Online Open Registration for the 2016 Fall Soccer Season will start on March 13th. All players AND volunteers (including returning volunteers) are required to complete the online application at www.eayso.org.
How to register:
- On or before April 23th, go to www.eayso.org
- Complete the online registration process.
- Make two copies of the completed registration form and one copy of the CDC (concussion awareness) certificate.
- Bring the registration forms, CDC certificate and registration fees to one of the Registration Events.
- If your child is new to Lakewood-Bellflower Region 106, please bring proof of D.O.B.
Registration Dates:
- Saturday, April 23rd - 10:00am to 2:00pm -Stephen Foster School
- Saturday, May 7th - 10:00am to 2:00pm - Esther Lindstrom School
- Saturday June 4th 10:00am to 2:00pm -Stephen Foster School
- Saturday June 18th 10:00am to 2:00pm - Stephen Foster School
Registration fee for the 2016 Fall Soccer Season.
*$120 Fee includes Early Bird Discount of $40 for registering and paying on or before June 6, 2016.
-If you are mailing in your Registration Fee, It must be postmarked by June 6, 2016. (For returning players only.)
**The fee for registration will be $160.00 after June 6, 2016.
Parent Participation is required.
AYSO Region 106 is an all-volunteer parent run youth organization.
Each player’s family is expected to participate in the running of the region by completing a minimum of three (3) hours parental participation per season per registered player. Parents can sign up to participate at www.ayso106.org
You can use the following PowerPoint Presentations to help you register online:
Having trouble registering online?
I am a parent or guardian...
I was able login, and my child(ren) is/are not in my profile: Please contact the AYSO National Office Call Center at 866-588-2976 and press option 2. What do I need? You will need the child(ren) AYSO ID # so that the player profile(s) are linked to the primary parents account. Once the profile(s) are linked, you will be able to register your child(ren) online and print the registration forms.
I am a parent or guardian...
I forgot my login email, how can I obtain my login information. What do I do? Click here so that you can provide us basic information to retrieve your login email.
I am having trouble providing the login information and need assistance.. What do I do? Please contact the AYSO National Office Call Center at 866-588-2976 and press option 2 for further assistance.
I am a parent or guardian...
I know my email to login, but I can't remember my password. What do I do? Click here so that you can provide us your login email to retrieve your password.
I can't retrieve my password and need assistance.. What do I do? Please contact the AYSO National Office Call Center at 866-588-2976 and press option 2 for further assistance.
Contact Us...
Send email to [email protected] if you still are having problems or have questions.