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Dickinson Soccer Club

Dickinson Soccer Club

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Summer 2015:

We have two programs running this summer, our Summer Soccer League and our Summer Competitive Program.

The Soccer League is a recreational league for players ages 7-14 to gain knowledge of soccer and play against other Dickinson teams in their age level.

The Competitive Program is for players who are ready to take their skills to the next level.  Players will train 2-3 times/week and play in the NDSL and tournaments.


For the Competitive Program we are looking for players that can demonstrate or show the ability to develop
the following skills/attributes for their age level:


Technique: Experiment with the qualities of a rolling or spinning ball. Introduce ball lifting, juggling, block tackle, receiving ground balls with the inside and sole of the foot, shooting with the inside of the foot,. 
Passing: Be able to control the ball, have speed & accuracy of ball redistribution.
Shooting – Be able to shoot with the inside of foot, not the toes
Throw-ins – Be able to keep feet planted on ground and arms back
Ball Control – Receiving ground balls with the inside and sole of foot. Toe passing and shooting and dribbling while changing direction

Fitness: Agility, eye-foot and eye-hand coordination, balance, leaping, bounding, tumbling, catching, throwing, pulling, pushing, warm-up activities and movement education.  Player needs to perform skills quickly, move and react to the ball in a timely fashion

Tactics: Back line and forward line, 1v1 attack and choosing to dribble or pass. Playing with the ball with a purpose and can problem solve.

Aggressiveness – Cannot be afraid to get out and play aggressively.  

U9 - U10

Passing/Receiving – Be able to control where the ball is going by knowing the position of balancing foot. Receiving with either foot, be able to pass with inside and outside of foot (emphasis on quality push pass).
Shooting – Be able to shoot with inside of foot and laces.
Ball Control – Use of inside and outside of the foot. Experiment with the qualities of a bouncing ball and running with the ball.

Factors are endurance, range of motion flexibility, rhythm exercises and running mechanics.
Speed & Reaction – Player needs to perform skills quickly, move and react to the ball in a timely fashion.

Tactics: 1v1 defending, roles of 1st attacker and defender, 2v1 attacking, what it means to get goal-side, playing on and around the ball as a group with purpose, playing a variety of positions to develop the complete player.

Aggressiveness – Concept of getting body in front of the ball when receiving, getting to the ball first, not waiting for it to come to you.  Working in groups of three, four or five, stay focused for one entire half. There is an increase in responsibility, sensitivity, awareness of how to win or lose gracefully, fair play, parental involvement, how to play, communication and emotional management. 


Passing/Receiving – Receiving with either foot, be able to pass with inside and outside of foot (emphasis on quality push pass), passing with the inside and outside of the foot instep drive, receiving bouncing balls with the instep (cushion) and the sole, inside and outside of foot (wedge), Receiving ground balls with the instep and outside of foot (body behind the ball),
Shooting – Able to chip pass, slide tackle, shoot the ball with ONLY inside of foot and laces
Ball Control – Experiment with the qualities of a bouncing ball and running with the ball ,know concept of triangular support, receive bouncing and air balls with thigh or chest. Fakes in dribbling and turning with the ball.
Throw-ins – be able to do moving throw-ins

Factors are endurance, range of motion flexibility, rhythm exercises and running mechanics.
Speed & Reaction – Player needs to perform skills quickly, move and react to the ball in a timely fashion.

Tactics: 1v1 defending, roles of 1st attacker and defender, 2v1 attacking, what it means to get goal-side, small group shape in pairs and threes (emphasize support on both attack and defense), playing on and around the ball as a group with purpose, playing a variety of positions to develop the complete player, introduce the principles of attack and set plays.

Aggressiveness: Working in groups of three, four or five, stay focused for one entire half. There is an increase in responsibility, sensitivity, awareness of how to win or lose gracefully, fair play, parental involvement, how to play, communication and emotional management. 


Dickinson Soccer Club
PO Box 1463 
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Email: [email protected]

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