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Frequently Asked Questions

Website Frequently Asked Questions

Coxsackie-Athens Little League is thankful to our websites' proprietors; Dicks Sporting Goods for donating the website, and Blue Sombrero for developing and supporting such an outstanding sports platform.  You the parents may have questions related to registration errors, user account problems or other miscellaneous items associated with the website.  For these types of problems, we ask you to check the link below to Blue Sombrero's Support.  Here you should find answers to most of the common questions about registrations and user accounts.  You may also contact Blue Sombrero by clicking the blue Support tab on the left side of their FAQ website or calling their 800 number.  For specific information or questions about Coxsackie-Athens Little League, please check the appropriate listings on this website or use the information at the bottom of the page to contact us directly.  Thank You.

C-A Little League Questions

  • Q.  If I registered online, how do I provide you my child's proof-of-birthdate (i.e. birth certificate) and proof-of-residence?
    If I registered online, how do I provide you my child's proof-of-birthdate (i.e. birth certificate) and proof-of-residence?
    A.  Once you register online, your registration is finalized only when we can verify your child's proof-of-birthdate and proof of residence.

    If you have not already provided us with a copy of your child's birth certificate and residence documents, it is a requirement that ALL players must provide a proof-of-age document (i.e. birth certificate) and proof-of-residence to be eligible to play in the upcoming season.

    For an acceptable list of documents, click below:

    You must upload all required paperwork thru the website. For instructions on how to do this, see the How To Guides section below.

    Q.  How old does my child need to be to play?
    How old does my child need to be to play?
    A.  Boys and girls between league ages 4 and 16 years of age can participate in our Baseball/Softball programs.

    To verify your child's age, click below for the Little League age chart.

    View the Little League Age Chart:

    Age is determined by players age as of:
    Baseball: April 30 of the current playing season
    Softball: December 31 prior to the current playing season

    Q.  What are the registration fees before discounts?
    What are the registration fees before discounts?
    A.  Fees are as follows:

    T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Minors, Majors: $65
    Juniors, Seniors: $85

    Minors, Majors: $65
    Juniors, Seniors: $85

    Q.  What are the league boundaries?
    What are the league boundaries?
    A.  Our boundary encompasses the same area as the Coxsackie-Athens Central School District. If your child is currently enrolled in school here, then they are eligible to play in our league.

    Note: If you live outside these boundaries and are interested in joining our league, special permission by Little League International will be required. Please submit request to [email protected] for more infomation.

    Click HERE for a map.

    Q.  Does my child need to tryout? When will tryouts be held?
    Does my child need to tryout? When will tryouts be held?
    A.  All players league age 7 & up need to attend the tryout aka an evaluation. All children are guaranteed to make teams and evaluations are simply to gauge your child's skill level. Evaluations (Tryouts) will be posted on our Calendar. Please check our website for updates and additional information.

    Although attending the evaluations is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended. Players are otherwise placed in divisions based on league age if evaluations are not attended.

    Note: If your player is interested in moving up into a division outside their league age bracket then evaluations MUST be attended.

    Q.  What forms of payment do you accept?
    What forms of payment do you accept?
    A.  Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Check. Checks can be mailed or submitted in person during any scheduled registration date.

    Q.  Is there a fee to register or pay online?
    Is there a fee to register or pay online?
    A.   No. All fees (umpires, jersey or t-shirt, cap, socks, etc) are factored into the cost of each player's fee.

    Q.  Will you hold a "walk-up" registration date?
    Will you hold a "walk-up" registration date?
    A.   Yes. Walk-up registration days can be found on our Calendar. Typically, there will be one date held in Coxsackie and another in Athens. Because of the accessibility and convenience of the internet, it is strongly recommended to register online.

    Q.  Do you provide discounts?
    Do you provide discounts?
    A.  Yes. Early Bird, Multi-Family and Scholarship discounts are available. Please see our Registrations page for more detail.

