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Blanchester Youth Soccer Organization

Blanchester Youth Soccer Organization

Coaches Training

When you sign up to be a coach please text Jamie, the Coach Coordinator, at 513-968-4776 to confirm your registration.

As of January 2024, all coaches must take the Referee Test.

Coaches are vital to Youth Soccer.  Being a Coach is 100% volunteer work.  Volunteering your time to better your players and yourself, all while having fun!  Because we are working with children it is important that some training and a background check are done, for the safety of everyone.  The following 3 trainings are mandatory to coach youth soccer, all of which are FREE OF CHARGE, if it is asking you to pay, please contact Jamie before you proceed.

Background Check - If you are a teacher speak to a Board member before doing the SAY soccer background check!
-Select A VOLUNTEER after clicking this link
-Club is Five Points - Blanchester

Concussion Training – Best to complete on a computer
-Choose the First Approved Option of the Concussion Training (National Federation of State High School  Associations Concussion in Sports – What You Need to Know)
-An account will need to be created
-Save (and remember) your sign in information for future use and other sports
-This training takes approximately 30 minutes to complete
-Certification is valid for 3 years

 SafeSport Coaches Training - Best to complete on a computer
-The sign-in information will be provided by a board member
-An account will need to be created
-Save (and remember) your sign in information for future use and other sports
-This training takes approximately 3 hours to complete
-A refresher course must be taken in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year and the full course must be taken again in  the 5th year.

We ask that all coaches provide copies of their training certificates either by hard copy, e-mail, or text to the coaches’ coordinator.
Please include the background check, concussion training, and safe sport. Thank you!


NOT MANDATORY: If you are new to soccer and would like some extra training, NAYS is a fabulous introduction!  This is voluntary and you do not need to provide us with a certificate for this. You can even become certified in multiple sports.  There is a starting fee of $20 that you would be responsible for paying.  Click here to go to the website:  National Alliance for Youth Sports


Being a Coach is being a mentor and leader to the team.
- The coach must agree to and abide by the coaches code of conduct 
Coaches Code of Conduct Approved January 2024.pdf

A Coach will obtain paperwork on players and turn in to the Coaches Coordinator.

Coaches Coordinator will make copies of necessary paperwork the Coach is obligated to have on them each and every practice and game such as:
  1.  Concussion Certificate
  2.  SafeSport Coaches Training Certificate
  3.  Player Emergency Medical Forms
  4.  Spectator Code of Ethics
  5.  Player Code of Ethics
  6.  Official Team Roster

Coaches are required to report game scores to the District Representative within 24 hours of game.  This is done for both home and away games.  The DR reports home game scores to Five Points and double checks away game scores.  

Field Lining:

Fields are initially laid out at the beginning of the season and it takes many hours.
The fields generally are mowed weekly and it is mandatory for coaches to maintain their field lines.
    *If you are unsure how to line the fields ask a Board Member or another Coach*

Forms and Codes of Conduct

Blanchester Youth Soccer Organization is to be held harmless for injuries on and off the soccer field.  This is a contact sport.  It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion by the player, coach, and parent/guardian.

Medical Consent-Hold Harmless

COVID-19 signs and symptoms are similar to the flu and should not be taken lightly due to CDC guidelines.  If your child has a fever, cough (not allergy related), sore throat, shortness of breath, or has come in contact with anyone that has tested COVID positive within 10 days, then they are required to stay home.  Each parent is responsible for signing a COVID-19 Hold Harmless Waiver that can be viewed here:
COVID-19 Hold Harmless Waiver

State Law requires parents be made aware of the risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Syndrome.  Please visit the Ohio Department of Health's Lindsay's Law web page for information on sudden cardiac arrest syndrome.

As a player and spectator (yes, parents/grandparents/friends) it is important to remember to be respectful on and off the field!!  Good Sportsmanship is required of players, coaches, and spectators.  If there are concerns please speak to a coach, referee, or board member.  

All players are required to review and sign a 'Code of Conduct' form at the 1st or 2nd practice.
A parent/guardian will be required to sign a 'Code of Ethics' form before the first game.
These forms have to be signed EACH SEASON!

Players Code of Conduct

Spectator Code of Ethics - Updated January 2024

Weather Policy

- We still play in the rain! 

- We still play in the snow!

- If there is thunder OR lightning the practice/game is suspended (off field) for 30 minutes.  
- If it is an earlier practice, that practice will be shortened. 

- OSHA NIOSH Heat Safety Tool App is used:
-If a location is in red “danger” zone during practice/game time, then practices/games shall be canceled or rescheduled in compliance with OHSA NIOSH guidelines to cancel any unnecessary outdoor activities. #2b, c, d
-If location is in orange warning zone during practice/game time allow extra water breaks - #2 and #2a

1. Download OSHA NIOSH Heat Safety Tool.
2. For games – Only one coach needs to request extra breaks and both teams must participate.
a. Allow for water breaks close to halfway through the quarter at a dead ball situation with the clockrunning
b. Push game times later or reschedule
c. Rescheduled games have usually ended up being during the week in the evenings.
d. Board members are the only ones that can approve games being rescheduled or pushed to a later time.

Coaches Gear

Coaches of Passers, Wings, Strikers, and Kickers will be provided with the following:
Ball Bag
1-2 practice balls
1 game ball
Practice Cones

Items we recommend a coach purchase:
Clipboard for all paperwork
*Some coaches prefer to purchase their own bags, balls, pinnies, etc. to keep year after year and to use with multiple teams.  This is acceptable and we do not require any particular colors of pinnies or cones if you choose to purchase your own.*

If you are unsure how to run practice SAY has great resources with a full Season of Sessions , video drills, and printable drills.

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