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Brewster Little League

Brewster Little League


Coaches Resources

Little League International require that you MUST be approved to Coach or Assist- NO EXCEPTIONS.  This is being STRICTLY ENFORCED.  Click here to apply.  Print, fill-in, submit to BLL.

The Golden Rules of Coaching

  • To be organized and have a purpose for every practice
  • To teach players the fundamental skills, basic strategies, and rules of baseball and softball
  • To show and instruct players the responsibilities of their positions
  • To be an integral part in helping players develop to their full potential
  • To prepare players to know and anticipate the proper action once the ball is put in play
  • To develop an attitude of respect from players towards coach, assistants, opponents, umpires, parents, and fans
  • To convince players that the atmosphere of practice carries over into games
  • To constructively use and inspire assistant coaches
  • To measure your success by players' improvement, their enthusiasm towards the game and their ability to become a competitive team
Reference: Whitey Herzog and Wes Stock - The Coach's Pocket Planner

Practice Organization - Tips

  • Use a whistle - Important tool in maintaining attention
  • Itinerary - Come prepared with a plan
  • Multiple stations - Work with the kids in smaller groups practicing different skills / Rotate after pre-set time limit
  • "No walking" - Players should be running from station to station and all during practice
  • Fun Factor - IT'S A GAME
  • Know what age group you are dealing with - Teach concepts in a manner appropriate to age group coaching
  • Extra time with players - See if you can allocate a few extra minutes before or after regular practice to help the players who may need a little extra effort
  • Meeting place - Set a meeting place for the team to go when the whistle sounds
  • Use cones, markers - Visual tools help emphasize points
  • Help from Other Coaches/Parents - Use all the volunteers to help you out as possible
  • 90-120 minute practice - Limit practice time to 1:45. Attention begins to wane after 2 hours
  • Team talk at beginning - Have a team talk at the beginning of practice to let the players know what will be covered in practice today
  • Teach to everyone - Show everyone what you are talking about during regular practice
  • Practice more, scrimmage less - When you scrimmage you have 1 person batting and 10 other players standing around most of the time
  • Practice throwing the ball to first and second - Most of your outs are made to these bases
  • Throw grounders and fly balls - Easier to get the ball where you want it / Plus players will be less likely to be intimated by a thrown ball
  • More touches equals more confidence
  • Instill confidence - More Confidence = Greater Success
  • Demonstrate - Show the players what you are trying to teach them
  • You set the pace of practice


Coaches - Please Familiarize Yourself With Our Safety Procedures

Medical Release Forms

Please distribute medical release forms to each player on your team. Forms are to be filled out and returned to you prior to your first game. Any player who does not return a form to you prior to the first game is ineligible to play or practice. Medical Release Form Medical Release Form (En Espanol)

Forms should be accessible to managers/coaches during all games and practices.

Brewster Little League Accident Reporting Procedure

What to report - An Incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the Division head or Safety Officer.

This includes even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury by a physician.

When to report - All such incidents described above must be reported to the Division head or Safety officer within 24 hours of the incident. (** See Division Head Phone numbers.)

How to make a report -Reporting Incidents can come in a variety of forms. Most typically, they are Accident reporting forms found in first Aid kits, or phone call to division head and or Safety Officer.

Safety Procedures
  1. 1. IF Minor Injury Occurs
    1. Apply Band-aid, Ice, Etc.
    2. Monitor between innings.
    3. Alert Parent at Pick up if needed
  1. IF Serious Injury Occurs
    1. Stabilize Injured Player. ( Do Not Move If possible)
    2. Call 911 and request an EVAC Vehicle or AMBULANCE.
    3. Contact Parent or Guardian of injured player.

Travel Coaches

If injury occurs at an away contest and you are the only coach, utilize your first aid kit and if a visit to hospital is required, utilize another adult to bring injured player to the hospital, since you are responsible for your team also. Be sure to contact parent or guardian ASAP.

ALL Coaches

It is Imperative that you keep player medical release forms with you at all times. Players are INELIGIBLE without them.

Follow up call to injured player is recommended.

Important For All Coaches

Coaches need to notify Division Head of all Injuries

Coaches must fill out the Activities Reporting Form found in FIRST AID KIT and return to DIVISION HEAD. When in Doubt FILL IT OUT!

If a player is removed from a game or practice due to an injury and seeks medical attention, a clearance note from a physician must be received before the player is allowed to play in his/her next practice or game.

Additional Safety Precautions

NO Practice or Game should begin in unsafe conditions on the playing field or in dugout.

Any Player wearing glasses should have plastic lenses.

First Aid Kits will be with you at ALL times. (Both Games and Practice)

Water should always be close by, particularly in hot weather. Make time for water breaks during practices.


Brewster Little League
BREWSTER, New York 10509

Email: [email protected]

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