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Official Prayer of St. Teresa Avila Athletic Association
Saint Sebastian, patron saint of athletes, protect us in our time of trial, lead us in the way of good sportsmanship, and help us to be good role models.
Saint Teresa, Patron Saint of our Parish, pray that we may be good examples for others to follow in the Light of Christ. Amen
St. Sebastian and St. Teresa, Pray for us.
Article I Name
The name of this organization shall be the St Teresa Athletic Association.
Article II Purposes
The purposes of this organization:
To promote the physical development of the youth of the parish
in conjunction with their spiritual, moral, mental and academic
To provide an opportunity for the youth of the parish to engage in
approved sport activities under the supervision and guidance of
competent adult leadership.
To promote a well-rounded program in inter-school and intramural
sports for both boys and girls of the parish.
To promote a well-rounded program in inter-school and intramural sports for both boys and girls of the parish.
Article III Membership
ACTIVE - Any member of the parish, the Pastor of the parish and his
designated associate. All members of the St Teresa Parish or parents
and/or guardians of children attending the St Teresa School are
members of the association. However, only members who have
attained the age of 18 are permitted to vote in elections or to hold office.
Anyone who coaches a sport for St Teresa AA is considered a member
of the association. All coaches must be approved by the appropriate
coordinator. All coaches must attend the archdiocesan Decree of Child
Protection Class.. Anyone who wishes to coach or volunteer should contact a
coordinator or a member of the Executive Board.
Article IV Officers
The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The duties of the President shall be as follows:
a. The president shall preside at all meetings of the membership.
and the Executive Board.
b. The appointment of all committees
c. Hold the several officers and committees responsible for the
duties entrusted them.
d. Perform such duties as are usually attached to the office of the
e. Any motion before the Executive Board or membership that the
President determines to be of such a nature as to effect a
major change to
the Association can be tabled by the
President until the membership can be notified and the issue
can be decided at a membership meeting.
The Vice-President shall have the powers and perform the duties of
the President in his/her absence.
The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:
a. Keep the minutes of all meetings of the membership and the
Executive Board; read them at the following meeting and
furnish one copy
to all members who request one.
b. Conduct the correspondence of the organization.
c. Submit a copy of the minutes to the Pastor.
The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:
a. Deposit all money of the Organization after receipt in an
authorized depository.
b. Pay all obligations of the Organization and maintain vouchers
and receipts
c. Present a financial report at all regular meetings of the
membership and the Executive Board and submit a copy to
the Pastor.
d. The treasurer is appointed to the Executive Board by the Pastor and serve as his representative on the Executive Board until a time
determined by the Pastor.
Article V Executive Board
There shall be an Executive Board as follows:
a. Composed of (7) members including the elected officers of
the Association and the Pastor or his designated Associate.
b. Six (6) of the Executive Board members shall be elected by
the membership at large.
c. In the event of the resignation by an Executive Board member,
the President appoints a person to fill the term.
d. Elected members of the Executive board shall take office at the
first meeting of the Executive Board immediately following the
The Executive Board shall meet monthly.
A majority of Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum
for the purpose of conducting business at Executive Board
The Executive Board shall promote and supervise the activities of
the Organization.
To be a member in good standing of the Executive Board, no more
than three consecutive meetings may be missed without a valid
failure to do so can cause that person to be removed from
the Board by majority vote of the Board.
Article VI Elections And Appointments
General Elections:
a. It shall be the policy of the Athletic Association's President
to select a nominating committee for the Athletic Association
elections which
are to be held before the May meeting.
b. Nominating committee shall consist of two (2) persons from
the Executive Board and/or the membership at large.
c. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to insure that the
ballots are printed and that all nominees are listed. Also, they
are responsible
to count the votes and notify the candidates
after the election is over.
d. All members of the Athletic Association who meet the age requirement are eligible to run for the Executive Board.
e. Cut off date for nominations will be decided by the nominations
committee, no earlier than three (3) weeks before the election.
