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Crossroads Soccer Association

Crossroads Soccer Association

Cajun Rush


Program Details

Crossroads' Classic Soccer Program (also known as 'Competitive' or 'Travel' Soccer) is affiliated with Cajun Rush Soccer Club based in Lafayette.  As part of the Rush Network, Cajun Rush Alexandria is part of an international network of resources and player development opportunities catering to over 110 clubs and 35,000 players. 

This program is a step above Crossroads' Total Soccer Academy, providing a challenging and competitive development environment with many more practices and games.  Led by the best coaches in Cenla, teams compete in a state-wide soccer league while traveling to tournaments and vying for state championships.  Whether its players trying to prepare for the high school season, looking to get high-quality, licensed coaching for 5-6 months out of the year, or navigating how to play soccer in college, Cajun Rush is the place for you.  Progressive. Ambitious. Comprehensive.

Program:Classic (Cajun Rush Alexandria)
Playing Experience:Prior rec or academy experience recommended
Practices:2x per week with licensed, experienced coaches (60-80 practices each season)
Games:TBD; varies by team based on Louisiana Classic ("LCSL") schedule
Season Duration:Varies by age/team; generally, 5-6 months between fall and spring (break during winter)
First Practice:late July or early August
Team Formation:June 8 & 12 via "player placements" (tryouts) during summer for fall/spring teams
Registration Method:Online Only @ (Login to Register)
Payment Method:Card or Check (Payment Plans & Partial Scholarships Available)
Questions:[email protected]


Crossroads Soccer Association
P.O.Box 13676 
Alexandria, Louisiana 71315

Email: [email protected]

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