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Blanchester Youth Soccer Organization

Blanchester Youth Soccer Organization

Uniforms and Gear

Items you are responsible for purchasing:

1. Soccer cleats

  •  Instructional can wear gym shoes; make sure they are harder as getting feet stepped on by cleats HURTS!

 2. Shin guards 

  • Appropriate length and width

3. Soccer socks

  • Must cover shin guard, black is mandatory for Passers, Wings, Strikers, and Kickers during games

4. Shorts or pants, depending on weather

  • Black is mandatory for Passers, Wings, Strikers, and Kickers during games

5. Soccer ball

  • Must have your own ball at each practice (please write your name on it)
  • Starter & Instructional & Passer -Size 3, Wings & Strikers -Size 4, Kickers -Size 5

During games --
No earrings or jewelry, this includes any metal in hair ties and bobby pins.
If your child has long hair make sure it is out of their face.  It is for the safety of everyone that hair is back. It can get in your child's face causing them to collide with another child or their hair could be pulled.
We ask that all jersey's be tucked in.  

Dick's Sporting Goods, Soccer Village and the SAY Soccer Store are just some places to find the gear your child needs.

Spectator Code of Ethics

Every Parent/Grandparent/family member/friend is expected to show good sportsmanship towards not only Blanchester but also opposing teams.

At the beginning of the season each parent/guardian for every player is expected to sign the Spectator's Code of Ethics that can be viewed here:

spectator code of ethics - Approved January 2024
memo code of ethics - first page of spectators code of ethics.pdf

The COACHES' and PLAYERS' code of ethics notes several violations.
Among these are unlawfully entering the field, THREATENING or AGGRESSIVE MANNER OR ACTIONS, HARASSMENT (of players, coaches, officials, etc.) and ABUSIVE or FOUL language as well as the appearance of being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. 

SPECTATORS are subject to these same behavior violations.
In the event a game official has determined that a SPECTATOR'S conduct is in violation of any of the above, the coaches will be advised and be required to immediately deal with the matter. The official will either state a warning or request that the SPECTATORS LEAVE THE FIELD AREA .

Any time SPECTATORS comes under penalty to the point that they are required to leave the field area, the referee can suspend play until that has been accomplished.
In the event that the SPECTATOR will not leave the field, as required, the referee may suspend the game.

All such occurrences, where the SPECTATOR has been required to leave the field, MUST be reported to the Disciplinary Committee before 8:00 p.m.


Q:  Can I choose who coaches my child?
A:  BYSO is part of SAY National Soccer that is all volunteer run and equal opportunity.  Your child is placed on an age appropriate team.  Only time a coach/player is chosen is when a player's parent/family member has volunteered to coach.

Q:  Where can I find addresses for the away fields?
A:  Under the Fields and Tournament Info tab there is a Field Directory that includes addresses for all district fields that play within Five Points.

Q:  Is smoking allowed on the soccer fields?
A:  Absolutely NOT!  If you choose to smoke/vape you are required by all district's within Five Points to go near your vehicle.

Q:  Am I allowed to bring my dog to the fields?  It's only for an hour.

A:  Although we love dogs (animals in general) the answer is 'NO'.  This is a League wide rule and school rule, just like smoking.  NO PETS (except true service animals) are allowed on soccer fields. 

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