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MCAA Football & Cheer

MCAA Football & Cheer

About Us

MCAA recognizes that participation in athletics can play an important role in a positive educational experience. It is the goal of MCAA that athletes are encouraged to strive for personal growth, achieve the full potential of their abilities, and experience the rewards and responsibilities that arise from the privilege of representing Moon & Crescent Townships. Cooperation and understanding among everyone involved in the athletic program is necessary for our athletes to achieve the following goals:

  • Develop and appreciate a healthy body and mind.
  • Develop positive self-image and realize self-worth.
  • Develop and use their physical and mental abilities to compete successfully.
  • Develop leadership qualities.
  • Understand the need for cooperative effort to attain common goals.
  • Make responsible decisions in stressful situations while functioning within the framework of a set of rules.
  • Accept direction and instruction.
  • Accept others on their merits and interact with them on that basis.
  • Assume responsibility for their role in determining the outcome of an  activity.

MCAA is controlled by and operated under a Constitution and By-laws using the democratic process to elect its Officers and Commissioners. The officers of MCAA are President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Commissioners (also known as the Board of Directors) represent the following areas: Football, Cheer, Equipment/Fields, Concessions, Programs, Special Events, Fundraising, and Communications.



Moon Crescent Athletic Association
MCAA Football and Cheer, P.O. Box 905
Moon Township, Pennsylvania 15108

Email: [email protected]

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