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Tri-Lakes Little League Baseball and Softball

League Safety

Tri-Lakes Little League takes the Safety of the players charged to our care very seriously. It is our #1 priority to prevent injuries and protect your children. After submitting to a thorough Background Check designed to protect your children from undesirable influences, all Coaches must attend a mandatory Safety Clinic before the start of the season and receive a safety manual that they are required to read and abide by.

You can rest assured that your children's safety is a top priority for our league. If you have any questions please contact league's Safety Coordinator, Geoffery Temple at [email protected].

Scroll Down To Bottom for Important Safety Forms

Little League A.S.A.P.
What is It?  In 1995, the Little League ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) was introduced with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of Safety Officer "to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball". This manual is offered as a tool to place some important information at manager’s and coach’s finger tips.

Tri-Lakes Little League updates it's ASAP procedures yearly and submits to Little League International for approval. All League Officials and Coaches are given copies of our ASAP plan and are expected to adhere to these guidelines.

>> CLICK HERE << to view the 2019 Safety Plan


     LIGHTNING  . . . 

Unless you are brand new to the Tri-Lakes area, you are very familiar with the propensity for lightening in our area. Lightening is a serious, life-threatening danger. Every year people in Colorado are killed or seriously injured by lightening strikes. The league takes lightening safety seriously.

The following lightning policy is implemented and will be enforced by Tri-Lakes Little League. All league officials and coaches are responsible to ensure compliance with this policy. Parents are part of the safety team and are encouraged to work with their coaches to implement our lightening safety program.

TLLL uses the Little League WeatherBug SPARC feature to warn of lightening danger. WeatherBug is the official weather application of Little League International. A link to the IOS (Apple) and Android app is provided in the links section below.

When SPARC indicates that a ground strike of lightning has occurred within ten miles of the park,
  • Suspend all games and practices immediately.
  • Stay away from metal including fencing and bleachers.
  • Get EVERYBODY to clear the outdoor facility and walk (not run) to their vehicle.
  • Ensure everybody remains in their vehicle until the SPARC app indicates it is safe.
If park patrons refuse to leave the facilities, or return before SPARC indicates it is safe, they do so at their own risk.

Please join us in ensuring that everyone remains safe when lightning is threatening.

For more information, please refer to the Little League lightening safety page:

WeatherBug’s exclusive Spark lightning alerts, real-time weather from local stations across the nation, and weather alerts help coaches, parents, friends and fans Know Before™ and better ensures safety during severe weather – including high heat and humidity, thunderstorms and lightning.

In keeping with its focus on protecting the health, safety and welfare of children, TLLL, in accordance with Little League Baseball's requirement that all leagues and teams to comply with all applicable laws, requires that coaches and volunteer's review the information and training materials on concussions which are available free of charge on the Centers For Disease Control website at:

Specific State of Colorado statutory requirements can be found at:

Baseball Safety for Children

Sharon Parmet, MS, Writer; Cassio Lynm, MA, Illustrator; Richard M. Glass, MD, Editor
JAMA. 2003;289(5):652. doi:10.1001/jama.289.5.652.


Many softball and baseball injuries can be prevented by following a few simple tips:

  • Before your child begins participating in softball or baseball, take him or her to a doctor for a physical examination to determine if your child has any special injury risks.
  • Be sure your child wears protective gear while playing. Helmets should be worn while batting, waiting to bat, and when running bases and should have eye protectors (either safety goggles or a face mask). Catchers should wear a face and throat guard and use a special catcher’s mitt, chest protector, shin guards, and athletic cup (boys).

  • If your child is a pitcher, make sure to talk to the coach about excessive pitching. Throwing the ball repeatedly can cause arm, elbow, and shoulder problems, and your child should stop if he or she feels discomfort.

  • Before playing, your child should do some stretching and warming up to prevent muscle pulls and strains.

  • Make sure your child knows to stop playing and ask for help if he or she experiences any pain.

  • Because many injuries occur while players are sliding into bases, breakaway bases should be used. These soft bases attach to the ground with snaps and are dislodged when a player slides into them, preventing injury.

  • Use of reduced—impact balls is associated with a reduced risk of injury in youth baseball.


Image not available.

source: Journal Of the American Medical Association 

Required and Suggested Equipment

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