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Sub rule:  For traveling teams with too few players, coaches are allowed to bring up enough players from the league below to bring them up to two subs.  This is allowed during the regular season, but not the Area or State tournaments.
     a. For example, if you know that you will have just 10 players in a boys Striker game, you can bring up 3 boys Wings to round out the team. Wings total with 9 on field 11 players, Strikers and Kickers with 11 on the field 13 players. 
     b. This is designed for the smaller districts, but available to all districts. In-house teams that play in-house can let the District mold a sub rule that fits their needs if needed. 
     c. For in-house divisions (Little Devils and Passers), teams with in-sufficient subs should simply adjust the number of players fielded for the game.  For example, if a Passer team only has 7 instead of 8 players, then the other team should just pull one player off of the field. This includes those limited districts that have traveling Passer teams.

    d. Subs have to be on a SAY roster on the division below the team subbing the players.
    e. Girls teams may only pull from girls teams. Boys may pull from boys or girls teams.
    f. Subs must be playing up only one year.  For example, if the Wings age group in 2017 has players born in 2007 and 2008, a sub from Passers must be born in 2009.
    g. Subs must be made aware to the referee and opposing coach before the game during check-in.
    h. Coaches and referees must verify the count the actual number of players to make sure that it doesn't exceed number of kids on the field plus two subs on the bench.
    i. Unique jersey numbers are not enforced for subs, but other requirements, such as having a close enough color uniform can be enforced by the referee if needed.
    j. Illegal players (non-rostered players, too young of age, etc) that actually play may draw a yellow card, ejection from the game or the team and/or player may face revocation of sub privileges by the Area board.  If a coach is found to be using illegal players intentionally or otherwise abusing the sub privileges, the Area board may elect to give the coach a red card, suspend their ability to use subs or otherwise restrict their usage of subs.
    k. Subs can be drawn from neighboring districts, but preferably district players. This can only be done when the coach is reasonably sure that no subs can be drawn from their district and when it's not deemed abusing the spirit of the sub usage (to stack a team for the game, etc).
    l. The subs cannot play any longer than regularly rostered player.  If complaints are heard about subs playing longer than rostered players, particularly from the parents of the team where the subs were used, it may lead to a revocation or restrictions of sub use by that team.

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