hockey Association's Program. He loved the sport and dedicated countless hours to the hockey organization as a coach and as a member of the Board of Directors, serving as President for many years. A scholarship fund is to be created in Bob's memory to guarantee any needy child desiring to play hockey in Medford will have the opportunity to do so. The Board of Directors of MRHA will manage the fund and all monies collected will be used to provide tuition assistance to needy children desiring to participate in the program. MRHA will conduct one fundraiser per year to help this worthy cause. All tuition assistance payments will be determined on the availability of funds. Payments will be made from the interest accumulated on the principal deposits. In the event that funds are not available, there will be no assistance granted. All those interested in applying must send a written request to the Board of Directors. Each year the Board of Directors will provide guidelines outlining the application process. Upon dissolution of this fund, any remaining monies will be turned over to the general treasury for use at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE XV - Application of Rules

All rules of Medford Recreational Hockey Association, Inc. will apply to all leagues.

ARTICLE XVI - Amendments

 This Constitution and By Laws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, by a majority vote at any duly called meeting of the Active Membership provided notice of the proposed change is included in the notice of the meeting.

END. REVISED 04/27/2023

NOTICE: Medford Recreational Hockey Association "Web Page Information" is not responsible for any clerical or typing mistakes regarding bylaws, player payments or billing. All Player payments are determined by the league and team the player is registered with and subject to MRHA Board of Directors discretion.


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