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Tri-Lakes Little League Baseball and Softball

Code of Conduct

“Little League is a program of service to youth. It is geared to provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership in the atmosphere of wholesome community participation. The movement is dedicated to helping children become good and decent citizens. It strives to inspire them with a goal and to enrich their lives towards the day when they must take their places in the world. It establishes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play."

Parents Code of Conduct

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Parent or Spectator shall:

  • Show positive attitudes towards the players. Do not express any criticism to the players. Parents may present their opinion or criticism to an officer/representative of the league in a constructive manner after the game.
  • Realize that the umpire is closest to the play and that each umpire makes the calls as he or she sees them. The umpire has assumed a difficult, but necessary role. Show support and respect for their decisions.
  • Applaud good plays; ignore errors. Encourage a greater effort, initiative, and hustle. Congratulate the winner and encourage the loser. Enjoy the game for what it is.
  • Not, at any time, be guilty of heaping personal verbal abuse or lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike upon any official, manager, coach, volunteer, player, or spectator for any real or imaginary belief of a wrong decision or judgment.
  • Not be guilty of an objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official or coach’s decision by verbal abuse or “Grandstanding” including profane, obscene, or vulgar language in any manner at any time.
  • Not be guilty of gambling upon any play or outcome of any game with anyone at any time.
  • Not bring pets on any TLLL complex at any time. This includes dogs, cats, horses, etc.
  • Remember, this is a game and the children are there to have fun and learn how to play on a team sport.
  • Not appear on the field of play, stands, or anywhere on any TLLL complex while in an intoxicated state at any time. Intoxicated is defined as an odor or behavior issue. No Alcohol is allowed in any parking lot, field, or common areas within the TLLL complexes.
  • No smoking of any kind is permitted including the   use Tobacco products of any kind (including spit tobacco) in any common areas within the TLLL complexes.
  • Observe a 5 mph speed limit in roadways and parking lots while attending any TLLL function. Watch for small children around parked cars.
  • Attend all practices and games whenever possible.
  • Present exemplary behavior during all Little League and related activities, remembering that all Managers, Coaches and Board Members are volunteers.
  • Display and encourage sportsmanship at all times.
  • Demonstrate respect to Managers, Coaches, Umpires, and players.
  • Help maintain a clean and safe playing environment.
  • Not use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol while involved in/around Little League and/or related activities.

Coaches Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors of Tri-Lakes Little League has mandated the following Safety Code. All coaches and assistant coaches are required to read and follow the Safety Code for Coaches. Coaches include Managers, Coaches, and all League Approved Volunteers working on the field with our players. Signatures are required in the spaces provided below acknowledging that coach and assistant coaches understand and agree to comply with this Safety Code. Tear the signature sheet on the line and mail to the TLLL SO.

Download the Code

  • Coaches will complete recommended training courses.
  • Coaches will conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at all times.
  • Comply with established game, League, and National Little League rules. (ASAP Req. 13)
  • Coaches will remain in the dugout or their coach’s box after the game has started.
  • Coaches will request time and receive time before leaving the dugout.
  • Only the coach or the assistant (not both) may come out of the dugout when time is called and granted.
  • Coaches should ensure that no players are playing in parking lots at any time.
  • No Profanity allowed at any time at any TLLL complex. This includes all practice sessions.
  • For designated divisions, the on-deck batter is permitted to be in the designated batting circle, near the base coach. With the addition of the at bat batter, these are the only batters allowed on the field.
  • Observe all posted signs. Players and spectators should be alert at all times for foul balls and errant throws.
  • After each game, each team must clean up trash in dugout and around stands.
  • Follow all Little League and TLLL rules at all times. When there is a conflict between the Little League rules and TLLL local rules, the TLLL rules will apply. (ASAP Req. 13)
  • Follow the TLLL General Safety Guideline; ensure that the Players follow the Players Safety Guidelines; and the Parent follow the Parents and Spectators Guidelines.
  • Failure to comply with the above may result in expulsion from the TLLL field or complex.
  • Present an image of professionalism and competency, to include dress and appearance.
  • Present exemplary behavior during all Little League and/or related activities.
  • Demonstrate enthusiasm, honesty, and respect for the game which necessarily includes fair play.
  • Comply with established game, League, and National Little League rules. (ASAP Req. 13)
  • Display and encourage sportsmanship; encourage the same by players and fans.
  • Place the emotional and physical well-being of players at the top of your priorities (to include a safe playing environment).
  • Do not use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol while involved in/around Little League and/or related activities.

Player's Code of Conduct

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Players Code of Conduct

  • Players will conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at all times.
  • No player may leave the field or dugout without the permission of the coach after the game has started.
  • Players must hustle between innings—both offensive and defensive players
  • No player will make any exhibition or demonstration about a judgment call by an umpire; including strikes, balls, safe, out, fair, or foul balls.
  • During practice and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.
  • At no time should “horse play” be permitted on the playing field or in the dugout.
  • Shoes with metal spikes or cleats are not permitted. Shoes with molded cleats are permissible. Exception—Juniors, Senior, and Big League are permitted to wear metal spikes or cleats (1.11h).
  • Players will not wear watches, rings, pins, jewelry, or other metallic items during practices or games. (Exception—Jewelry that alerts medical personnel to a specific condition is permissible and this must be taped in place.)
  • No food or drink, at any time, in the dugouts. (Exception—bottled water, Sports drinks and water from drinking fountains)
  • Catchers must wear a catcher’s mitt (not a first baseman’s mitt or fielder’s glove) of any shape, size, or weight consistent with protecting the hand.
  • Catchers must wear an athletic cup at all times.
  • No playing in the parking lots at any time.
  • No swinging bats or throwing baseballs at any time within the walkways and common areas of the field.
  • No throwing rocks, climbing fences, or swinging on dugout roofs.
  • All gates to the fields must remain closed at all times. After players have entered or left the playing field, gates should be closed and secured.
  • Use crosswalks when crossing roadways. Always be alert for traffic.
  • The District 38 Retention ponds are off limits at all times.
  • There is no running allowed in the bleachers.
  • Present exemplary behavior during all Little League and/or related activities.
  • Display and encourage sportsmanship at all times.
  • Demonstrate respect to Managers, Coaches, Umpires, and other players.
  • Do not use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol while involved in/around Little League and/or related activities.

Remember: If it isn’t fun …… it isn’t Little League!

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