Junior & Senior League
All games will follow high school basketball rules with the exception of the following:
- Registration:
- Child must be registered and registration fee must be paid prior to the child participating in the program.
- Players’ Ages:
- Junior League (grades 5 & 6) – child must be 10 years old but no older 12 years old by October 1st prior to the start of the season
- Senior League (grades 7 & 8) – child must be 12 years old but no older than 15 years old by October 1st
- Time:
- Two 20 minute running time halves
- During the last two minutes of each half (and overtime) the clock will stop for each whistle.
- In the event of overtime, one 3-minute period will be played.
- Full Court Press
- For Junior League, full court press is allowed only in the last two minutes of each half and overtime.
- For Senior League, full court press is allowed the entire game.
- For Senior League and Junior League, the leading team is not allowed to press if there is a 20 or more point deficit.
- Back Court (Junior League)
- Once the ball is advanced past half court, the defender may challenge the ball handler. If the ball handler passes half court and then goes back over the half court line, the defender may continue to challenge in the backcourt.
- The backcourt line then becomes the foul line.
- Timeouts:
- Each team will be allotted 3 timeouts per half. Timeouts cannot be carried over to the next half or overtime. Timeouts are approximately 45 seconds each.
- Each team will be awarded 1 timeout in overtime.
- Fouling Out:
- Junior League – Each player will be allowed 6 fouls.
- Senior League – Each player will be allowed 5 fouls.
- Over the Limit Team Fouls
- Teams need to avoid the total number of team fouls reaching more than 6 in each half. Once they reach this number, the other team is “in the One-and-One” and goes to the foul line for all subsequent fouls in that half.
- At ten team fouls, the opposing team will shoot two free throws.
- Three Points Shots
- For Junior League, the three-point line will not be enforced. All shots are worth two points.
- For Senior League, three point shots will be enforced.
- In the Key Violation
- For Junior League only, a violation will occur after a player is in the key for 5 seconds.
- For Senior League only, a violation will occur after a player is in the key for 3 seconds.
- Substitutions
- Each player must play a minimum of 12 minutes per game.
- A log of player minutes must be kept. When available, the league will provide students to keep track of minutes for community service hours. If there is no one available to do so, coaches are responsible for filling out and handing in the log sheet.
- Missed Practice Policy
- Any player with two unexcused missed practices will forfeit 4 minutes of playing time in the next game.
- Three missed practices will result in the player being benched for one game.
- Coaches’ Technical Fouls
· 1st Technical – warning
· 2nd Technical – ejection from game plus suspension of one additional game
· Repeat offenders will be subject to board review
- Brother Act
· Any sibling joining the league that has a sibling currently in the same league will be automatically placed on the same team and will count as the team’s second round draft pick
· Two siblings joining the same league will be placed on the same team and count as one draft choice
- Father Act
· Any child who is selected by a team coached by their father will be the second draft choice for that team. This applies to head coaches only.
· All other coaches’ children will go through the normal draft process.
· If there is a father act and brother act on the same team, they will count as the 2nd and 3rd draft choices.
- Code of Ethics
· A Code of Ethics must be signed by all parents and coaches prior to participation in the program.