The Executive Board:
a. The election of the Executive Board shall take place on or
before the May meeting at a time to be decided by the
Executive Board. All
members, as specified in Article III, and
18 years of age or older are eligible to vote.
b. The candidates for the election of members to the Executive
Board shall be selected by a nominating committee. An
election committee
shall be appointed by the President to
oversee the nominating and election process. The election
committee members shall not be eligible to
run that election.
c. Each year two candidates will be elected for a three (3) year
d. The President and Vice-President shall be voted on by the
elected Executive Board. The remaining officers shall be
appointed by the
President and/or the Pastor.
e. There are no term limits for non-officers.
The Officers:
a. The term of office as President and Vice-President of the
Association shall be one (1) year and he/she shall not be
eligible for re-election as
President of the Association for more
than four (4) consecutive terms.
b. A plurality of ballots cast in the election of the Executive Board
members shall decide the election. In the event of a tie, ties will be
by a secret ballot election by the membership at their next
regular monthly membership meeting.
Article VII Disbursement of Funds
All checks drawn on this Association shall be signed by the
Treasurer, President or Pastor.
Article VIII Admendments
This constitution may be amended or changed by any such proposal
being submitted in writing and reviewed by the Executive Board or designated committee prior to being read at two consecutive regular membership meetings.
The Amendment shall be decided at the 2nd meeting by a 2/3 vote of
the Executive Board. The membership shall be notified
of such amendments prior to the vote.
Article IX Items Not Covered
Anything not covered by this constitution shall be decided by a vote of
the Executive Board and/or Archdiocese of Cincinnati Charter on Youth Athletics.
Article X Items Membership Meetings
Membership meetings will normally be held the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Article XI Disciplinary Action
If a member is of the opinion that disciplinary action should be taken
against a member or officer participating in the Association, the
following procedure will apply:
a. A member may request, and the President will call a Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) meeting, consisting of three elected at-large members
of the Executive Board and a designated Sports Coordinator. Charges must be presented to the President in writing within 30 days of having
knowledge of the alleged violation.
b. As in a regular board meeting, a quorum is required in order to
conduct business. Only this quorum shall comprise the DRB.
c. The member filing the charges will make his presentation outlining
dates, places, persons involved, any unusual circumstances which
have existed at the time of the behavior in question and any
violations of the constitution, policy or rules of the Association.
d. The member being recommended for disciplinary action may make
his presentation, outlining the details of the behavior in question.
Each party and all trial board members will have the opportunity for
cross examination of both parties.
e. Both parties may call witnesses who are subject to cross
Examination. The President of the Executive Board will represent the STAA.
f. DBR members are appointed annually during the same time officers are voted on. A board member may not serve more than
two consecutive terms on the DRB. The President and Vice-President cannot serve on the DRB due to their roles in the disciplinary process.
In the event a DRB member cannot make it to the hearing, the Vice-President will stand in for that member. Majority vote of the DRB is required
for disciplinary action to be taken against the member or officer in question.
g. Both parties may have counsel at the trial provided the counsel is a
member of the association.
h. Any charges of criminal misconduct will be reviewed by the
DRB and Executive Board for possible disciplinary action in accordance with
above stated policy. .
i. An appeal of the decision made by the DRB may be made to the Pastor of the parish.
Article XII Financial Aid For Tournaments
It shall be the policy of the Athletic Association, after approval
by the individual sport coordinator, to pay reasonable entry
fees of any St Teresa team in two tournaments sponsored by
organizations other than the St Teresa Athletic Association.
Any additional funds for tournaments should be approved by
the sports coordinator and executive board.
Coaches may pay for tournaments out of their own pockets, but
should not solicit funds from participating families or children.
If any team request funds for any out of town trip, requests will
be handled by the Athletic Association on an individual basis.
Teams must have a record of .500 or better or be deemed competitive by the sport coordinator in order to participate in post-season league tournaments. If a coordinator feels the teams are competitive, they may put them in post-season league tournaments with approval of the board.
