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Volunteer Descriptions

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How You Can Help

Listed below are some common volunteer opportunities within our league.  Keep in mind that these are general descriptions and will vary depending on the needs of the league from year to year.  In addition, other positions may be available.  Please consult with the Volunteer Coordinator on how to best use your talents and skills to help provide your kids the best Little League experience possible.

Team Manager or Coach    
    As the heart and faces of the little league, managers and coaches are responsible for drafting/selecting teams, scheduling and running practices, preparing for games (including field prep when required), and communicating with parents. In carrying our these duties, manager should, to the best of their abilities 1) teach and develop baseball/softball skills, 2) emphasize and demonstrate the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, and 3) create a positive and fun environment for their ball players.  
Team Parent    
    Each team needs one parent to help to assist managers in communicating information with parents and ensuring that required player paperwork is submitted or maintained.   Activities may include:  finding parent/teen volunteers to help work the concession stand, as well as promote, assist with, and encourage team families to help with special events.   This is a great way to get to know all the families on the team!  
Field Maintenance Committee  
    As a part of the field maintenance crew, your skills and abilities may be used to mow grass, line fields, rake dirt, and execute minor repairs on fences, benches and bleachers.    
Recognition/Awards Committee  
    Develop a program to appropriately recognize the efforts and achievements of players and volunteers throughout the season.  
Equipment Committee  
    To ensure, maintain and distribute an inventory of on-field playing equipment that is safe, in good working condition, and of sufficient quantities for the season.
Safety Committee  

To take the necessary steps and precautions to ensure a safe playing environment for children and spectators. This includes; 1) updating communicating, and submitting league safety plan, 2) planning required safety training, obtaining and distributing league sufficient first aid kits, and 3) coordinating with managers, and other committees as necessary.

Concessions Committee  
    To ensure that little league concession stands are operational and profitable during the season. Activities include preparing the stands for opening, monitoring and maintaining sufficient levels of product inventory, developing and communicating proper operating procedures, ensuring adequate staffing, and ensuring proper safeguarding and handling of concession proceeds.  
Sponsorship/Fundraising Committee  
    To ensure that the little league receives sufficient revenues to meet its annual budgetary target. Activities include 1) developing a sponsorship program and marketing to local businesses and organizations and 2) developing, planning, and coordinating fundraising events during the season.  
Special Events Committee  
    To determine, plan, and coordinate specific, special activities of the league throughout the season. Previous special events have included Opening & Closing Day activities, BBQ Fundraiser, and Picture Day.  
Free Agent  
    There are a lot of events and activities that require multiple volunteers.  If you don't want to be completely responsible for an event or activity, but just want to help - then select this volunteer role.  

Parent/Volunteer Pledge

* I will teach all children to play fair and do their best.
* I will positively support all managers, coaches and players.
* I will respect the decisions of the umpires.
* I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game.
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