    Q.  Are there additional volunteer requirements?
    Are there additional volunteer requirements?
    A.  Absolutely! The saying goes, "One finger can not lift a pebble" and so, every parent has a role.

    We are an ALL VOLUNTEER, non-profit organization, constructed, supervised and assisted by parents, so EVERYONE MUST take an initiative to make our program successful and extend this benefit to our children. Little League is NOT a club in which membership implies baby-sitting benefits and entertainment privileges. The parent who shirks this responsibility cannot, in turn, expect others to assume the burden.

    Every team will need a manager, 2 coaches, team parents, field preppers, scorekeepers, and umpires, just to name a few. League Officials will also need assistance in general areas like field maintenance, fundraising and event planning. No task is too small!

    For more information about volunteering, visit our Volunteer for Us section.

    Q.  When will I be contacted by my new team manager?
    When will I be contacted by my new team manager?
    A.  Teams will be formed and assigned in mid-March. Once all managers and coaches are approved by the League President and confirmed by the Board of Directors, they will be contacting their players.

    Q.  Are you accepting manager & coach applications, too?
    Are you accepting manager & coach applications, too?
    A.  Yes! In preparation for the upcoming season, the Board of Directors has opened up the application process for prospective managers & coaches. If you are interested in being considered for a role as a manager or coach, please visit our Coaches section.

    Q.  What if I still have more questions?
    What if I still have more questions?
    A.  If you still have questions, you can email us at: [email protected]

    Q.  When do I find out about team placement?
    When do I find out about team placement?
    A.  Teams will be formed once we conclude evaluations. We are working on placing over 350 or more children so we thank you for your patience as we finalize rosters.

    Q.  When will the schedule be available?
    When will the schedule be available?
    A.  Schedules will be posted to the site once teams are formed in mid-March.

    Q.  When does the season begin and end?
    When does the season begin and end?
    A.  Play begins late April and will end in late July. Post-season and All-Star play begins in July and continues into August.

    Q.  When are games and practices held?
    When are games and practices held?
    A.  Practices are usually held on weeknights as determined by the team manager.

    For the younger divisions (T-Ball & Coach Pitch), we suggest to our managers that no more than one practice per week take place. Because of our limited field space, occasionally a game might occur during a weeknight. Games are also played on Saturdays and possibly some Sundays. Our older divisions play throughout the weekday and weekends.

    Schedules are provided well in advance, but occasionally (because of rain outs, rescheduling, field conditions, etc) schedules are adjusted. Any games that are rescheduled are pushed to the end of the season to minimize the impact on our parents' schedules.

    Q.  How many games are scheduled per season?
    How many games are scheduled per season?
    A.   In trying to provide maximum value, we will schedule our younger divisions to play approximately 12 regular season games. Upper divisions will play approximately 20 regular season games or the minimum dictated by Little League rules.

    Every division beginning with Coach Pitch has the opportunity to play a few extra post-season games as well during All-Stars.

How To Guides

How to Upload Required Documents for your Player

To reduce sensitive information from floating around the league, the following documents can now be uploaded and are required to participate in the upcoming season.

hand any documentation to a Manager, Coach or League Official!

Copy of child's Birth Certificate
Three Proofs-of-Residency  (dated after Feb 1st of last year)
Medical Release Form
Player Verification Form  (NEW form that follows players thru their Little League careers)

1. Log into your account

2. Click the Edit icon next to your Participants name

3. Scroll to bottom of the Participant Information page to the Participant Documents & Forms section

4. Select the Upload File Document link and select the appropriate files from your computer or phone to upload
    *Note* you can click the document titles on left for copies of the forms or more information related to that document

Hint - If you don't have the ability to scan and save files to your computer, try taking pictures with your camera phone.  You can email them to yourself to be uploaded, or you may upload them directly from your phone by accessing your Coxsackie-Athens Little League account thru your phones browser.

Another Hint - Find someone techy to do it all for you!

As a last resort, you can mail all documents to:
Coxsackie-Athens Little League
PO Box 93
Athens, NY 12015

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