Henlopen Soccer Club
Select Team
Parent Code of Conduct
1. Parents and their guests agree to support Henlopen Soccer Club (HSC) Select Teams (ST) by following all State, League, HSC, and HSC: Select Team rules.
2. Parents must remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. Soccer is a team sport and without each player, there is no team.
3. Parents will refrain from negative, insulting, or embarrassing dialogue and taunting behavior with any players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators, before, during and after all soccer-related activities. Parents agree to spread encouragement and positive support equally amongst the teams (opposing and your own), players, coaches, and officials.
4. Parents are to remember that this is a “learning experience” for players, and to support this experience, just as you would any other sport and school related activity.
5. Parents will support the coach and his or her decisions and will refrain from verbal criticism during any game. Remember, the coach makes the final decision regarding players on the field.
6. Parents will remember that winning and losing are both parts of any game. Every team must learn to win with dignity, and lose with grace.
7. Parents will support the team and club by volunteering their services when needed. Volunteers are the cornerstone of this program.
8. Parents are not to use or possess alcohol, illegal drugs, or weapons of any kind while attending any HSC Function.
I (We), ________________________, agree to abide by the statements listed above. Failure to abide by these statements can result in disciplinary action.