Website Manager


New Site / Old Site


We are still several weeks away from completing the new Celtic site, but we needed to launch it in order to conduct tryout registration.  In the meantime if you need something that has NOT been transferred over yet you can still visit the old site by clicking HERE or on the image below>

Why the change?

Many reasons…

1.     It was an obsolete system that didn’t fair well with Internet Explorer (yeah, I know, seriously, people still use IE).

2.     It was so complicated.  I’m pretty sure the only one that knew where to find things was me.  Basically, we have grown so much so fast that everything for all 10+ leagues was thrown into the mix.  Not to mention all of the programs for both rec and select/premier that have also been added.

3.     It was not mobile friendly at all.  Even though the old site was only six years old, it was way before the infiltration of smartphones.

So, what’s new with this one?

1.     Mobile Friendly.  No more pinching and pulling to find where you need to go, just click on the “menu” under the header and the site map pops out.

2.     K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple …”Sitemaster.”  Again, everything was so cumbersome with so many different league.  So, we now have a dedicated Celtic site ( and a dedicated recreational site (under the old domain of 

3.     Social Media Friendly.  Don’t have Facebook?  Don’t worry, neither does my Great Grandfather (rest his soul).  Now, all of the social media posts get automatically embedded into the homepage for your viewing pleasure.  But seriously, if you are on social media you do get the information quicker.

Anyway, we hope you like it much better …when it’s done that is.

Contact Us

Canton Soccer Club - Celtic

46245 Michigan Avenue 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 734-480-7046
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