Founded in 1979, Upper Moreland Soccer Club (UMSC) is dedicated to providing an organized soccer experience for the youth of our community. It is the mission of the Upper Moreland Soccer Club to create a fun and safe environment in which to develop strong soccer skills while implanting the ideals of good sportsmanship, leadership and a love of the game through the development of player, coach, referee and team. Over the years, Upper Moreland Soccer club has been recognized for its dedication to the youth of the community and to the game of soccer. We have received numerous awards and citations from Upper Moreland Township, State Senator Stewart Greenleaf, State Representative Thomas Murt, and the Inter-county Soccer League. Most recently we received the 2011 Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association’s D'Anjolell Award. The award recognizes an organization’s contribution to the game and to the youth who play it and is presented to an outstanding Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer club or league.
The Upper Moreland Soccer Club believes in giving back to the game of soccer and our community. We are active in our support to other community soccer programs such as the Catholic Youth Organization, Upper Moreland High School & Middle School, and the Upper Moreland Parks & Recreation department. For over 30 years we have grown as Upper Moreland township has grown and will continue to strive to be active members for community advancement, dedicated in making Upper Moreland a great place to live.