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Tulsa Friendship Cup

About the Tulsa Friendship Cup

The Tulsa Friendship Cup is one of Oklahoma's oldest and premier events in this region and includes teams from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas.

Plan to attend this regional event. The event will include brackets for teams U8-14 B&G ages and will feature Gold and Silver divisions. Tournament is unrestricted and open to all USSF sanctioned teams, including State Associations and US Club. We attempt to create a positive tournament experience, scheduling diversity, and guaranteeing at least three games. 

2015 Date
:  November 20-22, 2015  (Local teams should expect to play on Friday)

2016 Dates:  November 18-20, 2016

Ages:  U8-14 Boys and Girls

Location:  Indian Springs Soccer Complex

Fees: $495 (U8-11 8v8); $595 (All 11v11)   Payments can be sent to:  TSC-Tulsa Friendship Cup, PO Box 243, Jenks OK 74037.

Format:  U8-11 8v8; U10-14 11v11  Note: Please indicate Gold or Silver preference as you register. However, we reserve the right to move teams to ensure brackets are as competitive and geographically balanced as possible.

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  October 20, 2015  (Applications after the deadline will continue to be accepted on a space available basis)

Team Acceptance:  Will be notified and posted on this site by October 23, 2015. There are no refunds once teams are accepted.

Awards:  1st & 2nd Place

Sanctioning:  USY & US Club Soccer  (Open to ALL USYS or US Club teams!!)
US Club Hosting Document.  USY Hosting Document 


Traveling teams:  Required to make hotel reservations through our hotel service to be considered for acceptance into the event.

Host Hotel:  Marriott - Southern Hills (Join us for Coach/Manager Reception Friday, 7:00pm-9:30pm!)

Questions: [email protected]

April 26 - 28, 2013 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Last year’s event had teams from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas. Plan now to attend this regional event. The event will include brackets for competitive teams (U11 and older) as well as academy teams (U10 and younger). Gold and Silver brackets available. Tournament is unrestricted and open to all USSF sanctioned teams, including State Associations and US Club. We attempt to create a positive tournament experience, in allowing at least a two game break between matches, scheduling diversity, and guaranteeing at least three games. To register, hotel information, or for more information please visit our website.
April 26 - 28, 2013 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Last year’s event had teams from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas. Plan now to attend this regional event. The event will include brackets for competitive teams (U11 and older) as well as academy teams (U10 and younger). Gold and Silver brackets available. Tournament is unrestricted and open to all USSF sanctioned teams, including State Associations and US Club. We attempt to create a positive tournament experience, in allowing at least a two game break between matches, scheduling diversity, and guaranteeing at least three games. To register, hotel information, or for more information please visit our website.