Article XIII Fund Raisers
Fund raisers shall be considered any action or activity
designed for the purpose of generating money to be used
for the operation or promotion of sports at St Teresa. This
will include all raffles, drawings, sales, dances, donations or
any other method to raise funds.
The activities or actions must be approved by the Executive Board
with all money kept in the general fund and approved by the pastor or his delegate.
At no time will it be considered proper for an Executive Board member, sports coordinator or coach to seek or create fund raisers for a particular sport without the prior approval of the board. Per school policy, children are prohibited from going door to door to solicit.
Article XIIII Trophies
It shall be the policy of the Athletic Association to retain all
trophies from teams sponsored by St Teresa.
A trophy won by a team, sponsored by an individual or a
company, will be awarded to that individual or company at the
end of each season.
The STAA shall only pay for individual trophies for a team who has won a league championship provided the sanctioned league does not provide any type of awards for the participants, at the discretion of the sport coordinator or the Executive Board. Awards include patches, trophies or T-Shirts.
Any other options or questions regarding the retaining of
trophies will be reviewed by the Executive Board.
Article XV Age Or Grade Requirements Of A Sport
A child playing sports at St Teresa must compete at the age
or grade level specified by the league.
A child plays in his/her own age or grade bracket unless
his/her movement upward is necessary to accommodate the
proper alignment of teams. The moving of a child upward will
be determined as follows: any children in the lower group are
eligible to move, the parents’ or guardians consent must be given for the
child to move up and considered movements will be brought
to the coordinator for final approval.
Article XVI Use Of Equipment, Uniforms And Keys
It shall be the policy of the Athletic Association not to permit
the loaning of equipment or uniforms without specific approval
of the Executive Board.
All equipment and uniforms must be obtained through the sports
It is sports coordinator's responsibility to see that all equipment,
uniforms, and key cards are returned.
Only the sports coordinator, pastor’s delegate and the President of the St.
Teresa Athletic Association will have keys to all equipment rooms.
Security cards for the gym will be issued to the coaches by the
practice or sport coordinator.
All equipment and uniforms must be returned before an athlete can
participate in their next sport.
All uniforms purchased must be approved by the Board and adhere to the approved Logo and Color guidelines outlined by the Board.
Primary Colors are Green and White. Secondary colors are Black. Logo is the Winking Bear or Paw Print.
Wearing/Using uniforms for sports or leagues not sanctioned/sponsored by the STAA and/or the Archdiocese is strictly prohibited.
Article XVII Budget and Expenditures
a. At the membership meeting two months prior to the start of a
particular sports practice, the coordinator shall be required to
submit an
estimated budget for their expenditures during the
calendar year. The coordinator’s budget shall contain separate
estimates for:
-League Fees and Official Fees
-Itemized Miscellaneous Expense
b. At the membership meeting when each sport presents their
budget, the Executive Board shall vote to approve each
coordinators budget or
motions and vote to specific changes
to the budget.
c. The treasurer, or member designated by the President, shall
keep all budget records.
a. All purchases and expenditures shall be made by the
coordinator requesting the item(s).
b. All purchases of equipment and uniforms are recommended to get a minimum of two bids to be presented to the Board for approval
at a regular membership meeting
c. No expenditures will be made in excess of an approved budget
without approval of the Board at
a regular membership
d. The President can approve emergency expenditures, but only
in extreme circumstances and shall report any such emergency
expenditures at
the next regular membership meeting.
Article XVIII Child Playing Two Sports
A child that plays two St Teresa sports at the same time
(example: football and soccer) shall obtain a memo of
understanding signed by both coordinators detailing the
priorities for practices and games. If no agreement is signed
the child will only be permitted to play one sport.
The policy of the Athletic Association is that a child may play
a sport for St Teresa and another organization at the same
time. However, St Teresa programs have priority over the
outside organization.
A child who is playing on a team for St Teresa and misses
A total of five (5) practices or games to play for another sports
team will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and/or dismissal from the St Teresa team. This dismissal from the St Teresa team is for the rest of the season.
