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AYSO Brings Families Together in a New Way

AYSO is a soccer organization, a community, a lifestyle, a family, an adventure, a learning experience, a place to make memories, and a season of exciting and busy Saturdays, all wrapped up in color-coordinated jerseys and cleats.

Give your child the opportunity to play soccer and learn about life, sportsmanship, and the fun of competition and physical activity with a soccer program that has been kicking around the Charlotte area since 1987 and nationally since 1964.

How can you support your young players so they'll have more fun in soccer?

Click here to view the Parents Code of Conduct 

Six things parents should say to their players:

Before the Match After the Match
1. I Love You 1. I Love You
2. Good Luck 2. It was great to see you Play
3. Have Fun 3. What would you like to eat?


In AYSO, fans are asked to be cheerleaders, not critics. Kids Zone® is a unique program that includes a parent pledge that moms and dads sign to commit to positive, encouraging behavior when they're watching the games. It also includes signs, buttons and other game-day reminders.

Soccer is a player's game. Players learn the game by trying new things, making mistakes and trying again. Sideline critics who scream instructions at players or criticize referees or coaches just slow down the learning process and make it less fun for everyone.

Negative, even violent, behavior of players, coaches and parents involved in youth sports has become almost epidemic in the U.S. Kids Zone® is a proactive effort to counteract this trend.   Parent's Pledge



Everyone Helps Out

AYSO is a national volunteer organization with more than 250,000 parents and friends, many of them working as coaches, referees and administrators. It's not unusual to find two, three or more children in the same family playing AYSO soccer - while Dad serves as referee and Mom as coach. It can be a total family experience! The Growth of AYSO

AYSO was founded in 1964 in Torrance, Calif. with about 125 players. Today that number has grown to more than 625,000 nationwide.

Why AYSO Works

AYSO works because our volunteers work. The volunteers work because they believe in the AYSO philosophies. Our phenomenal growth underscores AYSO's commitment to a healthy competitive atmosphere for youth soccer players, combined with dedication toward the development of responsible individuals.


Click here to view VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES  - You are going to be at your child's game and practice anyway.  A great way to spend time with your child and help the Region

Silent Saturday

What is Silent Saturday?

"Silent Saturday" has been instituted in AYSO Regions throughout the country finding a great deal of success. Its main purpose is to just let the kids play and have fun without having to worry about how their performance is affecting the adults on the sidelines. "Silent Saturday" is a throwback to the old schoolyard days when kids would congregate after school and on weekends just to play the sport all day without regard to who was winning and repercussions for poor play and decision-making.

No one except the referee and the players are allowed to talk during the game. The coaches may only talk to their players during substitution breaks (quarters), at halftime, and before their game.

Parents and spectators will remain quiet for the duration of the game. Those found talking, cheering, or making any verbal noise will be given a sucker. It they continue to make noise, they will be asked to leave the area of the field.



Watch a video on the value of Silent Saturday

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