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Evolution Rec Soccer

Below is our Recreational Q & A that will answer any questions you may have. 
If you don't see the question you are looking for, please contact Chris Brunt at [email protected]  
The When, What, Where and How for Practice and Games:
The cost is $100 per session and the season will last 6 weeks, with the exception of weather cancellations.  Those games cancelled will be added to the end of the session.  You are guaranteed 6 games/practices per sessions.  All Games/Practices will be held at Millard South.  Practice will be held once a week while games will be played on the weekend.  Days and Times will be determined once the deadline for registration is up.  There will be NO games played on HOLIDAY WEEKENDS

What if my child misses a practice or game?

Coaches cannot bench a player for missing a practice or a game. Players are encouraged to attend all practices and games to develop both individual and team skills. If you find that you will be missing a practice or game, please contact your coach or team representative to advise them. Evolution Soccer Club’s policy is that all players will play at least 50% of each game.

Weather Cancellation:  
You will  receive notice in the event games or practices are cancelled due to weather.  Please check our website at, Facebook at  In addition to social media, we will send an email to notify parents of any game/practice changes.  Players are guaranteed 6 games during each session.    
Our Recreation Programs are developmental programs, and no experience is necessary to join.  Once Registration is over, teams will be determined by ages.  You may request to be teamed up with a friend through the registration process, however, we cannot guarantee every request.  There are no tryouts for Recreational soccer. Try-outs for Travel players are held in the Spring through the Evolution Soccer Club.  You can contact Chris Brunt or further information.  

How will my child be placed on a team?

Evolution Soccer Club assigns teams based on geography, school attending, and special practice requests. 

May my child play in a different age group?
Due to insurance requirements, players are not allowed to play outside of their age group.

Coaches are on a volunteer basis although we do encourage all our coaches to get their coach license.  If you would like to signup to coach, please complete the registration process.   Evolution Soccer Club requires all of our coaches, volunteers, Board members, and staff to fill out and participate in the national Kid Safe program.  This program monitors criminal and civil backgrounds.  Prior to starting the session, parents and players will have the ability to meet the coaches.  
When will I hear from my coach?
You should hear from your coach prior to the start of the season.

How do you sign up to be a coach?
When you register your child for the first time, the system gives you the option to check off coaching.  When you register your child any following time, you may update your parent/guardian profile by selecting your name and updating your information.

Who will be the referees?

In the U5 and U6 age groups, the coaches referee the games. In the U7 and older age groups, independent and neutral referees are utilized. 

Why are teenage referees used for games?
Soccer referees are in short supply, and Evolution Soccer Club works to promote refereeing to young players.  When young players become referees, they often develop a better understanding of the game, allowing our overall referee quality to increase.  Please understand that no matter the age of the referee, we expect them to make mistakes, allowing them to learn and become better at what they do.  Please be tolerant of our referees as they develop and grow in the game.  

What do I need to do to become a referee?

Visit our referee page for more information.

Two jerseys, Black and Orange, will need to be purchased or the Rec League.  However, the jerseys should last multiple seasons.  Players will need to wear shin guards during practices and games to help prevent injuries. We also encourage players to bring a soccer ball, water bottle and cleats.  If you do not have a soccer ball, extras will be provided at practices.  Look to your local sporting good stores such as Dick's Sporting Goods for equipment.  

May I wear glasses or jewelry?
Wire-rimmed glasses and/or jewelry (including pierced earrings) are not allowed during practices or games. This rule is for the safety of all players. Players may wear glasses if doctor approval is provided.

When does the season start?
Spring: Early April
Fall: Mid September

What are my payment options?
The on-line registration form has an option for paying by credit card, with step by step directions on how to do so.  All payments are made through a secure line to a credit card service.  In addition, you may pick the option to mail a check to Evolution Soccer Club after you have completed your registration.  All checks should be mailed to:

Evolution Soccer Club
7777 State Street
Omaha, NE 23111

When will I get my uniform?
Please click HERE to order your uniform (2 jerseys) and it will last for multiple seasons

Do you offer discounts for multiple family members?
Unfortunately, because we have set the cost per player so low, Evolution Soccer Club cannot afford to offer multiple family member discounts. 

Will my child receive a trophy?
Evolution Soccer Club does not provide trophies, but coaches/team parent may choose to get trophies for their teams.

What if my player cannot attend Meet the Coach Day?

You can get your uniform and meet your coach the first day of practice. 

What does the age group designation mean?
The "U" means "Under" and the number is the age that they will be turning after August 1. If your player is 5 on August 1, then they will be in U6, etc. Some age groups are combined due to numbers, like U11 and U12 are combined to be U12. 

When are team assignments sent out? When are game schedules posted? 
Team assignments are sent out after registration is over and teams are formed, as quickly as possible! Game schedules are posted during the first week of practices. 

Can I pay after I know I get my requests?
We will not give any player a spot on a team until their registration fee is settled. The earlier you get your registration in, the more likely all your requests will be met! 

What if my team does not have a coach on their team assignment email?
If you are interested in coaching, please let us know as soon as possible! Coaches have a say in their practice night, and they also get a discount on the next seasons registration fee. We have coaching classes to help new coaches and a large online library with plenty of resources! Teams will not be disbanded if they do not have a coach when team assignments go out. We will find someone to fill the spot. 

Why am I not getting any club emails?
First, check your Spam folder! Second, add us to your safe senders list for your email account. If you are still not getting emails, check with the office to see if your email is correct in the system. We are able to have up to 2 emails in our system, if you would like to add another email. 

Does Evolution Soccer Club have a lost and found?
We do have some items turned into our office. Please give us a call or send an email inquiring about your lost item. 

How do I register my child with Evolution Soccer Club?
During open registration periods, children may be registered online through Evolution SC’s website.

Click Here to Register