Volunteer Registration

So you want to volunteer?  Thanks for considering it!  We'd love to have you join the team.  AYSO is run 100% through the efforts of volunteers.  There are many ways that you can help out, some that require a one time commitment of an hour or two such as field setup/tear down or registration or picture day, others that require a few hours a week for a short period, such as coaching, reffing, etc., and some that require varying hours on an ongoing basis, such as a Regional Board Member.

To get started, we need you to register as a volunteer.  This is done not only for the safety of our players, but for your safety as well.  Please note that the National AYSO office requires that all volunteers register online at

After submitting your application, please print a copy and provide it to Kristin Anderson, DeKalb AYSO CVPA.  You will also need to show your driver's license for verification.  

Thanks again!