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Dickinson Soccer Club

Dickinson Soccer Club

Player and Coach Policies

Dickinson Soccer Club

Guidelines on Coaching Positions & Competitive Player Rosters

Effective November 3, 2015

All coaching and player polices are in effect in order to protect the club, players, and coaches from any injury or liability and to safely promote soccer club development while encouraging soccer skill development for our players in a safe environment.

Competitive Player Policies:

  1. All competitive players must try-out for the Dickinson Soccer Club’s competitive traveling program.  Try-outs will determine whether or not the child is ready for competitive play with the club.  After try-outs the coaching staff and Technical Director will determine which players play in which level (following the guidelines below).

  2. Players are able to play one level above their age.  This will be based on coaches’ recommendations and approval of the Technical Director.  Players will not play more than one level above their age other than rare situations that will be approved by the DSC board.

  3. Official Rosters are provided for coaches and assistant coaches.  Players must train and play where they are placed.

  4. Participants that are not on the roster are not allowed to play until their medical waiver, liability registration form, and participation fee are provided to the team manager.  New participants joining our club will be allowed a one week grace period to try out the program before the participation fee must be paid.  The medical waiver and liability registration form must be completed prior to any participation in practices.


    Coaches’ Policies:

  1. The DSC will provide coaches training specific to our club (4 trainings/season).  Coaches must be committed to attending these sessions.  It is mandatory that coaches attend 3 out of the 4 trainings/season.

  2. All coaches and assistant coaches are required to annually complete a background check and have a minimum of “F” licensure with USYS. 

  3. All competitive coaches will be required to have a minimum of “E” license either at start of competitive season or within 6 months.

  1. Any substitute coaches must complete the background check prior to practicing with any kids and must complete the “F” licensure within two weeks of position acceptance. 

  2. All coaches must also submit the required paperwork for liability insurance registration prior to practice sessions starting.

  3. All coaches will be required to annually complete their concussion education awareness and heat exhaustion webinar.

  4. Unrostered players are not allowed to practice or play for Dickinson Soccer Club without the completed materials as stated above in the player policies.  It is the responsibility of the coach and assistant coach to make sure that Dickinson Soccer Club has limited liability in case of injury and that our players are properly registered and playing in the appropriate age groups.

  5. All coaches must follow and enforce the player and coaching policies.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to loss of coaching responsibilities, loss of funding for licensure, or cancellation of team participation in tournament(s).  


Dickinson Soccer Club
PO Box 1463 
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Email: [email protected]

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