A child who misses five (5) practices or games without a valid
excuse, a valid excuse is at the discretion of the coach, will
also be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and/or dismissal per paragraph number three (3).
Parents have the right to appeal any decision by a coach to the
sports coordinator. If a satisfactory answer is not reached, the
parents may appeal to the Executive Board for final
If a child plays another sport for another school or organization (Ie Covedale baseball; Delhi Football) and St. Teresa offers that same sport, that child is not permitted to play that sport again for St. Teresa unless the board allows him to come back to the sport.
Article XIX Gymnasium Control
St Teresa School will have first priority on dates and times for
gymnasium use during the school year on school days.
The Athletic Association will have the responsibility for
scheduling all dates and times for the gym and cooperate with the school and church on scheduling issues following the conclusion of the school day.
Any group wishing to use the gym must go through the Gym Coordinator or the Athletic Association for approval.
The gym coordinator will review all requests for use of the gym
to determine if permission should be granted. If this cannot
be determined by the gym coordinator, the matter should be
resolved by the Executive Board.
All sports coordinators have the responsibility to supply the
President of the Executive Board and gym coordinator with a
complete schedule of events for their sport in a timely manner.
Article XX Quit List
To help the child accept the responsibility of his/her actions, and to
protect the interests of the other children on the team, the Executive
Board has decided to initiate a program to accomplish these aims.
a. A child who quits his/her team will have his/her name recorded
on a list for that sport. The reason(s) for quitting will be noted.
Those record will
be kept for all children in all sports.
b. If a child quits the same sport during two (2) consecutive years
or any other two (2) sports during the same year, providing
has played that sport before, the child will not be
permitted to participate in St Teresa sports for one (1) full
year from the time of his/her quitting.
c. If justifiable reasons for quitting are presented, the Executive
Board may agree to permit the child to continue in sports.
d. This procedure is not intended as a punishment to children who
quit, but as a tool to help the child accept the responsibilities of
his/heractions, and to allow the other children the opportunity
of participation by having enough team members.
e. Coaches should report any child who quits to his/her
coordinator and the coordinator will keep this list and give a
copy to the secretary to
update the quit list.
f. Fees will be refunded to anyone who quits prior to the start of the regular season. If a child quits after the first week of the season, all fees are non-refundable.
Article XXI Sign-Up Fees
Sports Sign-Up Fees
a. a. All members of St Teresa parish whose children participate in
St Teresa athletics must belong to the Athletic Association.
b. The Athletic Association will charge a sports sign-up fee of $50 per
child, per sport with a family maximum of eight sports sign-ups ($400.00)
per calendar year. The sign-up
fees will be set by a vote of the
Board at the February meeting. A sport year runs Fall,
Winter, Spring and Summer.
c. The Athletic Association fund does not take the place of or
cover any additional costs which may be needed. Team
pictures, team parties, gifts for coaches and other such
costs are to be paid by each family at their discretion.
d. Fees must be paid before a child is permitted to sign-up.
Instructional fees will be determined on an annual basis by
coordinators and Executive Board, not to be less than
$25 per sport.
e. Late sign-up fees will be charged at the discretion of the
Annual Family Fee
a. The annual Family Fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per family for the season. A family shall consist of the parents or guardians and all their children
under the age of 18.
Any member failing to pay these dues
as stated as above will be automatically dropped from
membership in this association. The Executive Board shall
have the authority to
waive dues, fees or any other conditions
for membership in unusual or special cases.
b. Any family who feels they cannot pay the amounts needed may
contact the Pastor or designated Associate to the Athletic
Association to discuss any financial problems.
This meeting
and the results will be held in strictest confidence.
c. High school students may play sports for St. Teresa without paying the family fee. They pay a flat fee of $50 per sport unless their family has already paid a family fee for a
young sibling. The cost is the regular sport fee per sport if that is the case.
STAA will hold a monthly raffle for paid active members in the association and award four (4) $25 winners each month except June, July and August.
