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US Soccer Mandates

We will use the page to keep all of the information in regards to the US Mandates in one centralized location.  Information added will be add to the top and dated.

Feb. 2, 2016 > Age Group Presentation

Thank you all that came out last night in the pouring rain for the presentation.  Below you will find the video, pdf of the slides and other information.

Winter age group training sessions (and all future sessions) will be posted under the 'TRYOUT' tab and 'AGE GROUP TRAINING.'  Please note that you must show to your age group based on the year you were born.  If you are looking to tryout up an age group you must first get approval from your TD.


If you are interested in trying out at an age group older, you must fill out the Play Up Request Form which can be found under the "tryout" section of the site or by clicking HERE.  Play-up requests must be approved by TD and are Club/Coach/Team driven, not parent or player!  If you are granted permission to tryout up, you must tryout for that age group.  You may however be asked by the coaching staff to be evaluated at your true age group as well.

Here is the presentation which is about 42 mins long followed by Q and A (total 64 mins)

Click the image below for the pdf version of the presentation slides.


Jan. 19, 2016 > Update on Age Group Changes


Breaking News

Hello CSC Members,

As I am sure most of you are aware we are planning a parent meeting onFebruary 2ndto discuss the changes that US Soccer is mandating for the fall of 2016 and beyond. We have been working very hard over the past months considering how these changes will impact our club and players and how we plan to move forward beginning next fall. During these months we have had many internal meetings as well as meetings with the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association and other local clubs.

The last thing we wanted to do before meeting with our members was to attend the National Soccer Coaches Association of America convention in Baltimore. During the convention we were told that US Soccer would be holding at least one seminar to discuss their new mandates and hopefully give us "more clarification". Unfortunately US soccer did not attend.

This does not mean we need to panic and please read all of this before you come to any final conclusions. First of all we, the Canton Soccer Club, are ready and prepared for these changes. In fact we are proud to say that we are leading and mentoring other clubs through this "process". Many of these clubs will be presenting to their parents the same presentation that we developed and will be sharing with you onFebruary 2nd.

With all that being said I have been asked many times (in different ways)... "What was our roll in these changes/mandates?" So I want to be very clear that the Canton Soccer Club or any other club in the United States that I am aware of had any input on these changes. This is 100% coming from US Soccer. In my past memos to our members I have not discussed our opinion of these changes and I'd like to remedy that now. Neither myself, our coaching staff or anyone else I have talked to are in favor of these changes.

I want to share with you an article that came out on Monday that I think really embodies my feelings on the birth year issue. I hope all of you take a few minutes to read it:US SOCCER BREAKS THE GLASS.

In addition to that, a petition has been started to let US Soccer know how many people are unhappy with the new birth year mandate. If you also feel that these changes are unnecessary please feel free to follow this link:SIGN THE PETITION.

In the end I want to again reassure all of you that no matter what the future of the game holds, we, the Canton Soccer Club will always do our best to support our members and take care of our players.

If you are interested in attending our February 2ndmeeting please remember to register by January 26thby clicking this link:REGISTER NOW!



Pete Alexander

Club Director

Sombrero REG

Sombrero PAY



Canton Soccer Club
PO Box 87244
Canton, MI 48188
Email:[email protected]


Nov 18, 2015 > From the November Pitch

Well, things are finally coming into place as we gear up for the Format and Age Group change for Fall 2016.  First, it’s important to mention the age group chart that was originally sent out from US Youth Soccer was incorrect.  Over the last few weeks US Soccer changed how the birth year will be defined by the “U” age (table at the bottom of the page).

The first concern I want to put to rest is that players are not “missing” a year of soccer as this new configuration might make you believe.  With U19 taking over as the “new” U18 all of our players will still play the same amount of years even though it appears in this first transitional year that they are skipping one year.

So here is where we are...  We have been working internally on how these changes affect each age group and team while our parent associations work through all of the issues that these changes impact (51% rule, passcarding, trap year, etc).  We finally met with the state association a few weeks ago to go over their changes for next year and have also had several meetings with all of our leagues (MRL, DA, MSPSP and MSDSL) to go over their changes.  We are about 80-90% complete with our game plan, but still waiting for a few decisions at the state and league level that could affect some of the final details.  We hope to have those issues sorted over the next few months with finalization mid-January when we all meet in Baltimore for the national convention.  We have been working hand-in-hand with the Michigan Jaguars as many clubs are coming to us to see what we are doing.

Having said that, we plan to have our club presentation on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7pm at the Village Theater.  We expect quite a crowd so we need a larger venue.  Please save the date and more information will be forthcoming in the meantime.  Also, we have created a “US Soccer Mandates” page under our “news” section of our site to post all of the information as it comes in so you don’t have to worry about missing anything.

So to sum it all up… Please know that we are very much on top of the changes and that we are not trying to keep you in the dark but we certainly do not want to pass along any incorrect information.  I am hoping you are willing to trust and be patient with us knowing that we are 100% going to take care of our members to the best of our ability.

It is our members that make us great, so once again thank you for your continued support!

Peter Alexander
Canton Celtic Club Director 

Sept 1, 2015 > Official Statement from US Soccer

Here is the official Statement from US Soccer dated Aug. 24, 2015 - click HERE as well as the (FAQ  click HERE).

Below is the age group chart showing how the age group year will correlate to the "U" age.


Contact Us

Canton Soccer Club - Celtic

46245 Michigan Avenue 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 734-480-7046
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