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Danvers Babe Ruth Baseball

Jan 1, 2025 - Registration for Danvers Babe Ruth will Open for 2025 Season


Types of Memberships

Danvers Babe Ruth League, Inc. has 3 types of memberships: Regular, Player and Honorary.

Adults who sincerely desire to actively participate in our league and to help us achieve our purpose and objectives may apply to become Regular Members of our league.  As Regular Members, they have the right (and the obligation) to attend our league meetings and to make their opinions known.  Regular Members have the right to vote at league meetings and they are responsible for the management, operation, finances and property of our league.  Regular Members are bound by the provisions of our league’s bylaws and must also comply with such further rules, regulations, terms and conditions as our Board of Directors may adopt.  In order to manage any team in our league, you must be a Regular Member of our League and, in addition, you must have attended a specified number of our league meetings within a prescribed period of time (see below).
All children who reside in Danvers and register to play in one of our baseball programs automatically become Player Members of our league.  As Player Members, they have the right to attend our league meetings and to make their opinions known.   However, Player Members have no right to vote at our league meetings and they have no duties or obligations in regard to the management, operation, finances or property of our league.  However, Player Members are bound by the provisions of our league’s bylaws and must comply with such further rules, regulations, terms and conditions as our Board of Directors may adopt.

Adults who have made an extraordinarily significant, positive contribution to our league or to the Town of Danvers or to the youth of Danvers or to the game of baseball may be elected as Honorary Members of our league by our Board of Directors.  Honorary Members have the right to attend our league meetings and to make their opinions known.  However, Honorary Members have no right to vote at our league meetings and they have no duties or obligations in regard to the management, operation, finances or property of our league.

Contact Us

Danvers Babe Ruth Baseball

P.O. Box 2182 
Danvers, Massachusetts 01923

Phone: 978-836-2400
Email: [email protected]

Danvers Babe Ruth Baseball

P.O. Box 2182 
Danvers, Massachusetts 01923

Phone: 978-836-2400
Email: [email protected]
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