Article XXII Authority Given Sports Coordinators
It shall be the policy of the Athletic Association to allow each
sport coordinator to function in good judgment in all
situations. Each coordinator will be required to keep the
Athletic Association members apprised of any developments
or unusual situations which may occur during the course of
their sports season.
All sports coordinators are responsible for seeing that their
coaches adhere to the rules and procedures of the Athletic
Each coordinator will select the coaches for his/her sports
team and present to the Executive Board for their approval.
also each coordinator will propose an annual budget to the
Executive Board for approval for his/her particular sport.
Coordinators and/or head coaches may choose his/her
assistant coaches. The number of assistants will be
determined by league rules for each sport.
All sport coordinators must be approved by majority vote of the Board.
Any coordinators failure to follow the guidelines and bylaws as outlined above is cause for disciplinary action including but not limited to removal from the coordinator position by a majority vote of the Board.
Article XXIII Procedures For Sign Ups
Each sport coordinator must have a minimum of two (2)
in-person separate sign-ups.
Online signups will run for a three week period to allow enough time for members to sign up.
Notice of signups should be placed in the church bulletin to allow enough time by the sport coordinator.
All sign-ups and fees received must go to the treasurer
along with one copy (yellow) of the sign-up form or a copy of the online registration list.
No one will receive a uniform unless their sign-up fee is
paid or prior arrangements have been made.
A child may not participate in another sport until all
equipment and uniforms have been turned in.
Article XXIV Gym Banners And Signage
It shall be the policy of the Athletic Association to allow for sponsor signs in the gym.
The Board will set the prices, duration and sizes of each sign and work with the school maintenance department for the hanging of the signs.
Championship Banners
St. Teresa Athletic Association shall permit the raising of a championship banner from 1996 to present to be posted in the gymnasium for any and all teams that win a designated championship by the governing body of the participating sport (i.e. WBC Basketball, GWAC, BWAC, WCSA, CWBC as of 2022), as determined by the below criteria:
Boys And Girls Soccer:WCSA Tournament Champions. In the event a team wins a State Championship, this banner will be hung in lieu of the WCSA Tournament Champion banner.
Boys Volleyball:Divisional Tournament Champions.
Boys Baseball:: Cincinnati Western Baseball Conference Tournament Champions. This does not include instructional league tournaments. As of 2022, an example is the 7U Tournament through St. Jude.
Boys Basketball:Divisional Tournament Champions. This does not include instructional league tournaments. As of 2022, an example is the boys 3rd Grade Tournament through St. Martins.
Girls Volleyball: Division Champions, until such a time that at Divisional Tournament is established.
Girls Softball:GWAC Tournament Champions. As of 2022, the GWAC Tournament is sponsored by St. Ignatius.
Girls Basketball:Division Champions, until such a time that a Divisional Tournament is established.
All banners on display must be exactly the same shape, size, style, and color. Only banners meeting the following criteria will be allowed to be displayed in the gymnasium:
A. The banner request must come from the head coach and/or coordinator of the sport to be recognized.
B. The banner must be green and/or white, 3 feet wide by 6 feet long, with white printing only.
C. The banner can have the following information: Name of Team/Division, Championship won/achieved, grade level, years or years (i.e. 2022, 22-23), names of team members, coaches names are optional
D. In the event that there are more banners than space available, the banner that has been displayed the longest will be taken down and replaced. All subsequent banners will be replaced in the same chronological order.
E. No instructional league in any sport will receive a championship banner.
F. Due to space considerations, any city championship team’s pre-1996 will be recognized on a special plaque in the gym with the sport, team name, and year of the city/state title listed.
Article XXV Admendments
These bylaws may be amended in accordance with the Articles III & IV of the Constitution and/or the discretion of the pastor.
Item: The following individuals are not permitted to coach in the STAA without review and approval of the board based upon past violations, issues or situations involving athletics. List of those who are banned is kept by the Board and will not be posted on the STAA Webpage.