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Hesperia Heat AYSO 878
Online Registration
Whew! Registered, Now What?
Parental Expectations
Inclement Weather Info
Team Parents
Team Parent Corner
Docs & Forms
Fall Core Program
Spring Program
All Star Tournament
Select Club Team
Becoming An AYSO Referee
Pre-Game Checklist
Proper Dress
Referee Point System
Referee Resources
Referee Registration
Becoming An AYSO Coach
U6 & U8 Divisions
U10, U12 & U14 Divisions
U16 & U19 Divisions
Silent Saturdays
Tournament Rules
About Us
Mission Statement
AYSO Philosophies
AYSO History
Kid Zone
Board Members
Field Map
Getting Ready For The Match
Referee Pre-Game Checklist
Make sure that the referee team is properly equipped
All referees are in the same colored jersey,
Jerseys tucked into black shorts,
Black socks with distinctive triple white bands are pulled to just below the knee,
Writing instruments are available to each referee, and
Two (2) forms of timekeeping are available.
Conduct Pre-Game Briefing
Discuss the traditional diagonal referee will run.
Appoint 1st assistant referee, who will run visitors touch line and back-up on time.
Remind assistant referees to stay with second to last defender, but making sure to follow the ball to goal line.
Discuss Offside
Make sure of participation by offside player,
Raise flag and keep flag raised until play reverses or whistle is blown, and
Indicate side of field where offside occurred.
Discuss Throw-ins:
What is considered ball out of play at touchline.
Once out of play, raise flag to 120 degree in direction of throw-in, and
What to watch for on a lawful throw-in.
Discuss Goal Kick
Watch placement of ball on 6,
Move to the top of the penalty area for kick, and
Make sure that the ball is kicked forward and leaves the penalty area.
Discuss Corner Kicks
Remind assistant referees to place themselves on the goal line behind the corner flagpost at a distance not to interfere with the player taking the corner kick.
If no goal is scored either move to the ball or last defender, whichever is closest to the goal line.
Look for offside after second touch on the ball.
Discuss Penalty Kicks
Remind assistant referees to place themselves on the goal line behind the corner flagpost
If a goal is scored move toward the halfway line.
If goal is scored and ball returns to play, stop play by raising flag straight flag up. Referee will acknowledge with a whistle and assistant referee will move toward the halfway line to indicate a goal
If no goal is scored either move to the ball or last defender, whichever is closest to the goal line, or indicate a goal kick by holding the flag toward the field at a 90 degree angle if the ball crosses the goal line.
Discuss Fouls
Raise flag 180 degrees and give the flag a slight wiggle
Once whistle is blown indicate direction of restart
Place hand over patch for non-penal foul.
Remind assistant referees to mirror each other's flag so that flags are not at referees back.
Refresh flags for fouls in the penalty area.
Remind assistant referees to look to referee for positioning of free kicks
Follow ball to goal line on breakaways.
Administer substitutions from the halfway line.
Enter and exit field as a team.
Check field and nets.
Repair holes in the nets that would allow a ball to exit,
Make sure portable goals are secured with stakes,
Fill in large holes or mark with safety cone,
Check entire field for dangerous materials.
Check teams for safe and proper attire.
Bring captains to center of field with game ball for coin toss.
Start and finish games on time.
Have fun out there!
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