The Minors-AA Player Pitch division is designed for players that are LEAGUE AGE 7-9. Players in this age group will be required to attend a skills assessment and will be "drafted" to a team. Players that do not attend assessments will randomly be placed on a team.
**Friend and/or Coach Requests will be communicated to the head coaches prior to the player draft, but cannot be guaranteed. The purpose of player assessments and the draft is to build the most competitively balanced teams.
The Minors-AA Player Pitch division provides an instructional yet moderately competitive setting for young players to learn the fundamentals of baseball or continue to build on the skills they have already acquired.
The format for play follows traditional Little League Baseball rules with shortened pitching (40 foot) and base running (60 foot) distances and modified rules that are age appropriate and approved by the CCLL Board of Directors. Players fill all normal defensive baseball positions to include the pitcher.
Practices and games begin in May. Games are played on weekday evenings and Saturdays primarily at Mission Viejo Park. The season concludes in late July. Players will receive a uniform hat and shirt to keep. Trophies are awarded based upon the number of teams in the division.