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Atlanta Extreme Volleyball Club SOUTH

Why should you choose Atlanta Extreme Volleyball Club?

AEVC Parents and Players Answer the question

Why Atlanta Extreme Volleyball Club

AEVC would like to thank all the players and parents that took time to send us these!

Atlanta Extreme VC has meant the world to me and my girls. We love the AEVC family because they are fun, loving and caring people, who always wear a smile.

Atlanta Extreme VC has meant I don't have to ask my girls to get ready for practice or games, because they looked forward to going. Even when they didn't have practice.

Atlanta Extreme VC has meant meeting and spending time with some of the best people, both kids and adults.

Atlanta Extreme VC has meant another year of growth as a young woman for my girls as they've both learned life lessons and were taught life lessons.

Atlanta Extreme VC has meant that I/we have been associated with one of the top class VC's in the Atlanta area.

Atlanta Extreme VC has meant that we competed in every tournament we were in, so SUCCESS was what we all achieved.

Atlanta Extreme has become a family to me!  The friendships I have made are priceless!  The unity I have seen amongst the coaches, parents, and players has been wonderful to watch.  Watching my daughter grow and continue her love for volleyball make me smile!  And now, thanks to you , I have a younger daughter, who thought she could never do a sport, fall in love with volleyball as well.

AEVC has been a wonderful first time club experience.  I couldn't be happier with our decision to be part of your Atlanta Extreme team.  I am thankful and blessed to have met so many wonderful people, and to have cheered on girls who have worked hard and shown integrity to the sport.

I am amazed in such a short period of time you and your staff made such a tremendous difference and impact on her not only technically but also personally.

Atlanta Extreme has meant laughter, friendship, prayers, escape for my daughter, a coach who believes in my kid and is helping her to believe in herself, A coach who is teaching her what it means to play and work hard all the time, a coach who is helping develop her character while she loves her, a coach who will help her be a better player as time goes by, a coach who has already taught her so much about playing the game....

One of the great joys in life is watching your child play sports. When my daughter stopped softball we were saddened.  The fact that she is enjoying volleyball is thrilling. The traveling has made great memories for us. It's given her and I a chance for one on one time. I'm very thankful for a ball club that will work with you on finances.  I'm grateful that she has a healthy outlet to keep her time occupied. At this age, there's so many inappropriate choices she could be making. And lastly, to have a coach that is truly interested in the girls as individuals and not just players makes all the difference in the world.

Friends, fun, and volleyball :)

AEVC has given me new friends, great memories, and a lot of mother and daughter bonding time - which I will always cherish.  Go Extreme!

It means "getting to play volleyball without the politics". We have truly enjoyed being part of the AEVC family. It is such a nice feeling to see how much support is given to each and every team, right down to your parents being right there cheering the players on!!  We look forward to being a part of the "family" again next year.

AEVC means friendship to me. When I go to practice it isn't just volleyball. I have bonded with these girls over this season and have made GREAT friends. AEVC gave me the chance to improve my volleyball skills and form close friendships with these girls.

Atlanta Extreme has been one of the best decisions we have made as a family. After looking at and visiting the parents meetings for 4 different clubs, we knew AEVC was the place for us. The passion for volleyball and leadership that the coaches and director have is exactly what every volleyball club needs. Not only volleyball skills but life lessons that my daughter has learned are invaluable. We can't say enough about how amazing this club is and the people that are in it.  We feel honored to be apart of this family and hope to be a part of this for years to come.

Atlanta Extreme VBC is...

A new extension of our FAMILY.
A place where our daughter loves to learn more about the game she loves.
Life long friends for not only our daughter but us too

A true blessing in our lives.

Family! That's what AEVC meant to me.

Team building, common relationships, learning to be a leader and follower, worth every penny.

Atlanta Extreme Volleyball has given our daughter an opportunity to bounce back from the hands of adversity and be given another chance at her dreams.  She was very discouraged after having not made the varsity team at her high school.  However, after we gave our "parent talk" to her explaining that life can be very challenging but we have to brush ourselves off and go at it again, AEVC gave her that opportunity.

Atlanta Extreme Volleyball means the chance to be with a club that is not just a business...they care about the girls, too; twice the opportunity to see both my daughters play and get better at a sport they both love and a chance to take part of an organization that cares about the community.

 I wanted to thank-you for an amazing season, and let you know I really had fun. Being apart of your team has really given me the exposure and footage I needed to get a full ride to college.